809 research outputs found

    On the design of programming languages including mini Algol 68

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    Implications of Structured Programming for Machine Architecture

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    Based on an empirical study of more than 10,000 lines of program text written in a GOTO-less language, a machine architecture specifically designed for structured programs is proposed. Since assignment, CALL, RETURN, and IF statements together account for 93 percent of all executable statements, special care is given to ensure that these statements can be implemented efficiently. A highly compact instruction encoding scheme is presented, which can reduce program size by a factor of 3. Unlike a Huffman code, which utilizes variable length fields, this method uses only fixed length (1-byte) opcode and address fields. The most frequent instructions consist of a single 1-byte field. As a consequence, instruction decoding time is minimized, and the machine is efficient with respect to both space and time. © 1978, ACM. All rights reserved

    Memoized zipper-based attribute grammars and their higher order extension

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    Attribute grammars are a powerfull, well-known formalism to implement and reason about programs which, by design, are conveniently modular. In this work we focus on a state of the art zipper-based embedding of classic attribute grammars and higher-order attribute grammars. We improve their execution performance through controlling attribute (re)evaluation by means of memoization techniques. We present the results of our optimizations by comparing their impact in various implementations of different, well-studied, attribute grammars and their Higher-Order extensions. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.- (undefined

    A comparative study of structured and un-structured remote data access in distributed computing systems

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    Recently, the use of distributed computing systems has been growing rapidly due to the result of cheap and advanced microelectronic technology. In addition to the decrease in hardware costs, the tremendous development in machine to machine communication interfaces, especially in local area networking, also favours the use of distributed systems. Distributed systems often require remote access to data stored at different sites. Generally, two models of access to remote data storage exist: the un structured and structured models. In the former, data is simply stored as row of bytes, whereas in the latter, data is stored along with the associated access codes. The objective of this thesis is to compare these two models and hence determines the tradeoffs of each model. First of all, an extended review of the field of distributed data access is provided which addressing key issues such as the basic design principles of distributed computing systems, the notions of abstract data types, data inheritance, data type system and data persistence. Secondly, a distributed system is implemented using the persistent programming language PS-algol and the high level language C in conjunction with the remote procedure call facilities available in Unix(^1) 4.2 BSD operating system. This distributed system makes extensive use of Unix's software tools and hence it is called DCSUNIX for Distributed Computing System on UNIX. Thirdly, two specific applications which employ the implemented system will be given so that a comparison can be made between the two remote data access models mentioned above. Finally, the implemented system is compared with the criteria established earlier in the thesis. keywords: abstract data types, class, database management, data persistence, information hiding, inheritance, object oriented programming, programming languages, remote procedure calls, transparency, and type checking

    A Tutorial on Algol 68

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    This paper is an introduction to the main features of ALGOL 68, emphasizing the novel features not found in many other programming languages. The topics, data types (modes), type conversion (coercion), generalized expressions (units), procedures, operators, the standard prelude, and input/output, form the basis of the paper. Th


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    The pragmatic formalization of computing systems relative to a given high-level language

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    Imperial Users onl