5 research outputs found

    An Evolvable Combinational Unit for FPGAs

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    A complete hardware implementation of an evolvable combinational unit for FPGAs is presented. The proposed combinational unit consisting of a virtual reconfigurable circuit and evolutionary algorithm was described in VHDL independently of a target platform, i.e. as a soft IP core, and realized in the COMBO6 card. In many cases the unit is able to evolve (i.e. to design) the required function automatically and autonomously, in a few seconds, only on the basis of interactions with an environment. A number of circuits were successfully evolved directly in the FPGA, in particular, 3-bit multipliers, adders, multiplexers and parity encoders. The evolvable unit was also tested in a simulated dynamic environment and used to design various circuits specified by randomly generated truth tables

    Hardware evolution of a digital circuit using a custom VLSI architecture

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    This research investigates three solutions to overcoming portability and scalability concerns in the Evolutionary Hardware (EHW) field. Firstly, the study explores if the V-FPGA—a new, portable Virtual-Reconfigurable-Circuit architecture—is a practical and viable evolution platform. Secondly, the research looks into two possible ways of making EHW systems more scalable: by optimising the system’s genetic algorithm; and by decomposing the solution circuit into smaller, evolvable sub-circuits or modules. GA optimisation is done is by: omitting a canonical GA’s crossover operator (i.e. by using an algorithm); applying evolution constraints; and optimising the fitness function. The circuit decomposition is done in order to demonstrate modular evolution. Three two-bit multiplier circuits and two sub-circuits of a simple, but real-world control circuit are evolved. The results show that the evolved multiplier circuits, when compared to a conventional multiplier, are either equal or more efficient. All the evolved circuits improve two of the four critical paths, and all are unique. Thus, it is experimentally shown that the V-FPGA is a viable hardware-platform on which hardware evolution can be implemented; and how hardware evolution is able to synthesise novel, optimised versions of conventional circuits. By comparing the and canonical GAs, the results verify that optimised GAs can find solutions quicker, and with fewer attempts. Part of the optimisation also includes a comprehensive critical-path analysis, where the findings show that the identification of dependent critical paths is vital in enhancing a GA’s efficiency. Finally, by demonstrating the modular evolution of a finite-state machine’s control circuit, it is found that although the control circuit as a whole makes use of more than double the available hardware resources on the V-FPGA and is therefore not evolvable, the evolution of each state’s sub-circuit is possible. Thus, modular evolution is shown to be a successful tool when dealing with scalability

    Exploiting development to enhance the scalability of hardware evolution.

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    Evolutionary algorithms do not scale well to the large, complex circuit design problems typical of the real world. Although techniques based on traditional design decomposition have been proposed to enhance hardware evolution's scalability, they often rely on traditional domain knowledge that may not be appropriate for evolutionary search and might limit evolution's opportunity to innovate. It has been proposed that reliance on such knowledge can be avoided by introducing a model of biological development to the evolutionary algorithm, but this approach has not yet achieved its potential. Prior demonstrations of how development can enhance scalability used toy problems that are not indicative of evolving hardware. Prior attempts to apply development to hardware evolution have rarely been successful and have never explored its effect on scalability in detail. This thesis demonstrates that development can enhance scalability in hardware evolution, primarily through a statistical comparison of hardware evolution's performance with and without development using circuit design problems of various sizes. This is reinforced by proposing and demonstrating three key mechanisms that development uses to enhance scalability: the creation of modules, the reuse of modules, and the discovery of design abstractions. The thesis includes several minor contributions: hardware is evolved using a common reconfigurable architecture at a lower level of abstraction than reported elsewhere. It is shown that this can allow evolution to exploit the architecture more efficiently and perhaps search more effectively. Also the benefits of several features of developmental models are explored through the biases they impose on the evolutionary search. Features that are explored include the type of environmental context development uses and the constraints on symmetry and information transmission they impose, genetic operators that may improve the robustness of gene networks, and how development is mapped to hardware. Also performance is compared against contemporary developmental models