11 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Analyzing and Mining Real-World Graphs

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    This thesis is about algorithms for analyzing large real-world graphs (or networks). Examples include (online) social networks, webgraphs, information networks, biological networks and scientific collaboration and citation networks. Although these graphs differ in terms of what kind of information the objects and relationships represent, it turns out that the structure of each these networks is surprisingly similar.For computer scientists, there is an obvious challenge to design efficient algorithms that allow large graphs to be processed and analyzed in a practical setting, facing the challenges of processing millions of nodes and billions of edges. Specifically, there is an opportunity to exploit the non-random structure of real-world graphs to efficiently compute or approximate various properties and measures that would be too hard to compute using traditional graph algorithms. Examples include computation of node-to-node distances and extreme distance measures such as the exact diameter and radius of a graph.NWOAlgorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    On the solvability of the six degrees of Kevin Bacon game: A faster graph diameter and radius computation method

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    In this paper, we will propose a new algorithm that computes the radius and the diameter of a graph G = (V,E), by finding bounds through heuristics and improving them until exact values can be guaranteed. Although the worst-case running time is O(|V|·|E|), we will experimentally show that, in the case of real-world networks, it performs much better, finding the correct radius and diameter value after 10-100 BFSes instead of |V| BFSes (independent of the value of |V|), and thus having running time O(|E|). Apart from efficiency, compared to other similar methods, the one proposed in this paper has three other advantages. It is more robust (even in the worst cases, the number of BFSes performed is not very high), it is able to simultaneously compute radius and diameter (halving the total running time whenever both values are needed), and it works both on directed and undirected graphs with very few modifications. As an application example, we use our new algorithm in order to determine the solvability over time of the "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" game. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    From Hesiod to Saussure, from Hippocrates to Jevons: An Introduction to the History of Scientific Thought between Iran and the Atlantic

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    This work offers an introduction to the history of scientific thought in the region between Iran and the Atlantic from the beginnings of the Bronze Age until 1900 CE—a “science” that can be understood more or less as a German Wissenschaft: a coherent body of knowledge carried by a socially organized group or profession. It thus deals with the social and human as well as medical and natural sciences and, in earlier times, even such topics as astrology and exorcism. It discusses eight periods or knowledge cultures: Ancient Mesopotamia – classical Antiquity – Islamic Middle Ages – Latin Middle Ages – Western Europe 1400–1600 – 17th century – 18th century – 19th century. For each period, a general description of scientific thought is offered, embedded within its social context, together with a number of shorter or longer commented extracts from original works in English translation

    The University of Iowa 2020-21 General Catalog

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    1995-1999 Brock News

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    A compilation of the administration newspaper, Brock News, for the years 1995 through 1999. It had previously been titled Brock Campus News and preceding that, The Blue Badger

    1990-1995 Brock Campus News

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    A compilation of the administration newspaper, Brock Campus News, for the years 1990 through 1995. It had previously been titled The Blue Badger

    Variation of Soil Structure in the Foot and Toe Slopes of Mt. Vukan, East-central Serbia

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    This paper presents the variation of soil structure along the foot and toe slopes of Mt. Vukan, East-Central Serbia. The analysis of aggregate size distribution and structure indices were conducted by means of soil units, characteristic soil horizons and elevation differences along the study area. Soils of Great Field located at different elevations were found to have significant variation in ASD and soil structure indices. Topsoil horizon of Eutric Cambisols have higher MWD after dry sieving, but at the same time it has the highest variation in MWD after wet sieving, indicating low water stability, which is opposite to the coefficient of aggregability. We share an opinion that change in MWD better depicts soils structure stability to water. The results of correlation analysis indicated that clay content is correlated more to structure indices compared with SOM content. SOM is significantly correlated with ASD and soil structure indices only in Calcomelansols, whereas the significant correlation of clay content and soil structure is more evident in Eutric Cambisols and Non-calcaric Chernozems, compared with other soil units. Soil structure variation along the lowest chain of Catena might be strong, and that it has to be analyzed from the point of view of soil unit and their corresponding soil horizons