366 research outputs found

    On Personal Storage Systems: Architecture and Design Considerations

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    Actualment, els usuaris necessiten grans quantitats d’espai d’emmagatzematge remot per guardar la seva informaciĂł personal. En aquesta dissertaciĂł, estudiarem dues arquitectures emergents de sistemes d’emmagatzematge d’informaciĂł personal: els NĂșvols Personals (centralitzats) i els sistemes d’emmagatzematge social (descentralitzats). A la Part I d'aquesta tesi, contribuĂŻm desvelant l’operaciĂł interna d’un NĂșvol Personal d’escala global, anomenat UbuntuOne (U1), incloent-hi la seva arquitectura, el seu servei de metadades i les interaccions d’emmagatzematge de dades. A mĂ©s, proporcionem una anĂ lisi de la part de servidor d’U1 on estudiem la cĂ rrega del sistema, el comportament dels usuaris i el rendiment del seu servei de metadades. TambĂ© suggerim tota una sĂšrie de millores potencials al sistema que poden beneficiar sistemes similars. D'altra banda, en aquesta tesi tambĂ© contribuĂŻm mesurant i analitzant la qualitat de servei (p.e., velocitat, variabilitat) de les transferĂšncies sobre les REST APIs oferides pels NĂșvols Personals. A mĂ©s, durant aquest estudi, ens hem adonat que aquestes interfĂ­cies poden ser objecte d’abĂșs quan sĂłn utilitzades sobre els comptes gratuĂŻts que normalment ofereixen aquests serveis. AixĂČ ha motivat l’estudi d’aquesta vulnerabilitat, aixĂ­ com de potencials contramesures. A la Part II d'aquesta dissertaciĂł, la nostra primera contribuciĂł Ă©s analitzar la qualitat de servei que els sistemes d’emmagatzematge social poden proporcionar en termes de disponibilitat de dades, velocitat de transferĂšncia i balanceig de la cĂ rrega. El nostre interĂšs principal Ă©s entendre com fenĂČmens intrĂ­nsecs, com les dinĂ miques de connexiĂł dels usuaris o l’estructura de la xarxa social, limiten el rendiment d’aquests sistemes. TambĂ© proposem nous mecanismes de manegament de dades per millorar aquestes limitacions. Finalment, dissenyem una arquitectura hĂ­brida que combina recursos del NĂșvol i dels usuaris. Aquesta arquitectura tĂ© com a objectiu millorar la qualitat de servei del sistema i deixa als usuaris decidir la quantitat de recursos utilitzats del NĂșvol, o en altres paraules, Ă©s una decisiĂł entre control de les seves dades i rendiment.Los usuarios cada vez necesitan espacios mayores de almacenamiento en lĂ­nea para guardar su informaciĂłn personal. Este reto motiva a los investigadores a diseñar y evaluar nuevas infraestructuras de almacenamiento de datos personales. En esta tesis, nos centramos en dos arquitecturas emergentes de almacenamiento de datos personales: las Nubes Personales (centralizaciĂłn) y los sistemas de almacenamiento social (descentralizaciĂłn). Creemos que, pese a su creciente popularidad, estos sistemas requieren de un mayor estudio cientĂ­fico. En la Parte I de esta disertaciĂłn, examinamos aspectos referentes a la operaciĂłn interna y el rendimiento de varias Nubes Personales. Concretamente, nuestra primera contribuciĂłn es desvelar la operaciĂłn interna e infraestructura de una Nube Personal de gran escala (UbuntuOne, U1). AdemĂĄs, proporcionamos un estudio de la actividad interna de U1 que incluye la carga diaria soportada, el comportamiento de los usuarios y el rendimiento de su sistema de metadatos. TambiĂ©n sugerimos mejoras sobre U1 que pueden ser de utilidad en sistemas similares. Por otra parte, en esta tesis medimos y caracterizamos el rendimiento del servicio de REST APIs ofrecido por varias Nubes Personales (velocidad de transferencia, variabilidad, etc.). TambiĂ©n demostramos que la combinaciĂłn de REST APIs sobre cuentas gratuitas de usuario puede dar lugar a abusos por parte de usuarios malintencionados. Esto nos motiva a proponer mecanismos para limitar el impacto de esta vulnerabilidad. En la Parte II de esta tesis, estudiamos la calidad de servicio que pueden ofrecer los sistemas de almacenamiento social en tĂ©rminos de disponibilidad de datos, balanceo de carga y tiempos de transferencia. Nuestro interĂ©s principal es entender la manera en que fenĂłmenos intrĂ­nsecos, como las dinĂĄmicas de conexiĂłn de los usuarios o la estructura de su red social, limitan el rendimiento de estos sistemas. TambiĂ©n proponemos nuevos mecanismos de gestiĂłn de datos para mejorar esas limitaciones. Finalmente, diseñamos y evaluamos una arquitectura hĂ­brida para mejorar la calidad de servicio de los sistemas de almacenamiento social que combina recursos de usuarios y de la Nube. Esta arquitectura permite al usuario decidir su equilibrio entre control de sus datos y rendimiento.Increasingly, end-users demand larger amounts of online storage space to store their personal information. This challenge motivates researchers to devise novel personal storage infrastructures. In this thesis, we focus on two popular personal storage architectures: Personal Clouds (centralized) and social storage systems (decentralized). In our view, despite their growing popularity among users and researchers, there still remain some critical aspects to address regarding these systems. In the Part I of this dissertation, we examine various aspects of the internal operation and performance of various Personal Clouds. Concretely, we first contribute by unveiling the internal structure of a global-scale Personal Cloud, namely UbuntuOne (U1). Moreover, we provide a back-end analysis of U1 that includes the study of the storage workload, the user behavior and the performance of the U1 metadata store. We also suggest improvements to U1 (storage optimizations, user behavior detection and security) that can also benefit similar systems. From an external viewpoint, we actively measure various Personal Clouds through their REST APIs for characterizing their QoS, such as transfer speed, variability and failure rate. We also demonstrate that combining open APIs and free accounts may lead to abuse by malicious parties, which motivates us to propose countermeasures to limit the impact of abusive applications in this scenario. In the Part II of this thesis, we study the storage QoS of social storage systems in terms of data availability, load balancing and transfer times. Our main interest is to understand the way intrinsic phenomena, such as the dynamics of users and the structure of their social relationships, limit the storage QoS of these systems, as well as to research novel mechanisms to ameliorate these limitations. Finally, we design and evaluate a hybrid architecture to enhance the QoS achieved by a social storage system that combines user resources and cloud storage to let users infer the right balance between user control and QoS

    File Tracking For Mobile Devices

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    Since 2010, the smart device has become an integral part of people’s daily lives. The popularity of smart devices has increased dramatically. However, as the number of devices owned by an individual user increases, so does the risk of data leakage and loss. This problem has started to draw attention because the data contained on smart devices tends to be personal or sensitive in nature. Many people have so much data on their devices that they have no idea as to what they are missing when a device is lost. Although there are already some solutions for data recovery, a data backup system on a remote server, these solutions are not accessible in the non-Internet environment. Development of a data recovery system that is accessible in the non-Internet environment is essential because of the constraints of mobile devices, such as unreliable network. This research proposes an architecture that allows the data recovery in both Internet (cloud) and Non-Internet (local) network by using diïŹ€erent connection technologies. A data tracking mechanism has also been designed to monitor data ïŹ‚ow among multiple devices, such as the cloud server, mobile devices, and tablets. Additionally, a synchronization system has been developed to ensure the consistency of tracking information. By designing and implementing this architecture, the two problems regarding to the data: "what is where" and "who has what" are resolved

    Efficient Queue And Gsi Security Management Framework For Mobile Desktop Grid

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    Kemajuan dan perkembangan yang amat besar dalam teknologi barangan pegang-tangan telah membuatkan pihak pengkaji berfikir akan cara untuk menggunakan kuasa alat-alat mobil dalam bidang arkitek yang begitu luas berhubungan dengan Penggunaan Komputer Bergrid. Peralatan mobil mempunyai sumber komputer dan kuasa operasi yang terhad, isu-isu lain yang terbatas dalam persumberan komputer adalah seperti jaringan terselindung, ketidaksinambungan jaringan yang kerap berlaku, penggunaan tenaga bateri, sekuriti dan kualiti servis dan lain-lain. Salah satu kajian pendekatan untuk membangkitkan isu ini ialah bidang arkitek proksi grid yang mobil dimana, alat-alat mobil berkomunikasi dengan alat servis proksi grid yang menghantarkan permintaan ke grid komputer bagi pihak alat mobil itu, dengan itu ia memperolehi kebanyakan daripada kegunaan grid komputer. Tremendous advancement and growth in the hand-held technology make the researchers think to utilize the power of mobile devices into the vast architecture of the Grid Computing hence lead to the new paradigm of mobile grid computing. Mobile devices are resource limited and have many issues such as computational resources limitations, network latency, frequent network disconnection, battery power consumption, security etc. To address these issues, researchers proposed mobile proxy grid architecture in which mobile devices communicated with grid proxy server which sends the request to the computational grid on behalf of the mobile device hence gets the most of the functionality of the grid computing

    Understanding Home Networks with Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Passive Measurement

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    Homes are involved in a significant fraction of Internet traffic. However, meaningful and comprehensive information on the structure and use of home networks is still hard to obtain. The two main challenges in collecting such information are the lack of measurement infrastructure in the home network environment and individuals’ concerns about information privacy. To tackle these challenges, the dissertation introduces Home Network Flow Logger (HNFL) to bring lightweight privacy-preserving passive measurement to home networks. The core of HNFL is a Linux kernel module that runs on resource-constrained commodity home routers to collect network traffic data from raw packets. Unlike prior passive measurement tools, HNFL is shown to work without harming either data accuracy or router performance. This dissertation also includes a months-long field study to collect passive measurement data from home network gateways where network traffic is not mixed by NAT (Network Address Translation) in a non-intrusive way. The comprehensive data collected from over fifty households are analyzed to learn the characteristics of home networks such as number and distribution of connected devices, traffic distribution among internal devices, network availability, downlink/uplink bandwidth, data usage patterns, and application traffic distribution

    Providing Best Quality Of Video Streaming Using AMES Method

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    In wireless networks(mobile networks) the wireless link capacity cannot be stable with the demand of traffic over the networks. Due to the gap between the traffic demand and the link capacity it results in poor service quality of video streaming over mobile networks. Long buffering time and intermittent disruptions results in poor service quality of video streaming. Hence we propose a new mobile video streaming framework, dubbed AMES-Cloud, which consists of two main parts namely AMoV (adaptive mobile video streaming) and ESoV(efficient social video sharing). To provide efficient video streaming services for each mobile user AMoV and ESoV construct a private agent. AMoV lets her private agent adaptively adjust her streaming flow with scalable video coding technique based on the feedback of link quality. Likewise ESoV lets her private agents to pre-fetch video content in advance and also monitors the social network interactions among mobile users

    QoS-aware and Policy Based Mobile Data O oading

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    Future of networking is the future of Big Data, The

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Scientific domains such as Climate Science, High Energy Particle Physics (HEP), Genomics, Biology, and many others are increasingly moving towards data-oriented workflows where each of these communities generates, stores and uses massive datasets that reach into terabytes and petabytes, and projected soon to reach exabytes. These communities are also increasingly moving towards a global collaborative model where scientists routinely exchange a significant amount of data. The sheer volume of data and associated complexities associated with maintaining, transferring, and using them, continue to push the limits of the current technologies in multiple dimensions - storage, analysis, networking, and security. This thesis tackles the networking aspect of big-data science. Networking is the glue that binds all the components of modern scientific workflows, and these communities are becoming increasingly dependent on high-speed, highly reliable networks. The network, as the common layer across big-science communities, provides an ideal place for implementing common services. Big-science applications also need to work closely with the network to ensure optimal usage of resources, intelligent routing of requests, and data. Finally, as more communities move towards data-intensive, connected workflows - adopting a service model where the network provides some of the common services reduces not only application complexity but also the necessity of duplicate implementations. Named Data Networking (NDN) is a new network architecture whose service model aligns better with the needs of these data-oriented applications. NDN's name based paradigm makes it easier to provide intelligent features at the network layer rather than at the application layer. This thesis shows that NDN can push several standard features to the network. This work is the first attempt to apply NDN in the context of large scientific data; in the process, this thesis touches upon scientific data naming, name discovery, real-world deployment of NDN for scientific data, feasibility studies, and the designs of in-network protocols for big-data science
