167 research outputs found

    Pattern Generation for Three Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem

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    We consider the problem of three-dimensional cutting of a large block that is to be cut into some small block pieces, each with a specific size and request. Pattern generation is an algorithm that has been used to determine cutting patterns in one-dimensional and two-dimensional problems. The purpose of this study is to modify the pattern generation algorithm so that it can be used in three-dimensional problems, and can determine the cutting pattern with the minimum possible cutting residue. The large block will be cut based on the length, width, and height. The rest of the cuts will be cut back if possible to minimize the rest. For three-dimensional problems, we consider the variant in which orthogonal rotation is allowed. By allowing the remainder of the initial cut to be rotated, the dimensions will have six permutations. The result of the calculation using the pattern generation algorithm for three-dimensional problems is that all possible cutting patterns are obtained but there are repetitive patterns because they suggest the same number of cuts.

    SLOPPGEN: A Problem Generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem With a Single Defect

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    In this paper, a problem generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem is presented. The parameters defining this problem are identified and described. The fea-tures of the problem generator are pointed out, and it is shown how the program can be used for the generation of reproducible random problem instances.two-dimensional cutting, defect, problem generator

    Algorithms for cutting and packing problems

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    Orientador: Flávio Keidi MiyazawaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Problemas de Corte e Empacotamento são, em sua maioria, NP-difíceis e não existem algoritmos exatos de tempo polinomial para tais se for considerado P ¿ NP. Aplicações práticas envolvendo estes problemas incluem a alocação de recursos para computadores; o corte de chapas de ferro, de madeira, de vidro, de alumínio, peças em couro, etc.; a estocagem de objetos; e, o carregamento de objetos dentro de contêineres ou caminhões-baú. Nesta tese investigamos problemas de Corte e Empacotamento NP-difíceis, nas suas versões bi- e tridimensionais, considerando diversas restrições práticas impostas a tais, a saber: que permitem a rotação ortogonal dos itens; cujos cortes sejam feitos por uma guilhotina; cujos cortes sejam feitos por uma guilhotina respeitando um número máximo de estágios de corte; cujos cortes sejam não-guilhotinados; cujos itens tenham demanda (não) unitária; cujos recipientes tenham tamanhos diferentes; cujos itens sejam representados por polígonos convexos e não-convexos (formas irregulares); cujo empacotamento respeite critérios de estabilidade para corpos rígidos; cujo empacotamento satisfaça uma dada ordem de descarregamento; e, cujos empacotamentos intermediários e final tenham seu centro de gravidade dentro de uma região considerada "segura". Para estes problemas foram propostos algoritmos baseados em programação dinâmica; modelos de programação inteira; técnicas do tipo branch-and-cut; heurísticas, incluindo as baseadas na técnica de geração de colunas; e, meta-heurísticas como o GRASP. Resultados teóricos também foram obtidos. Provamos uma questão em aberto levantada na literatura sobre cortes não-guilhotinados restritos a um conjunto de pontos. Uma extensiva série de testes computacionais considerando instâncias reais e várias outras geradas de forma aleatória foram realizados com os algoritmos desenvolvidos. Os resultados computacionais, sendo alguns deles comparados com a literatura, comprovam a validade dos algoritmos propostos e a sua aplicabilidade prática para resolver os problemas investigadosAbstract: Several versions of Cutting and Packing problems are considered NP-hard and, if we consider that P ¿ NP, we do not have any exact polynomial algorithm for solve them. Practical applications arises for such problems and include: resources allocation for computers; cut of steel, wood, glass, aluminum, etc.; packing of objects; and, loading objects into containers and trucks. In this thesis we investigate Cutting and Packing problems that are NP-hard considering theirs two- and three-dimensional versions, and subject to several practical constraints, that are: that allows the items to be orthogonally rotated; whose cuts are guillotine type; whose cuts are guillotine type and performed in at most k stages; whose cuts are non-guillotine type; whose items have varying and unit demand; whose bins are of variable sizes; whose items are represented by convex and non-convex polygons (irregular shapes); whose packing must satisfy the conditions for static equilibrium of rigid bodies; whose packing must satisfy an order to unloading; and, whose intermediaries and resultant packing have theirs center of gravity inside a safety region; Such cutting and packing problems were solved by dynamic programming algorithms; integer linear programming models; branch-and-cut algorithms; several heuristics, including those ones based on column generation approaches, and metaheuristics like GRASP. Theoretical results were also provided, so a recent open question arised by literature about non-guillotine patterns restricted to a set of points was demonstrated. We performed an extensive series of computational experiments for algorithms developed considering several instances presented in literature and others generated at random. These results, some of them compared with the literature, validate the approaches proposed and suggest their applicability to deal with practical situations involving the problems here investigatedDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    2차원 2단계 배낭문제에 대한 정수계획모형 및 최적해법

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 산업공학과, 2021. 2. 이경식.In this thesis, we study integer programming models and exact algorithms for the two-dimensional two-staged knapsack problems, which maximizes the profit by cutting a single rectangular plate into smaller rectangular items by two-staged guillotine cuts. We first introduce various integer programming models, including the strip-packing model, the staged-pattern model, the level-packing model, and the arc-flow model for the problem. Then, a hierarchy of the strength of the upper bounds provided by the LP-relaxations of the models is established based on theoretical analysis. We also show that there exists a polynomial-size model that has not been proven yet as far as we know. Exact methods, including branch-and-price algorithms using the strip-packing model and the staged-pattern model, are also devised. Computational experiments on benchmark instances are conducted to examine the strength of upper bounds obtained by the LP-relaxations of the models and evaluate the performance of exact methods. The results show that the staged-pattern model gives a competitive theoretical and computational performance.본 논문은 2단계 길로틴 절단(two-staged guillotine cut)을 사용하여 이윤을 최대화하는 2차원 2단계 배낭 문제(two-dimensional two-staged knapsack problem: 이하 2TDK)에 대한 정수최적화 모형과 최적해법을 다룬다. 우선, 본 연구에서는 스트립패킹모형, 단계패턴모형, 레벨패킹모형, 그리고 호-흐름모형과 같은 정수최적화 모형들을 소개한다. 그 뒤, 각각의 모형의 선형계획완화문제에 대해 상한강도를 이론적으로 분석하여 상한강도 관점에서 모형들 간 위계를 정립한다. 또한, 본 연구에서는 2TDK의 다항크기(polynomial-size) 모형의 존재성을 처음으로 증명한다. 다음으로 본 연구는 2TDK의 최적해를 구하는 알고리즘으로써 패턴기반모형들에 대한 분지평가 알고리즘과 레벨패킹모형을 기반으로 한 분지절단 알고리즘을 제안한다. 단계패턴모형이 이론적으로도 가장 좋은 상한강도를 보장할 뿐만 아니라, 계산 분석을 통해 단계패턴모형을 기반으로 한 분지평가 알고리즘이 제한된 시간 내 좋은 품질의 가능해를 찾음을 확인하였다.Abstract i Contents iv List of Tables vi List of Figures vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.4 Organization of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Chapter 2 Integer Programming Models for 2TDK 9 2.1 Pattern-based Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2 Arc-flow Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3 Level Packing Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter 3 Theoretical Analysis of Integer Programming Models 20 3.1 Upper Bounds of AF and SM(1;1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.2 Upper Bounds of ML, PM(d), and SM(d; d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.3 Polynomial-size Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Chapter 4 Exact Methods 33 4.1 Branch-and-price Algorithm for the Strip Packing Model . . . . . . . 34 4.2 Branch-and-price Algorithm for the Staged-pattern Model . . . . . . 39 4.2.1 The Standard Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.2.2 The Height-aggregated Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.3 Branch-and-cut Algorithm for the Modified Level Packing Model . . 44 Chapter 5 Computational Experiments 46 5.1 Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.2 Upper Bounds Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5.2.1 A Group of Small Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5.2.2 A Group of Large Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5.2.3 Class 5 Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5.3 Solving Instances to Optimality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.3.1 A Group of Small Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.3.2 A Group of Large Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5.3.3 Class 5 Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Chapter 6 Conclusion 77 Bibliography 79 국문초록 83Maste

    Models and Solutions of Resource Allocation Problems based on Integer Linear and Nonlinear Programming

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    In this thesis we deal with two problems of resource allocation solved through a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming approach and a Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Chance Constraint Programming approach. In the first part we propose a framework to model general guillotine restrictions in two dimensional cutting problems formulated as Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILP). The modeling framework requires a pseudo-polynomial number of variables and constraints, which can be effectively enumerated for medium-size instances. Our modeling of general guillotine cuts is the first one that, once it is implemented within a state of-the-art MIP solver, can tackle instances of challenging size. Our objective is to propose a way of modeling general guillotine cuts via Mixed Integer Linear Programs (MILP), i.e., we do not limit the number of stages (restriction (ii)), nor impose the cuts to be restricted (restriction (iii)). We only ask the cuts to be guillotine ones (restriction (i)). We mainly concentrate our analysis on the Guillotine Two Dimensional Knapsack Problem (G2KP), for which a model, and an exact procedure able to significantly improve the computational performance, are given. In the second part we present a Branch-and-Cut algorithm for a class of Nonlinear Chance Constrained Mathematical Optimization Problems with a finite number of scenarios. This class corresponds to the problems that can be reformulated as Deterministic Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming problems, but the size of the reformulation is large and quickly becomes impractical as the number of scenarios grows. We apply the Branch-and-Cut algorithm to the Mid-Term Hydro Scheduling Problem, for which we propose a chance-constrained formulation. A computational study using data from ten hydro plants in Greece shows that the proposed methodology solves instances orders of magnitude faster than applying a general-purpose solver for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Problems to the deterministic reformulation, and scales much better with the number of scenarios

    Bun splitting: a practical cutting stock problem

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    We describe a new hierarchical 2D-guillotine Cutting Stock Problem. In contrast to the classic cutting stock problem, waste is not an issue. The problem relates to the removal of a defective part and assembly of the remaining parts into homogeneous size blocks. The context is the packing stages of cake manufacturing. The company's primary objective is to minimise total processing time at the subsequent, packing stage. This objective reduces to one of minimising the number of parts produced when cutting the tray load of buns. We offer a closed form optimization approach to this class of problems for certain cases, without recourse to mathematical programming or heuristics. The methodology is demonstrated through a case study in which the number of parts is reduced by almost a fifth, and the manufacturer's subsidiary requirement to reduce isolated single bun parts and hence customer complaints is also satisfied

    A deterministic algorithm for generating optimal three- stage layouts of homogenous strip pieces

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    Purpose: The time required by the algorithms for general layouts to solve the large-scale two-dimensional cutting problems may become unaffordable. So this paper presents an exact algorithm to solve above problems. Design/methodology/approach: The algorithm uses the dynamic programming algorithm to generate the optimal homogenous strips, solves the knapsack problem to determine the optimal layout of the homogenous strip in the composite strip and the composite strip in the segment, and optimally selects the enumerated segments to compose the three-stage layout. Findings: The algorithm not only meets the shearing and punching process need, but also achieves good results within reasonable time. Originality/value: The algorithm is tested through 43 large-scale benchmark problems. The number of optimal solutions is 39 for this paper’s algorithm; the rate of the rest 4 problem’s solution value and the optimal solution is 99. 9%, and the average consumed time is only 2. 18seconds. This paper’s pattern is used to simplify the cutting process. Compared with the classic three-stage, the two-segment and the T-shape algorithms, the solutions of the algorithm are better than that of the above three algorithms. Experimental results show that the algorithm to solve a large-scale piece packing quickly and efficiency.Peer Reviewe

    Cutting stock problems and solution procedures

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    This paper discusses some of the basic formulation issues and solution procedures for solving one- and two- dimensional cutting stock problems. Linear programming, sequential heuristic and hybrid solution procedures are described. For two-dimensional cutting stock problems with rectangular shapes, we also propose an approach for solving large problems with limits on the number of times an ordered size may appear in a pattern.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29128/1/0000167.pd

    SLOPPGEN: A Problem Generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem With a Single Defect

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    In this paper, a problem generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem is presented. The parameters defining this problem are identified and described. The fea-tures of the problem generator are pointed out, and it is shown how the program can be used for the generation of reproducible random problem instances