2,566 research outputs found

    How to Elect a Leader Faster than a Tournament

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    The problem of electing a leader from among nn contenders is one of the fundamental questions in distributed computing. In its simplest formulation, the task is as follows: given nn processors, all participants must eventually return a win or lose indication, such that a single contender may win. Despite a considerable amount of work on leader election, the following question is still open: can we elect a leader in an asynchronous fault-prone system faster than just running a Θ(log⁥n)\Theta(\log n)-time tournament, against a strong adaptive adversary? In this paper, we answer this question in the affirmative, improving on a decades-old upper bound. We introduce two new algorithmic ideas to reduce the time complexity of electing a leader to O(log⁡∗n)O(\log^* n), using O(n2)O(n^2) point-to-point messages. A non-trivial application of our algorithm is a new upper bound for the tight renaming problem, assigning nn items to the nn participants in expected O(log⁥2n)O(\log^2 n) time and O(n2)O(n^2) messages. We complement our results with lower bound of Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) messages for solving these two problems, closing the question of their message complexity

    The Universe of Symmetry Breaking Tasks

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    Processes in a concurrent system need to coordinate using a shared memory or a message-passing subsystem in order to solve agreement tasks such as, for example, consensus or set agreement. However, often coordination is needed to “break the symmetry” of processes that are initially in the same state, for example, to get exclusive access to a shared resource, to get distinct names or to elect a leader. This paper introduces and studies the family of generalized symmetry breaking (GSB) tasks, that includes election, renaming and many other symmetry breaking tasks. Differently from agreement tasks, a GSB task is “inputless”, in the sense that processes do not propose values; the task specifies only the symmetry breaking requirement, independently of the system's initial state (where processes differ only on their identifiers). Among many various characterizing the family of GSB tasks, it is shown that (non adaptive) perfect renaming is universal for all GSB tasks

    Solving the At-Most-Once Problem with Nearly Optimal Effectiveness

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    We present and analyze a wait-free deterministic algorithm for solving the at-most-once problem: how m shared-memory fail-prone processes perform asynchronously n jobs at most once. Our algorithmic strategy provides for the first time nearly optimal effectiveness, which is a measure that expresses the total number of jobs completed in the worst case. The effectiveness of our algorithm equals n-2m+2. This is up to an additive factor of m close to the known effectiveness upper bound n-m+1 over all possible algorithms and improves on the previously best known deterministic solutions that have effectiveness only n-log m o(n). We also present an iterative version of our algorithm that for any m=O(n/log⁥n3+Ï”)m = O\left(\sqrt[3+\epsilon]{n/\log n}\right) is both effectiveness-optimal and work-optimal, for any constant Ï”>0\epsilon > 0. We then employ this algorithm to provide a new algorithmic solution for the Write-All problem which is work optimal for any m=O(n/log⁥n3+Ï”)m=O\left(\sqrt[3+\epsilon]{n/\log n}\right).Comment: Updated Version. A Brief Announcement was published in PODC 2011. An Extended Abstract was published in the proceeding of ICDCN 2012. A full version was published in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 496, 22 July 2013, Pages 69 - 8

    Bounded Disagreement

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    A well-known generalization of the consensus problem, namely, set agreement (SA), limits the number of distinct decision values that processes decide. In some settings, it may be more important to limit the number of "disagreers". Thus, we introduce another natural generalization of the consensus problem, namely, bounded disagreement (BD), which limits the number of processes that decide differently from the plurality. More precisely, in a system with n processes, the (n, l)-BD task has the following requirement: there is a value v such that at most l processes (the disagreers) decide a value other than v. Despite their apparent similarities, the results described below show that bounded disagreement, consensus, and set agreement are in fact fundamentally different problems. We investigate the relationship between bounded disagreement, consensus, and set agreement. In particular, we determine the consensus number for every instance of the BD task. We also determine values of n, l, m, and k such that the (n, l)-BD task can solve the (m, k)-SA task (where m processes can decide at most k distinct values). Using our results and a previously known impossibility result for set agreement, we prove that for all n >= 2, there is a BD task (and a corresponding BD object) that has consensus number n but can not be solved using n-consensus and registers. Prior to our paper, the only objects known to have this unusual characteristic for n >= 2 (which shows that the consensus number of an object is not sufficient to fully capture its power) were artificial objects crafted solely for the purpose of exhibiting this behaviour

    The notion of Timed Registers and its application to Indulgent Synchronization

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    A new type of shared object, called timed register, is proposed and used to design indulgent timing-based algorithms.A timed register generalizes the notion of an atomic register as follows: if a process invokes two consecutive operations on the same timed register which are a read followed by a write, then the write operation is executed only if it is invoked at most d time units after the read operation, where d is defined as part of the read operation. In this context, a timing-based algorithm is an algorithm whose correctness relies on the existence of a bound Δ\Delta such that any pair of consecutive constrained read and write operations issued by the same process on the same timed register are separated by at most Δ\Delta time units. An indulgent algorithm is an algorithm that always guarantees the safety properties, and ensures the liveness property as soon as the timing assumptions are satisfied. The usefulness of this new type of shared object is demonstrated by presenting simple and elegant indulgent timing-based algorithms that solve the mutual exclusion, ℓ\ell-exclusion, adaptive renaming, test&set, and consensus problems. Interestingly, timed registers are universal objects in systems with process crashes and transient timing failures (i.e., they allow building any concurrent object with a sequential specification). The paper also suggests connections with schedulers and contention managers

    Early Prediction of Movie Box Office Success based on Wikipedia Activity Big Data

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    Use of socially generated "big data" to access information about collective states of the minds in human societies has become a new paradigm in the emerging field of computational social science. A natural application of this would be the prediction of the society's reaction to a new product in the sense of popularity and adoption rate. However, bridging the gap between "real time monitoring" and "early predicting" remains a big challenge. Here we report on an endeavor to build a minimalistic predictive model for the financial success of movies based on collective activity data of online users. We show that the popularity of a movie can be predicted much before its release by measuring and analyzing the activity level of editors and viewers of the corresponding entry to the movie in Wikipedia, the well-known online encyclopedia.Comment: 13 pages, Including Supporting Information, 7 Figures, Download the dataset from: http://wwm.phy.bme.hu/SupplementaryDataS1.zi

    Randomized loose renaming in O(log log n) time

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    International audienceRenaming is a classic distributed coordination task in which a set of processes must pick distinct identifiers from a small namespace. In this paper, we consider the time complexity of this problem when the namespace is linear in the number of participants, a variant known as loose renaming. We give a non-adaptive algorithm with O(log⁥log⁥n)O( \log \log n ) (individual) step complexity, where nn is a known upper bound on contention, and an adaptive algorithm with step complexity O((log⁥log⁥k)2)O( (\log \log k)^2 ), where kk is the actual contention in the execution. We also present a variant of the adaptive algorithm which requires O(klog⁥log⁥k)O( k \log \log k ) \emph{total} process steps. All upper bounds hold with high probability against a strong adaptive adversary. We complement the algorithms with an Ω(log⁥log⁥n)\Omega( \log \log n ) expected time lower bound on the complexity of randomized renaming using test-and-set operations and linear space. The result is based on a new coupling technique, and is the first to apply to non-adaptive randomized renaming. Since our algorithms use O(n)O(n) test-and-set objects, our results provide matching bounds on the cost of loose renaming in this setting

    Set-Consensus Collections are Decidable

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    A natural way to measure the power of a distributed-computing model is to characterize the set of tasks that can be solved in it. In general, however, the question of whether a given task can be solved in a given model is undecidable, even if we only consider the wait-free shared-memory model. In this paper, we address this question for restricted classes of models and tasks. We show that the question of whether a collection C of (l, j)-set consensus objects, for various l (the number of processes that can invoke the object) and j (the number of distinct outputs the object returns), can be used by n processes to solve wait-free k-set consensus is decidable. Moreover, we provide a simple O(n^2) decision algorithm, based on a dynamic programming solution to the Knapsack optimization problem. We then present an adaptive wait-free set-consensus algorithm that, for each set of participating processes, achieves the best level of agreement that is possible to achieve using C. Overall, this gives us a complete characterization of a read-write model defined by a collection of set-consensus objects through its set-consensus power
