148 research outputs found

    Active Learning for Text Classification

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    Text classification approaches are used extensively to solve real-world challenges. The success or failure of text classification systems hangs on the datasets used to train them, without a good dataset it is impossible to build a quality system. This thesis examines the applicability of active learning in text classification for the rapid and economical creation of labelled training data. Four main contributions are made in this thesis. First, we present two novel selection strategies to choose the most informative examples for manually labelling. One is an approach using an advanced aggregated confidence measurement instead of the direct output of classifiers to measure the confidence of the prediction and choose the examples with least confidence for querying. The other is a simple but effective exploration guided active learning selection strategy which uses only the notions of density and diversity, based on similarity, in its selection strategy. Second, we propose new methods of using deterministic clustering algorithms to help bootstrap the active learning process. We first illustrate the problems of using non-deterministic clustering for selecting initial training sets, showing how non-deterministic clustering methods can result in inconsistent behaviour in the active learning process. We then compare various deterministic clustering techniques and commonly used non-deterministic ones, and show that deterministic clustering algorithms are as good as non-deterministic clustering algorithms at selecting initial training examples for the active learning process. More importantly, we show that the use of deterministic approaches stabilises the active learning process. Our third direction is in the area of visualising the active learning process. We demonstrate the use of an existing visualisation technique in understanding active learning selection strategies to show that a better understanding of selection strategies can be achieved with the help of visualisation techniques. Finally, to evaluate the practicality and usefulness of active learning as a general dataset labelling methodology, it is desirable that actively labelled dataset can be reused more widely instead of being only limited to some particular classifier. We compare the reusability of popular active learning methods for text classification and identify the best classifiers to use in active learning for text classification. This thesis is concerned using active learning methods to label large unlabelled textual datasets. Our domain of interest is text classification, but most of the methods proposed are quite general and so are applicable to other domains having large collections of data with high dimensionality

    Noisy Self-Training with Synthetic Queries for Dense Retrieval

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    Although existing neural retrieval models reveal promising results when training data is abundant and the performance keeps improving as training data increases, collecting high-quality annotated data is prohibitively costly. To this end, we introduce a novel noisy self-training framework combined with synthetic queries, showing that neural retrievers can be improved in a self-evolution manner with no reliance on any external models. Experimental results show that our method improves consistently over existing methods on both general-domain (e.g., MS-MARCO) and out-of-domain (i.e., BEIR) retrieval benchmarks. Extra analysis on low-resource settings reveals that our method is data efficient and outperforms competitive baselines, with as little as 30% of labelled training data. Further extending the framework for reranker training demonstrates that the proposed method is general and yields additional gains on tasks of diverse domains.\footnote{Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/Fantabulous-J/Self-Training-DPR}}Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 2023 Finding

    Bootstrapping Named Entity Annotation by Means of Active Machine Learning: A Method for Creating Corpora

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    This thesis describes the development and in-depth empirical investigation of a method, called BootMark, for bootstrapping the marking up of named entities in textual documents. The reason for working with documents, as opposed to for instance sentences or phrases, is that the BootMark method is concerned with the creation of corpora. The claim made in the thesis is that BootMark requires a human annotator to manually annotate fewer documents in order to produce a named entity recognizer with a given performance, than would be needed if the documents forming the basis for the recognizer were randomly drawn from the same corpus. The intention is then to use the created named en- tity recognizer as a pre-tagger and thus eventually turn the manual annotation process into one in which the annotator reviews system-suggested annotations rather than creating new ones from scratch. The BootMark method consists of three phases: (1) Manual annotation of a set of documents; (2) Bootstrapping – active machine learning for the purpose of selecting which document to an- notate next; (3) The remaining unannotated documents of the original corpus are marked up using pre-tagging with revision. Five emerging issues are identified, described and empirically investigated in the thesis. Their common denominator is that they all depend on the real- ization of the named entity recognition task, and as such, require the context of a practical setting in order to be properly addressed. The emerging issues are related to: (1) the characteristics of the named entity recognition task and the base learners used in conjunction with it; (2) the constitution of the set of documents annotated by the human annotator in phase one in order to start the bootstrapping process; (3) the active selection of the documents to annotate in phase two; (4) the monitoring and termination of the active learning carried out in phase two, including a new intrinsic stopping criterion for committee-based active learning; and (5) the applicability of the named entity recognizer created during phase two as a pre-tagger in phase three. The outcomes of the empirical investigations concerning the emerging is- sues support the claim made in the thesis. The results also suggest that while the recognizer produced in phases one and two is as useful for pre-tagging as a recognizer created from randomly selected documents, the applicability of the recognizer as a pre-tagger is best investigated by conducting a user study involving real annotators working on a real named entity recognition task

    Dynamic Data Mining: Methodology and Algorithms

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    Supervised data stream mining has become an important and challenging data mining task in modern organizations. The key challenges are threefold: (1) a possibly infinite number of streaming examples and time-critical analysis constraints; (2) concept drift; and (3) skewed data distributions. To address these three challenges, this thesis proposes the novel dynamic data mining (DDM) methodology by effectively applying supervised ensemble models to data stream mining. DDM can be loosely defined as categorization-organization-selection of supervised ensemble models. It is inspired by the idea that although the underlying concepts in a data stream are time-varying, their distinctions can be identified. Therefore, the models trained on the distinct concepts can be dynamically selected in order to classify incoming examples of similar concepts. First, following the general paradigm of DDM, we examine the different concept-drifting stream mining scenarios and propose corresponding effective and efficient data mining algorithms. • To address concept drift caused merely by changes of variable distributions, which we term pseudo concept drift, base models built on categorized streaming data are organized and selected in line with their corresponding variable distribution characteristics. • To address concept drift caused by changes of variable and class joint distributions, which we term true concept drift, an effective data categorization scheme is introduced. A group of working models is dynamically organized and selected for reacting to the drifting concept. Secondly, we introduce an integration stream mining framework, enabling the paradigm advocated by DDM to be widely applicable for other stream mining problems. Therefore, we are able to introduce easily six effective algorithms for mining data streams with skewed class distributions. In addition, we also introduce a new ensemble model approach for batch learning, following the same methodology. Both theoretical and empirical studies demonstrate its effectiveness. Future work would be targeted at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms. Meantime, we would explore the possibilities of using the integration framework to solve other open stream mining research problems

    Computational Intelligence for the Micro Learning

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    The developments of the Web technology and the mobile devices have blurred the time and space boundaries of people’s daily activities, which enable people to work, entertain, and learn through the mobile device at almost anytime and anywhere. Together with the life-long learning requirement, such technology developments give birth to a new learning style, micro learning. Micro learning aims to effectively utilise learners’ fragmented spare time and carry out personalised learning activities. However, the massive volume of users and the online learning resources force the micro learning system deployed in the context of enormous and ubiquitous data. Hence, manually managing the online resources or user information by traditional methods are no longer feasible. How to utilise computational intelligence based solutions to automatically managing and process different types of massive information is the biggest research challenge for realising the micro learning service. As a result, to facilitate the micro learning service in the big data era efficiently, we need an intelligent system to manage the online learning resources and carry out different analysis tasks. To this end, an intelligent micro learning system is designed in this thesis. The design of this system is based on the service logic of the micro learning service. The micro learning system consists of three intelligent modules: learning material pre-processing module, learning resource delivery module and the intelligent assistant module. The pre-processing module interprets the content of the raw online learning resources and extracts key information from each resource. The pre-processing step makes the online resources ready to be used by other intelligent components of the system. The learning resources delivery module aims to recommend personalised learning resources to the target user base on his/her implicit and explicit user profiles. The goal of the intelligent assistant module is to provide some evaluation or assessment services (such as student dropout rate prediction and final grade prediction) to the educational resource providers or instructors. The educational resource providers can further refine or modify the learning materials based on these assessment results

    Knowledge-Enhanced Text Classification: Descriptive Modelling and New Approaches

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    PhDThe knowledge available to be exploited by text classification and information retrieval systems has significantly changed, both in nature and quantity, in the last years. Nowadays, there are several sources of information that can potentially improve the classification process, and systems should be able to adapt to incorporate multiple sources of available data in different formats. This fact is specially important in environments where the required information changes rapidly, and its utility may be contingent on timely implementation. For these reasons, the importance of adaptability and flexibility in information systems is rapidly growing. Current systems are usually developed for specific scenarios. As a result, significant engineering effort is needed to adapt them when new knowledge appears or there are changes in the information needs. This research investigates the usage of knowledge within text classification from two different perspectives. On one hand, the application of descriptive approaches for the seamless modelling of text classification, focusing on knowledge integration and complex data representation. The main goal is to achieve a scalable and efficient approach for rapid prototyping for Text Classification that can incorporate different sources and types of knowledge, and to minimise the gap between the mathematical definition and the modelling of a solution. On the other hand, the improvement of different steps of the classification process where knowledge exploitation has traditionally not been applied. In particular, this thesis introduces two classification sub-tasks, namely Semi-Automatic Text Classification (SATC) and Document Performance Prediction (DPP), and several methods to address them. SATC focuses on selecting the documents that are more likely to be wrongly assigned by the system to be manually classified, while automatically labelling the rest. Document performance prediction estimates the classification quality that will be achieved for a document, given a classifier. In addition, we also propose a family of evaluation metrics to measure degrees of misclassification, and an adaptive variation of k-NN

    Social Data Mining for Crime Intelligence

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    With the advancement of the Internet and related technologies, many traditional crimes have made the leap to digital environments. The successes of data mining in a wide variety of disciplines have given birth to crime analysis. Traditional crime analysis is mainly focused on understanding crime patterns, however, it is unsuitable for identifying and monitoring emerging crimes. The true nature of crime remains buried in unstructured content that represents the hidden story behind the data. User feedback leaves valuable traces that can be utilised to measure the quality of various aspects of products or services and can also be used to detect, infer, or predict crimes. Like any application of data mining, the data must be of a high quality standard in order to avoid erroneous conclusions. This thesis presents a methodology and practical experiments towards discovering whether (i) user feedback can be harnessed and processed for crime intelligence, (ii) criminal associations, structures, and roles can be inferred among entities involved in a crime, and (iii) methods and standards can be developed for measuring, predicting, and comparing the quality level of social data instances and samples. It contributes to the theory, design and development of a novel framework for crime intelligence and algorithm for the estimation of social data quality by innovatively adapting the methods of monitoring water contaminants. Several experiments were conducted and the results obtained revealed the significance of this study in mining social data for crime intelligence and in developing social data quality filters and decision support systems

    Information Access Using Neural Networks For Diverse Domains And Sources

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    The ever-increasing volume of web-based documents poses a challenge in efficiently accessing specialized knowledge from domain-specific sources, requiring a profound understanding of the domain and substantial comprehension effort. Although natural language technologies, such as information retrieval and machine reading compression systems, offer rapid and accurate information retrieval, their performance in specific domains is hindered by training on general domain datasets. Creating domain-specific training datasets, while effective, is time-consuming, expensive, and heavily reliant on domain experts. This thesis presents a comprehensive exploration of efficient technologies to address the challenge of information access in specific domains, focusing on retrieval-based systems encompassing question answering and ranking. We begin with a comprehensive introduction to the information access system. We demonstrated the structure of a information access system through a typical open-domain question-answering task. We outline its two major components: retrieval and reader models, and the design choice for each part. We focus on mainly three points: 1) the design choice of the connection of the two components. 2) the trade-off associated with the retrieval model and the best frontier in practice. 3) a data augmentation method to adapt the reader model, trained initially on closed-domain datasets, to effectively answer questions in the retrieval-based setting. Subsequently, we discuss various methods enabling system adaptation to specific domains. Transfer learning techniques are presented, including generation as data augmentation, further pre-training, and progressive domain-clustered training. We also present a novel zero-shot re-ranking method inspired by the compression-based distance. We summarize the conclusions and findings gathered from the experiments. Moreover, the exploration extends to retrieval-based systems beyond textual corpora. We explored the search system for an e-commerce database, wherein natural language queries are combined with user preference data to facilitate the retrieval of relevant products. To address the challenges, including noisy labels and cold start problems, for the retrieval-based e-commerce ranking system, we enhanced model training through cascaded training and adversarial sample weighting. Another scenario we investigated is the search system in the math domain, characterized by the unique role of formulas and distinct features compared to textual searches. We tackle the math related search problem by combining neural ranking models with structual optimized algorithms. Finally, we summarize the research findings and future research directions
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