37 research outputs found

    On the Definition of Cyber-Physical Resilience in Power Systems

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    In recent years, advanced sensors, intelligent automation, communication networks, and information technologies have been integrated into the electric grid to enhance its performance and efficiency. Integrating these new technologies has resulted in more interconnections and interdependencies between the physical and cyber components of the grid. Natural disasters and man-made perturbations have begun to threaten grid integrity more often. Urban infrastructure networks are highly reliant on the electric grid and consequently, the vulnerability of infrastructure networks to electric grid outages is becoming a major global concern. In order to minimize the economic, social, and political impacts of power system outages, the grid must be resilient. The concept of a power system cyber-physical resilience centers around maintaining system states at a stable level in the presence of disturbances. Resilience is a multidimensional property of the electric grid, it requires managing disturbances originating from physical component failures, cyber component malfunctions, and human attacks. In the electric grid community, there is not a clear and universally accepted definition of cyber-physical resilience. This paper focuses on the definition of resilience for the electric grid and reviews key concepts related to system resilience. This paper aims to advance the field not only by adding cyber-physical resilience concepts to power systems vocabulary, but also by proposing a new way of thinking about grid operation with unexpected disturbances and hazards and leveraging distributed energy resources.Comment: 20 pages. This is a modified versio

    Building resilient cyber-physical power systems: an approach using vulnerability assessment and resilience management

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    Power systems are undergoing a profound transformation towards cyber- physical systems. Disruptive changes due to energy system transition and the complexity of the interconnected systems expose the power system to new, unknown, and unpredictable risks. To identify the critical points, a vulnerability assessment was conducted, involving experts from the power as well as the information and communication technologies (ICT) sectors. Weaknesses were identified, e. g., the lack of policy enforcement, which are worsened by the unreadiness of the actors involved. Due to the complex dynamics of ICT, it is infeasible to keep a complete inventory of potential stressors to define appropriate preparation and prevention mechanisms. Therefore, we suggest applying a resilience management approach to increase the resilience of the system. It aims at better riding through failures rather than building higher walls. We conclude that building resilience in cyber-physical power systems is feasible and helps in preparing for the unexpected.Energiesysteme befinden sich in einem tiefgreifenden Wandel hin zu cyber- physischen Systemen. Disruptive Veränderungen, die von der Transformation des Energiesystems und der Komplexität der miteinander verbundenen Systeme herrühren, setzen das Stromnetz neuen, unbekannten Risiken aus. Mit einer Vulnerabilitätsanalyse unter Einbeziehung von Experten aus den Bereichen Energie und Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) wurden Schwachstellen identifiziert, z. B. Nachteile durch die fehlende Durchsetzung von Regulierungen, und eine mangelnde Anpassungsbereitschaft der beteiligten Akteure. Die komplexe IKT-Dynamik macht es unmöglich, potenzielle Stressoren vollständig zu erfassen, um geeignete Präventionsmechanismen zu definieren. Die vorgeschlagenen Resilienzmanagementmaßnahmen zielen darauf ab, Krisen besser zu bewältigen, anstatt auf höhere Barrieren zu setzen. Die Resilienz cyber-physikalischer Energiesysteme ist möglich


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    The objective of a power system is to provide electricity to its customers as economically as possible with an acceptable level of reliability while safeguarding the environment. Power system reliability has well-established quantitative metrics, regulatory standards, compliance incentives and jurisdictions of responsibilities. The increase in occurrence of extreme events like hurricane/tornadoes, floods, wildfires, storms, cyber-attacks etc. which are not considered in routine reliability evaluation has raised concern over the potential economic losses due to prolonged and large-scale power outages, and the overall sustainability and adaptability of power systems. This concern has motivated the utility planners, operators, and policy makers to acknowledge the importance of system resiliency against such events. However, power system resiliency evaluation is comparatively new, and lacks widely accepted standards, assessment methods and metrics. The thesis presents comparative review and analysis of power system resilience models, methodologies, and metrics in present literature and utility applications. It presents studies on two very different types of extreme events, (i) man-made and (ii) natural disaster, and analyzes their impacts on the resiliency of a distribution system. It draws conclusions on assessing and improving power system resiliency based on the impact of the extreme event, response from the distribution system, and effectiveness of the mitigating measures to tackle the extreme event. The advancement in technologies has seen an increasing integration of cyber and physical layer of the distribution system. The distribution system operators avails from the symbiotic relation of the cyber-physical layer, but the interdependency has also been its Achilles heel. The evolving infrastructure is being exposed to increase in cyber-attacks. It is of paramount importance to address the aforementioned issue by developing holistic approaches to comprehensibly upgrade the distribution system preventing huge financial loss and societal repercussions. The thesis models a type of cyber-attack using false data injection and evaluates its impact on the distribution system. It does so by developing a resilience assessment methodology accompanied by quantitative metrics. It also performs reliability evaluation to present the underlying principle and differences between reliability and resiliency. The thesis also introduces new indices to demonstrate the effectiveness of a bad-data detection strategy against such cyber-attacks. Extreme events like hurricane/tornadoes, floods, wildfires, storm, cyber-attack etc. are responsible for catastrophic damage to critical infrastructure and huge financial loss. Power distribution system is an important critical infrastructure driving the socio-economic growth of the country. High winds are one of the most common form of extreme events that are responsible for outages due to failure of poles, equipment damage etc. The thesis models effective extreme wind events with the help of fragility curves, and presents an analysis of their impacts on the distribution system. It also presents infrastructural and operational resiliency enhancement strategies and quantifies the effectiveness of the strategy with the metrics developed. It also demonstrates the dependency of resiliency of distribution system on the structural strength of transmission lines and presents measures to ensure the independency of the distribution system. The thesis presents effective resilience assessment methodology that can be valuable for distribution system utility planners, and operators to plan and ensure a resilient distribution system

    Sustainable microgrids with energy storage as a means to increase power resilience in critical facilities: An application to a hospital

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    [EN] This manuscript proposes to study different cases that require the use of renewable energies in addition to diesel generators and energy storage systems with the aim of increasing the resilience of a microgrid feeding critical facilities. The aim of the work here presented is to quantify the benefits provided by an improvement of the energy resilience that could be achieved by installing a microgrid in a hospital fed by renewable energy sources. The microgrid will use a scheme based on solar PV in addition to diesel generators and an energy storage system based on electrochemical batteries. First, it has been evaluated how the implant of the microgrid increases the resilience of the power supply when a power failure occurs, considering that the main application in a hospital, even in the event of breakdowns, is to ensure the continuity of the surgical procedures and safely store drug stocks. Thus, these have been defined as the critical loads of the system. The components sizes have been optimized by considering both economic profitability but also the resilience capacity, observing that, by installing solar photovoltaic modules, Li-ion batteries and diesel generators, according to simulations performed in REopt® software, the microgrid could save approximately 440,191onaverageovera20yearlifecycleofthefacility(bothconsideringthemitigationofenergyprovidebythepowergridandtheavoidedlossesduringprobablepowerservicesinterruptions),whileincreasingtheminimumresilienceoftheinstallationmorethan34h.[ES]Estemanuscritoproponeestudiardiferentescasosquerequierenelusodeenergıˊasrenovablesademaˊsdegeneradoresdieˊselysistemasdealmacenamientodeenergıˊaconelobjetivodeaumentarlaresilienciadeunamicrorredquealimentainstalacionescrıˊticas.Elobjetivodeltrabajoaquıˊpresentadoescuantificarlosbeneficiosproporcionadosporunamejoradelaresilienciaenergeˊticaquesepodrıˊalograrmediantelainstalacioˊndeunamicrorredenunhospitalalimentadoporfuentesdeenergıˊarenovables.Lamicrorredutilizaraˊunesquemabasadoenenergıˊasolarfotovoltaicaademaˊsdegeneradoresdieˊselyunsistemadealmacenamientodeenergıˊabasadoenbaterıˊaselectroquıˊmicas.Enprimerlugar,sehaevaluadocoˊmoelimplantedelamicrorredaumentalaresilienciadelsuministroeleˊctricocuandoseproduceunfalloeleˊctrico,considerandoquelaprincipalaplicacioˊnenunhospital,inclusoencasodeaverıˊas,esasegurarlacontinuidaddelosprocedimientosquiruˊrgicos.yalmacenardeformaseguralasexistenciasdemedicamentos.Portanto,eˊstashansidodefinidascomolascargascrıˊticasdelsistema.Lostaman~osdeloscomponentessehanoptimizadoconsiderandotantolarentabilidadeconoˊmicacomolacapacidadderesiliencia,observaˊndoseque,mediantelainstalacioˊndemoˊdulossolaresfotovoltaicos,baterıˊasdeLiionygeneradoresdieˊsel,seguˊnsimulacionesrealizadasenelsoftwareREopt®,lamicrorredpodrıˊaahorraraproximadamente 440,191 on average over a 20-year life cycle of the facility (both considering the mitigation of energy provide by the power grid and the avoided losses during probable power services interruptions), while increasing the minimum resilience of the installation more than 34 h.[ES] Este manuscrito propone estudiar diferentes casos que requieren el uso de energías renovables además de generadores diésel y sistemas de almacenamiento de energía con el objetivo de aumentar la resiliencia de una microrred que alimenta instalaciones críticas. El objetivo del trabajo aquí presentado es cuantificar los beneficios proporcionados por una mejora de la resiliencia energética que se podría lograr mediante la instalación de una microrred en un hospital alimentado por fuentes de energía renovables. La microrred utilizará un esquema basado en energía solar fotovoltaica además de generadores diésel y un sistema de almacenamiento de energía basado en baterías electroquímicas. En primer lugar, se ha evaluado cómo el implante de la microrred aumenta la resiliencia del suministro eléctrico cuando se produce un fallo eléctrico, considerando que la principal aplicación en un hospital, incluso en caso de averías, es asegurar la continuidad de los procedimientos quirúrgicos. y almacenar de forma segura las existencias de medicamentos. Por tanto, éstas han sido definidas como las cargas críticas del sistema. Los tamaños de los componentes se han optimizado considerando tanto la rentabilidad económica como la capacidad de resiliencia, observándose que, mediante la instalación de módulos solares fotovoltaicos, baterías de Li-ion y generadores diésel, según simulaciones realizadas en el software REopt®, la microrred podría ahorrar aproximadamente 440.191. en promedio durante un ciclo de vida de 20 años de la instalación (considerando tanto la mitigación del suministro de energía por la red eléctrica como las pérdidas evitadas durante probables interrupciones del servicio eléctrico), al tiempo que se aumenta la resiliencia mínima de la instalación a más de 34 h.S

    Towards Resilient Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

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    In this paper, we develop a system-of-systems framework to address cyber-physical resilience, the ability to withstand the combined presence of both cyber attacks and physi-cal faults. This framework incorporates a definition of re-silience, a resilience metric as well as a resilient control de-sign methodology. The resilient control architecture utilizes a hybrid optimal control methodology combined with a dy-namic regulation market mechanism (DRMM), and is evalu-ated in the context of frequency regulation at a transmission grid. The framework enables the evaluation of both the clas-sical robust control properties and emerging resilient control properties under both cyber attacks and physical faults. The proposed framework is used to assess resilience of a Cyber-Physical Energy System (CPES) when subjected to both cyber and physical faults via DETERLab. DETERLab, a testbed capable of emulating high fidelity, cybersecure, net-worked systems, is used to construct critical scenarios with physical faults emulated in the form of generator outages and cyber faults emulated in the form of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Under these scenarios, the resilience and per-formance of a CPES that is comprised of 56 generators and 99 consumers is evaluated using the hybrid-DRMM control methodology

    Developing of Cyber Resilience System of The International Trade Facilitations : Specific Reference Indonesia. (prosiding)

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    Modernization of trade facilitation indispensable given the increasingly complicated and complexity of high standards trade regulations due to rapid development multilateral agreements. Implementation of trade facilitation involves many factors one of which is the information technology infrastucture, human resources, and operational budgets. Cyber technology used in the trade facilitations must be a technology that has a level of resistance or high resilience given to the complexity and dynamics of global trade regulations and trade change at any time. Cyber infrastructure resilience of trade facilitations and trade change at any time

    Resilience : A Review of Role and Significance in Physical Asset Management

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    Concept of resilience have been discuss in many area of studies such as social studies, health, engineering, ecology and management. The objectives of this studies is to understand the role of resilience in physical asset management. The study use previous studies and investigate the definition of resilience and role of resilience in physical asset management. The study found out that resilience and physical asset management have connection. Understanding and good governance on physical asset management can yield a resilience system towards any interruptions however resilience planning must be organize thoroughly by physical asset management. It is suggested that resilience planning should take place in the initial phase of system development and the decision making process of physical asset management

    On the Control of Microgrids Against Cyber-Attacks: A Review of Methods and Applications

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    Nowadays, the use of renewable generations, energy storage systems (ESSs) and microgrids (MGs) has been developed due to better controllability of distributed energy resources (DERs) as well as their cost-effective and emission-aware operation. The development of MGs as well as the use of hierarchical control has led to data transmission in the communication platform. As a result, the expansion of communication infrastructure has made MGs as cyber-physical systems (CPSs) vulnerable to cyber-attacks (CAs). Accordingly, prevention, detection and isolation of CAs during proper control of MGs is essential. In this paper, a comprehensive review on the control strategies of microgrids against CAs and its defense mechanisms has been done. The general structure of the paper is as follows: firstly, MGs operational conditions, i.e., the secure or insecure mode of the physical and cyber layers are investigated and the appropriate control to return to a safer mode are presented. Then, the common MGs communication system is described which is generally used for multi-agent systems (MASs). Also, classification of CAs in MGs has been reviewed. Afterwards, a comprehensive survey of available researches in the field of prevention, detection and isolation of CA and MG control against CA are summarized. Finally, future trends in this context are clarified