289 research outputs found

    On the Quantitative Hardness of CVP

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    \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\problem}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathrm{#1}} } \newcommand{\CVP}{\problem{CVP}} \newcommand{\SVP}{\problem{SVP}} \newcommand{\CVPP}{\problem{CVPP}} \newcommand{\ensuremath}[1]{#1} For odd integers p1p \geq 1 (and p=p = \infty), we show that the Closest Vector Problem in the p\ell_p norm (\CVP_p) over rank nn lattices cannot be solved in 2^{(1-\eps) n} time for any constant \eps > 0 unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) fails. We then extend this result to "almost all" values of p1p \geq 1, not including the even integers. This comes tantalizingly close to settling the quantitative time complexity of the important special case of \CVP_2 (i.e., \CVP in the Euclidean norm), for which a 2n+o(n)2^{n +o(n)}-time algorithm is known. In particular, our result applies for any p=p(n)2p = p(n) \neq 2 that approaches 22 as nn \to \infty. We also show a similar SETH-hardness result for \SVP_\infty; hardness of approximating \CVP_p to within some constant factor under the so-called Gap-ETH assumption; and other quantitative hardness results for \CVP_p and \CVPP_p for any 1p<1 \leq p < \infty under different assumptions

    Qualitative Analysis of Partially-observable Markov Decision Processes

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    We study observation-based strategies for partially-observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) with omega-regular objectives. An observation-based strategy relies on partial information about the history of a play, namely, on the past sequence of observations. We consider the qualitative analysis problem: given a POMDP with an omega-regular objective, whether there is an observation-based strategy to achieve the objective with probability~1 (almost-sure winning), or with positive probability (positive winning). Our main results are twofold. First, we present a complete picture of the computational complexity of the qualitative analysis of POMDP s with parity objectives (a canonical form to express omega-regular objectives) and its subclasses. Our contribution consists in establishing several upper and lower bounds that were not known in literature. Second, we present optimal bounds (matching upper and lower bounds) on the memory required by pure and randomized observation-based strategies for the qualitative analysis of POMDP s with parity objectives and its subclasses

    On the Closest Vector Problem with a Distance Guarantee

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    We present a substantially more efficient variant, both in terms of running time and size of preprocessing advice, of the algorithm by Liu, Lyubashevsky, and Micciancio for solving CVPP (the preprocessing version of the Closest Vector Problem, CVP) with a distance guarantee. For instance, for any α<1/2\alpha < 1/2, our algorithm finds the (unique) closest lattice point for any target point whose distance from the lattice is at most α\alpha times the length of the shortest nonzero lattice vector, requires as preprocessing advice only NO~(nexp(α2n/(12α)2))N \approx \widetilde{O}(n \exp(\alpha^2 n /(1-2\alpha)^2)) vectors, and runs in time O~(nN)\widetilde{O}(nN). As our second main contribution, we present reductions showing that it suffices to solve CVP, both in its plain and preprocessing versions, when the input target point is within some bounded distance of the lattice. The reductions are based on ideas due to Kannan and a recent sparsification technique due to Dadush and Kun. Combining our reductions with the LLM algorithm gives an approximation factor of O(n/logn)O(n/\sqrt{\log n}) for search CVPP, improving on the previous best of O(n1.5)O(n^{1.5}) due to Lagarias, Lenstra, and Schnorr. When combined with our improved algorithm we obtain, somewhat surprisingly, that only O(n) vectors of preprocessing advice are sufficient to solve CVPP with (the only slightly worse) approximation factor of O(n).Comment: An early version of the paper was titled "On Bounded Distance Decoding and the Closest Vector Problem with Preprocessing". Conference on Computational Complexity (2014

    Approximate CVP_p in Time 2^{0.802 n}

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    We show that a constant factor approximation of the shortest and closest lattice vector problem w.r.t. any ?_p-norm can be computed in time 2^{(0.802 +?) n}. This matches the currently fastest constant factor approximation algorithm for the shortest vector problem w.r.t. ??. To obtain our result, we combine the latter algorithm w.r.t. ?? with geometric insights related to coverings

    On the Complexity of Temporal-Logic Path Checking

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    Given a formula in a temporal logic such as LTL or MTL, a fundamental problem is the complexity of evaluating the formula on a given finite word. For LTL, the complexity of this task was recently shown to be in NC. In this paper, we present an NC algorithm for MTL, a quantitative (or metric) extension of LTL, and give an NCC algorithm for UTL, the unary fragment of LTL. At the time of writing, MTL is the most expressive logic with an NC path-checking algorithm, and UTL is the most expressive fragment of LTL with a more efficient path-checking algorithm than for full LTL (subject to standard complexity-theoretic assumptions). We then establish a connection between LTL path checking and planar circuits, which we exploit to show that any further progress in determining the precise complexity of LTL path checking would immediately entail more efficient evaluation algorithms than are known for a certain class of planar circuits. The connection further implies that the complexity of LTL path checking depends on the Boolean connectives allowed: adding Boolean exclusive or yields a temporal logic with P-complete path-checking problem

    Parameterized Inapproximability of the Minimum Distance Problem over All Fields and the Shortest Vector Problem in All ℓpNorms

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    Funding Information: M. Cheraghchi’s research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. CCF-2006455 and CCF-2107345. V. Guruswami’s research was supported in part by NSF grants CCF-2228287 and CCF-2210823 and a Simons Investigator award. J. Ribeiro’s research was supported by NOVA LINCS (UIDB/04516/2020) with the financial support of FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and by the NSF grants CCF-1814603 and CCF-2107347 and the following grants of Vipul Goyal: the NSF award 1916939, DARPA SIEVE program, a gift from Ripple, a DoE NETL award, a JP Morgan Faculty Fellowship, a PNC center for financial services innovation award, and a Cylab seed funding award. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 ACM.We prove that the Minimum Distance Problem (MDP) on linear codes over any fixed finite field and parameterized by the input distance bound is W[1]-hard to approximate within any constant factor. We also prove analogous results for the parameterized Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) on integer lattices. Specifically, we prove that SVP in the p norm is W[1]-hard to approximate within any constant factor for any fixed p >1 and W[1]-hard to approximate within a factor approaching 2 for p=1. (We show hardness under randomized reductions in each case.) These results answer the main questions left open (and explicitly posed) by Bhattacharyya, Bonnet, Egri, Ghoshal, Karthik C. S., Lin, Manurangsi, and Marx (Journal of the ACM, 2021) on the complexity of parameterized MDP and SVP. For MDP, they established similar hardness for binary linear codes and left the case of general fields open. For SVP in p norms with p > 1, they showed inapproximability within some constant factor (depending on p) and left open showing such hardness for arbitrary constant factors. They also left open showing W[1]-hardness even of exact SVP in the 1 norm.publishersversionpublishe