612 research outputs found

    Code clone detection in obfuscated Android apps

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    The Android operating system has long become one of the main global smartphone operating systems. Both developers and malware authors often reuse code to expedite the process of creating new apps and malware samples. Code cloning is the most common way of reusing code in the process of developing Android apps. Finding code clones through the analysis of Android binary code is a challenging task that becomes more sophisticated when instances of code reuse are non-contiguous, reordered, or intertwined with other code. We introduce an approach for detecting cloned methods as well as small and non-contiguous code clones in obfuscated Android applications by simulating the execution of Android apps and then analyzing the subsequent execution traces. We first validate our approach’s ability on finding different types of code clones on 20 injected clones. Next we validate the resistance of our approach against obfuscation by comparing its results on a set of 1085 apps before and after code obfuscation. We obtain 78-87% similarity between the finding from non-obfuscated applications and four sets of obfuscated applications. We also investigated the presence of code clones among 1603 Android applications. We were able to find 44,776 code clones where 34% of code clones were seen from different applications and the rest are among different versions of an application. We also performed a comparative analysis between the clones found by our approach and the clones detected by Nicad on the source code of applications. Finally, we show a practical application of our approach for detecting variants of Android banking malware. Among 60,057 code clone clusters that are found among a dataset of banking malware, 92.9% of them were unique to one malware family or benign applications

    Detecting Repackaged Android Applications Using Perceptual Hashing

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    The last decade has shown a steady rate of Android device dominance in market share and the emergence of hundreds of thousands of apps available to the public. Because of the ease of reverse engineering Android applications, repackaged malicious apps that clone existing code have become a severe problem in the marketplace. This research proposes a novel repackaged detection system based on perceptual hashes of vetted Android apps and their associated dynamic user interface (UI) behavior. Results show that an average hash approach produces 88% accuracy (indicating low false negative and false positive rates) in a sample set of 4878 Android apps, including 2151 repackaged apps. The approach is the first dynamic method proposed in the research community using image-based hashing techniques with reasonable performance to other known dynamic approaches and the possibility for practical implementation at scale for new applications entering the Android market

    ReCon: Revealing and Controlling PII Leaks in Mobile Network Traffic

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    It is well known that apps running on mobile devices extensively track and leak users' personally identifiable information (PII); however, these users have little visibility into PII leaked through the network traffic generated by their devices, and have poor control over how, when and where that traffic is sent and handled by third parties. In this paper, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of ReCon: a cross-platform system that reveals PII leaks and gives users control over them without requiring any special privileges or custom OSes. ReCon leverages machine learning to reveal potential PII leaks by inspecting network traffic, and provides a visualization tool to empower users with the ability to control these leaks via blocking or substitution of PII. We evaluate ReCon's effectiveness with measurements from controlled experiments using leaks from the 100 most popular iOS, Android, and Windows Phone apps, and via an IRB-approved user study with 92 participants. We show that ReCon is accurate, efficient, and identifies a wider range of PII than previous approaches.Comment: Please use MobiSys version when referencing this work: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2906392. 18 pages, recon.meddle.mob