25,193 research outputs found

    Tools for Search Tree Visualization: The APT Tool

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    The control part of the execution of a constraint logic program can be conceptually shown as a search-tree, where nodes correspond to calis, and whose branches represent conjunctions and disjunctions. This tree represents the search space traversed by the program, and has also a direct relationship with the amount of work performed by the program. The nodes of the tree can be used to display information regarding the state and origin of instantiation of the variables involved in each cali. This depiction can also be used for the enumeration process. These are the features implemented in APT, a tool which runs constraint logic programs while depicting a (modified) search-tree, keeping at the same time information about the state of the variables at every moment in the execution. This information can be used to replay the execution at will, both forwards and backwards in time. These views can be abstracted when the size of the execution requires it. The search-tree view is used as a framework onto which constraint-level visualizations (such as those presented in the following chapter) can be attached

    Learning Parallel Computations with ParaLab

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    In this paper, we present the ParaLab teachware system, which can be used for learning the parallel computation methods. ParaLab provides the tools for simulating the multiprocessor computational systems with various network topologies, for carrying out the computational experiments in the simulation mode, and for evaluating the efficiency of the parallel computation methods. The visual presentation of the parallel computations taking place in the computational experiments is the key feature of the system. ParaLab can be used for the laboratory training within various teaching courses in the field of parallel, distributed, and supercomputer computations

    Urban Street Network Analysis in a Computational Notebook

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    Computational notebooks offer researchers, practitioners, students, and educators the ability to interactively conduct analytics and disseminate reproducible workflows that weave together code, visuals, and narratives. This article explores the potential of computational notebooks in urban analytics and planning, demonstrating their utility through a case study of OSMnx and its tutorials repository. OSMnx is a Python package for working with OpenStreetMap data and modeling, analyzing, and visualizing street networks anywhere in the world. Its official demos and tutorials are distributed as open-source Jupyter notebooks on GitHub. This article showcases this resource by documenting the repository and demonstrating OSMnx interactively through a synoptic tutorial adapted from the repository. It illustrates how to download urban data and model street networks for various study sites, compute network indicators, visualize street centrality, calculate routes, and work with other spatial data such as building footprints and points of interest. Computational notebooks help introduce methods to new users and help researchers reach broader audiences interested in learning from, adapting, and remixing their work. Due to their utility and versatility, the ongoing adoption of computational notebooks in urban planning, analytics, and related geocomputation disciplines should continue into the future

    Sampling, Intervention, Prediction, Aggregation: A Generalized Framework for Model-Agnostic Interpretations

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    Model-agnostic interpretation techniques allow us to explain the behavior of any predictive model. Due to different notations and terminology, it is difficult to see how they are related. A unified view on these methods has been missing. We present the generalized SIPA (sampling, intervention, prediction, aggregation) framework of work stages for model-agnostic interpretations and demonstrate how several prominent methods for feature effects can be embedded into the proposed framework. Furthermore, we extend the framework to feature importance computations by pointing out how variance-based and performance-based importance measures are based on the same work stages. The SIPA framework reduces the diverse set of model-agnostic techniques to a single methodology and establishes a common terminology to discuss them in future work

    Pembangunan CD ROM interaktif bagi tajuk ECG library interactive

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    Pembangunan perisian pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkomputer merupakan era baru dalam penyediaan bahan pengajaran bagi sesuatu matapelajaran. Kajian pembangunan perisian interaktif ini adalah untuk menilai dan menguji kebolehan serta keupayaan di dalam membangunkan sesebuah perisian multimedia interaktif bagi mata pelajaran Sistem Klinikal Gunaan khusus untuk pelajar Diploma Elektronik Perubatan sesi 2003/2004 di Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam Selangor. Kajian ini meliputi aspek mesra pengguna, kesesuaian paparan maklumat, kesesuaian unsur motivasi dan peningkatan daya kognitif. Metadologi kajian ini berdasarkan soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada 34 orang pelajar yang sedang mengambil matapelajaran ini. Penganalisan data menggunakan SPSS versi 11.5 dan dapatan kajian dianalisis dengan skor min. Hasil dapatan kajian merujuk kepada analisis data yang didapati. Perisian interaktif ini dapat diterima oleh pelajar dari segi mesra pengguna, kesesuaian paparan maklumat, kesesuaian unsur motivasi dan peningkatan daya kognitif di dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran mereka. Diharap CD interaktif ini boleh dijadikan sebagai satu alternatif baru dalam meningkatkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta mendedahkan pelajar terhadap penggunaan komputer dan teknologi maklumat