110 research outputs found

    Available Bandwidth and RSRP Based Handover Algorithm for LTE/LTE-Advanced Networks Tested in LTE-Sim Simulator

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    In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that improves the performance of the operation of Handover (HO) in LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) networks. As recognized, Mobility Management (MM) is an important pillar in LTE/LTE-A systems to provide high quality of service to users on the move. The handover algorithms define the method and the steps to follow to ensure a reliable transfer of the UEs from one cell to another without interruption or degradation of the services offered by the network. In this paper, the authors proposed a new handover algorithm for LTE/LTE-A networks based on the measurement and calculation of two important parameters, namely the available bandwidth and the Received Power (RSRP) at the level of eNodeBs. The proposed scheme named LTE Available Bandwidth and RSRP Based Handover Algorithm (LABRBHA) was tested in comparison with well-known algorithms in the literature as the LHHA, LHHAARC and the INTEGRATOR scheme using the open source simulator LTE-Sim. Finally, the network performances were investigated via three indicators: the number of lost packets during the handover operation, the latency as well as the maximum system throughput. The results reported that our algorithm shows remarkable improvements over other transfer schemes

    Optimized Performance Evaluation of LTE Hard Handover Algorithm with Average RSRP Constraint

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    Hard handover mechanism is adopted to be used in 3GPP Long Term Evolution (3GPP LTE) in order to reduce the complexity of the LTE network architecture. This mechanism comes with degradation in system throughput as well as a higher system delay. This paper proposes a new handover algorithm known as LTE Hard Handover Algorithm with Average Received Signal Reference Power (RSRP) Constraint (LHHAARC) in order to minimize number of handovers and the system delay as well as maximize the system throughput. An optimized system performance of the LHHAARC is evaluated and compared with three well-known handover algorithms via computer simulation. The simulation results show that the LHHAARC outperforms three well-known handover algorithms by having less number of average handovers per UE per second, shorter total system delay whilst maintaining a higher total system throughput.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN

    Evaluating the effect of mobility speed on the performance of three handover algorithms in long term evolution networks

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    This work uses NS3 simulation to study the effect of mobility speed on the performance of three handover algorithms in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Networks. A realistic multi-cell LTE network was set up using NS3 simulation software. Mobility models were used to vary the location of the User Equipment (UE), hence triggering handover events across the network. The performance was measured using Signal Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) and number of completed handovers. Result revealed that at a speed between the ranges of 0 – 3 km/h, the Integrative algorithm performed best while at 4 – 60km/h, the performance of the A3RSRP algorithm was the best with an average value of 95dB. Also, at an increased speed within the range of 60 – 120 km/h, the Integrative algorithm had a slightly better performance than the A3RSRP. However, at a speed above 120 km/h, the integrative algorithm performed best with an SINR of 120dB. In terms of completed handovers, the Integrative algorithm had the least number of completed handovers throughout the entire range of considered speeds. Thus, we establish that mobility speed has a significant effect on the performance of handover algorithms.Keywords: LTE handover, LTE UE Speed, Integrative Algorithm, Power Budget Algorith

    Multi-Cell Uplink Radio Resource Management. A LTE Case Study

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    Handover mechanisms in 3GPP long term evolution (LTE)

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.The Long-Term Evolution (LTE) network is a new radio access technology (RAT) proposed by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) to provide a smooth migration towards the fourth generation (4G) network. Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) is a major enhancement of the LTE standard proposed by the 3GPP to meet the 4G mobile communication standards. Handover is one of the key components in cellular network mobility management. Handover is a mechanism that transfers an on-going call or data session from one base station (BS) to another BS or one sector to another sector within the same BS. Hard handover has been adopted in LTE and LTE-A systems by 3GPP due to the flat IP-based architecture and the lack of a centralized controller. The use of hard handovers reduces the complexity of the handover mechanism and minimizes the handover delay. However, the hard handover approach causes call drops that may result in lost data during a session. The objective of this thesis is to provide the basis for improving handover performance in the LTE and LTE-A systems. A C++ system level simulator that can dynamically model the large and complex downlink LTE and LTE-A was developed as part of this research work followed by a proposed handover parameters optimization method. The simulation results show that the handover parameters optimization method can effectively minimize the unnecessary number of handovers while maximizing the system throughput. Under an initial assumption of an ideal mobile cellular channel (i.e. the mobile cellular channel is not subject to any impairment), this thesis proposes a new handover algorithm in the LTE system and three new Coordinated Multiple Transmission and Reception (CoMP) handover algorithms in the LTE-A system. The simulation results show that the proposed handover algorithm outperforms well-known handover algorithms in the LTE system by having less number of handovers, shorten total system delay whilst maintaining a higher total system throughput. The performance of the proposed CoMP handover algorithms are evaluated and compared with open literature CoMP handover algorithm via simulation. It is shown via simulation that the proposed CoMP handover algorithms can improve the system throughput and minimize the system delay in a saturated system scenario in the LTE-A system. A more practical LTE-A system where the mobile cellular channels are subject to impairments is considered for performance testing of selected CoMP handover algorithms. The impairments for a practical LTE-A system are assumed to be in two scenarios: outdated feedback and missing feedback. It is shown via computer simulations that the system throughput and system delay are very sensitive against outdated Channel Quality Information (CQI) feedback and missing CQI feedback. Furthermore, a handover failure caused by an inappropriate feedback increases the number of unnecessary handovers which require additional resources in the network and may significantly degrade the system performance

    Algoritmos de transferência de redes LTE em meios de transporte massivo

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    Handover in LTE occurs when a device moves from the cell coverage serving it towards another; a process where the user established session must not be interrupted due to this cell change. Handovers in LTE are classified as hard ones, since the link with the serving cell is interrupted before establishing the new link with the target cell. This entails a larger failure risk and, consequently, a potential deterioration in the quality of service. This article presents a review of the handover algorithms in LTE, focusing on the ones oriented to massive means of transport. We show how the new algorithms offer a larger success in handovers, increasing the networkdata rate. This indicates that factors such as speed, position, and direction should be included in the algorithms to improve the handover in means of transport. We also present the algorithms focused on mobile relays such as an important study field for future research works.El traspaso en LTE se presenta cuando un equipo pasa de la cobertura de una celda a la de otra, un proceso en el que se debe asegurar que el usuario no vea interrumpida su sesión, como efecto de ese cambio de celda. Los traspasos en LTE son del tipo duro, en ellos, el enlace con la celda servidora se interrumpe antes de establecer el nuevo enlace con la celda destino, lo que conlleva a un mayor riesgo de falla y con ello a un probable deterioro de la calidad del servicio al usuario. Este artículo revisa algoritmos de traspaso LTE, enfocándose en aquellos orientados a medios de trasporte masivo. Muestra cómo los nuevos algoritmos ofrecen una tasa mayor de traspasos exitosos y con ello una mejor tasa de transferencia de datos; evidencia que factores como la velocidad, la posición y la dirección deben ser incluidos en los algoritmos dirigidos a mejorar el traspaso en medios de transporte; y presenta a los algoritmos enfocados en relays móviles, como un importante campo de estudio para futuras investigaciones.A transferência em LTE ocorre quando um dispositivo passa da cobertura de uma célula para outra, um processo no qual deve ser assegurado que o usuário não veja sua sessão interrompida, como resultado dessa mudança de célula. As transferências em LTE são do tipo duro, nelas, o link com a célula do servidor é interrompido antes de se estabelecer o novo link com a célula alvo, o que leva a um maior risco de falha e, portanto, a uma provável deterioração da qualidade do serviço ao usuário. Este artigo revisa os algoritmos de transferência LTE, com foco naqueles orientados a meios de transporte massivo. Mostra como os novos algoritmos oferecem uma taxa maior de transferências bem-sucedidas e, com isso, uma melhor taxa de transferência de dados; evidencia de que fatores como a velocidade, a posição e a direção devem ser incluídos nos algoritmos que visam melhorar a transferência nos meios de transporte; e apresenta os algoritmos focados em relés móveis, como um importante campo de estudo para futuras pesquisas

    A Moving Direction and Historical Information Assisted Fast Handover in LTE-A

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    Handover is one of the critical features in mobility management of Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) wireless systems. It allows the User Equipment (UE) to roam between LTE-A wireless networks. LTE-A is purely on hard handover, which may cause loss data if the handover is not fast. In this paper, an advanced technique proposed which combined between the current UE moving direction and its history information. Our proposed tracks the UE positions to discover its direction. When the UE is being near to handover area the UE starts searching in its history to return back the target cell. If the UE trajectory does not exist in its history then the UE and its serving cell start searching for target cell through using cosine function in order to select target cell.  Our proposed technique is expected to increase the throughput, reduce the packet delay and loss, and reduce the frequent handovers

    Limited Comp Handover Algorithm For LTE-Advanced

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