594 research outputs found

    Graphs with few 3-cliques and 3-anticliques are 3-universal

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    For given integers k, l we ask whether every large graph with a sufficiently small number of k-cliques and k-anticliques must contain an induced copy of every l-vertex graph. Here we prove this claim for k=l=3 with a sharp bound. A similar phenomenon is established as well for tournaments with k=l=4.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    On the number of 4-cycles in a tournament

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    If TT is an nn-vertex tournament with a given number of 33-cycles, what can be said about the number of its 44-cycles? The most interesting range of this problem is where TT is assumed to have cn3c\cdot n^3 cyclic triples for some c>0c>0 and we seek to minimize the number of 44-cycles. We conjecture that the (asymptotic) minimizing TT is a random blow-up of a constant-sized transitive tournament. Using the method of flag algebras, we derive a lower bound that almost matches the conjectured value. We are able to answer the easier problem of maximizing the number of 44-cycles. These questions can be equivalently stated in terms of transitive subtournaments. Namely, given the number of transitive triples in TT, how many transitive quadruples can it have? As far as we know, this is the first study of inducibility in tournaments.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Tournaments, 4-uniform hypergraphs, and an exact extremal result

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    We consider 44-uniform hypergraphs with the maximum number of hyperedges subject to the condition that every set of 55 vertices spans either 00 or exactly 22 hyperedges and give a construction, using quadratic residues, for an infinite family of such hypergraphs with the maximum number of hyperedges. Baber has previously given an asymptotically best-possible result using random tournaments. We give a connection between Baber's result and our construction via Paley tournaments and investigate a `switching' operation on tournaments that preserves hypergraphs arising from this construction.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Density version of the Ramsey problem and the directed Ramsey problem

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    We discuss a variant of the Ramsey and the directed Ramsey problem. First, consider a complete graph on nn vertices and a two-coloring of the edges such that every edge is colored with at least one color and the number of bicolored edges ERB|E_{RB}| is given. The aim is to find the maximal size ff of a monochromatic clique which is guaranteed by such a coloring. Analogously, in the second problem we consider semicomplete digraph on nn vertices such that the number of bi-oriented edges Ebi|E_{bi}| is given. The aim is to bound the size FF of the maximal transitive subtournament that is guaranteed by such a digraph. Applying probabilistic and analytic tools and constructive methods we show that if ERB=Ebi=p(n2)|E_{RB}|=|E_{bi}| = p{n\choose 2}, (p[0,1)p\in [0,1)), then f,F<Cplog(n)f, F < C_p\log(n) where CpC_p only depend on pp, while if m=(n2)ERB<n3/2m={n \choose 2} - |E_{RB}| <n^{3/2} then f=Θ(n2m+n)f= \Theta (\frac{n^2}{m+n}). The latter case is strongly connected to Tur\'an-type extremal graph theory.Comment: 17 pages. Further lower bound added in case $|E_{RB}|=|E_{bi}| = p{n\choose 2}

    Cycles of length three and four in tournaments

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    Linial and Morgenstern conjectured that, among all nn-vertex tournaments with d(n3)d\binom{n}{3} cycles of length three, the number of cycles of length four is asymptotically minimized by a random blow-up of a transitive tournament with all but one part of equal size and one smaller part. We prove the conjecture for d1/36d\ge 1/36 by analyzing the possible spectrum of adjacency matrices of tournaments. We also demonstrate that the family of extremal examples is broader than expected and give its full description for d1/16d\ge 1/16