255 research outputs found

    Approximability of Combinatorial Optimization Problems on Power Law Networks

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    One of the central parts in the study of combinatorial optimization is to classify the NP-hard optimization problems in terms of their approximability. In this thesis we study the Minimum Vertex Cover (Min-VC) problem and the Minimum Dominating Set (Min-DS) problem in the context of so called power law graphs. This family of graphs is motivated by recent findings on the degree distribution of existing real-world networks such as the Internet, the World-Wide Web, biological networks and social networks. In a power law graph the number of nodes yi of a given degree i is proportional to i-ß, that is, the distribution of node degrees follows a power law. The parameter ß > 0 is the so called power law exponent. With the aim of classifying the above combinatorial optimization problems, we are pursuing two basic approaches in this thesis. One is concerned with complexity theory and the other with the theory of algorithms. As a result, our main contributions to the classification of the problems Min-VC and Min-DS in the context of power law graphs are twofold: - Firstly, we give substantial improvements on the previously known approximation lower bounds for Min-VC and Min-DS in combinatorial power law graphs. More precisely, we are going to show the APX-hardness of Min-VC and Min-DS in connected power law graphs and give constant factor lower bounds for Min-VC and the first logarithmic lower bounds for Min-DS in this setting. The results are based on new approximation-preserving embedding reductions that embed certain instances of Min-VC and Min-DS into connected power law graphs. - Secondly, we design a new approximation algorithm for the Min-VC problem in random power law graphs with an expected approximation ratio strictly less than 2. The main tool is a deterministic rounding procedure that acts on a half-integral solution for Min-VC and produces a good approximation on the subset of low degree vertices. Moreover, for the case of Min-DS, we improve on the previously best upper bounds that rely on a greedy algorithm. The improvements are based on our new techniques for determining upper and lower bounds on the size and the volume of node intervals in power law graphs

    Greed is Good for Deterministic Scale-Free Networks

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    Large real-world networks typically follow a power-law degree distribution. To study such networks, numerous random graph models have been proposed. However, real-world networks are not drawn at random. In fact, the behavior of real-world networks and random graph models can be the complete opposite of one another, depending on the considered property. Brach, Cygan, Lacki, and Sankowski [SODA 2016] introduced two natural deterministic conditions: (1) a power-law upper bound on the degree distribution (PLB-U) and (2) power-law neighborhoods, that is, the degree distribution of neighbors of each vertex is also upper bounded by a power law (PLB-N). They showed that many real-world networks satisfy both deterministic properties and exploit them to design faster algorithms for a number of classical graph problems like transitive closure, maximum matching, determinant, PageRank, matrix inverse, counting triangles and maximum clique. We complement the work of Brach et al. by showing that some well-studied random graph models exhibit both the mentioned PLB properties and additionally also a power-law lower bound on the degree distribution (PLB-L). All three properties hold with high probability for Chung-Lu Random Graphs and Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs and almost surely for Hyperbolic Random Graphs. As a consequence, all results of Brach et al. also hold with high probability for Chung-Lu Random Graphs and Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs and almost surely for Hyperbolic Random Graphs. In the second part of this work we study three classical NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems on PLB networks. It is known that on general graphs, a greedy algorithm, which chooses nodes in the order of their degree, only achieves an approximation factor of asymptotically at least logarithmic in the maximum degree for Minimum Vertex Cover and Minimum Dominating Set, and an approximation factor of asymptotically at least the maximum degree for Maximum Independent Set. We prove that the PLB-U property suffices such that the greedy approach achieves a constant-factor approximation for all three problems. We also show that all three combinatorial optimization problems are APX-complete, even if all PLB-properties hold. Hence, a PTAS cannot be expected, unless P=NP

    Dagstuhl Reports : Volume 1, Issue 2, February 2011

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    Online Privacy: Towards Informational Self-Determination on the Internet (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11061) : Simone Fischer-Hübner, Chris Hoofnagle, Kai Rannenberg, Michael Waidner, Ioannis Krontiris and Michael Marhöfer Self-Repairing Programs (Dagstuhl Seminar 11062) : Mauro Pezzé, Martin C. Rinard, Westley Weimer and Andreas Zeller Theory and Applications of Graph Searching Problems (Dagstuhl Seminar 11071) : Fedor V. Fomin, Pierre Fraigniaud, Stephan Kreutzer and Dimitrios M. Thilikos Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Sequence Processing (Dagstuhl Seminar 11081) : Maxime Crochemore, Lila Kari, Mehryar Mohri and Dirk Nowotka Packing and Scheduling Algorithms for Information and Communication Services (Dagstuhl Seminar 11091) Klaus Jansen, Claire Mathieu, Hadas Shachnai and Neal E. Youn

    Parameterized approximation algorithms for bidirected steiner network problems

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    The Directed Steiner Network (DSN) problem takes as input a directed edge-weighted graph G=(V,E) and a set {D}subseteq V x V of k demand pairs. The aim is to compute the cheapest network N subseteq G for which there is an s -> t path for each (s,t)in {D}. It is known that this problem is notoriously hard as there is no k^{1/4-o(1)}-approximation algorithm under Gap-ETH, even when parameterizing the runtime by k [Dinur & Manurangsi, ITCS 2018]. In light of this, we systematically study several special cases of DSN and determine their parameterized approximability for the parameter k. For the bi-DSN_Planar problem, the aim is to compute a planar optimum solution N subseteq G in a bidirected graph G, i.e. for every edge uv of G the reverse edge vu exists and has the same weight. This problem is a generalization of several well-studied special cases. Our main result is that this problem admits a parameterized approximation scheme (PAS) for k. We also prove that our result is tight in the sense that (a) the runtime of our PAS cannot be significantly improved, and (b) it is unlikely that a PAS exists for any generalization of bi-DSN_Planar, unless FPT=W[1]. Additionally we study several generalizations of bi-DSN_Planar and obtain upper and lower bounds on obtainable runtimes parameterized by k. One important special case of DSN is the Strongly Connected Steiner Subgraph (SCSS) problem, for which the solution network N subseteq G needs to strongly connect a given set of k terminals. It has been observed before that for SCSS a parameterized 2-approximation exists when parameterized by k [Chitnis et al., IPEC 2013]. We show a tight inapproximability result: under Gap-ETH there is no (2-{epsilon})-approximation algorithm parameterized by k (for any epsilon>0). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a W[1]-hard problem admitting a non-trivial parameterized approximation factor which is also known to be tight! Additionally we show that when restricting the input of SCSS to bidirected graphs, the problem remains NP-hard but becomes FPT for k
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