603 research outputs found

    Massive MIMO-based Localization and Mapping Exploiting Phase Information of Multipath Components

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    In this paper, we present a robust multipath-based localization and mapping framework that exploits the phases of specular multipath components (MPCs) using a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) array at the base station. Utilizing the phase information related to the propagation distances of the MPCs enables the possibility of localization with extraordinary accuracy even with limited bandwidth. The specular MPC parameters along with the parameters of the noise and the dense multipath component (DMC) are tracked using an extended Kalman filter (EKF), which enables to preserve the distance-related phase changes of the MPC complex amplitudes. The DMC comprises all non-resolvable MPCs, which occur due to finite measurement aperture. The estimation of the DMC parameters enhances the estimation quality of the specular MPCs and therefore also the quality of localization and mapping. The estimated MPC propagation distances are subsequently used as input to a distance-based localization and mapping algorithm. This algorithm does not need prior knowledge about the surrounding environment and base station position. The performance is demonstrated with real radio-channel measurements using an antenna array with 128 ports at the base station side and a standard cellular signal bandwidth of 40 MHz. The results show that high accuracy localization is possible even with such a low bandwidth.Comment: 14 pages (two columns), 13 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Matched-filtering and parameter estimation of ringdown waveforms

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    Using recent results from numerical relativity simulations of non-spinning binary black hole mergers we revisit the problem of detecting ringdown waveforms and of estimating the source parameters, considering both LISA and Earth-based interferometers. We find that Advanced LIGO and EGO could detect intermediate-mass black holes of mass up to about 1000 solar masses out to a luminosity distance of a few Gpc. For typical multipolar energy distributions, we show that the single-mode ringdown templates presently used for ringdown searches in the LIGO data stream can produce a significant event loss (> 10% for all detectors in a large interval of black hole masses) and very large parameter estimation errors on the black hole's mass and spin. We estimate that more than 10^6 templates would be needed for a single-stage multi-mode search. Therefore, we recommend a "two stage" search to save on computational costs: single-mode templates can be used for detection, but multi-mode templates or Prony methods should be used to estimate parameters once a detection has been made. We update estimates of the critical signal-to-noise ratio required to test the hypothesis that two or more modes are present in the signal and to resolve their frequencies, showing that second-generation Earth-based detectors and LISA have the potential to perform no-hair tests.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, matches version in press in PR

    Resolvability of objects from the standpoint of statistical parameter estimation

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    Radiance estimation and object resolvability by statistical parameter analysis of aperture fiel

    On gravitational-wave spectroscopy of massive black holes with the space interferometer LISA

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    Newly formed black holes are expected to emit characteristic radiation in the form of quasi-normal modes, called ringdown waves, with discrete frequencies. LISA should be able to detect the ringdown waves emitted by oscillating supermassive black holes throughout the observable Universe. We develop a multi-mode formalism, applicable to any interferometric detectors, for detecting ringdown signals, for estimating black hole parameters from those signals, and for testing the no-hair theorem of general relativity. Focusing on LISA, we use current models of its sensitivity to compute the expected signal-to-noise ratio for ringdown events, the relative parameter estimation accuracy, and the resolvability of different modes. We also discuss the extent to which uncertainties on physical parameters, such as the black hole spin and the energy emitted in each mode, will affect our ability to do black hole spectroscopy.Comment: 44 pages, 21 figures, 10 tables. Minor changes to match version in press in Phys. Rev.

    Statistical Resolution Limit for the Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval Model: Hypothesis Test and Cramer-Rao Bound Approaches

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    Special issue on Advances in Angle-of-Arrival and Multidimensional Signal Processing for Localization and CommunicationsInternational audienceThe Statistical Resolution Limit (SRL), which is defined as the minimal separation between parameters to allow a correct resolvability, is an important statistical tool to quantify the ultimate performance for parametric estimation problems. In this paper we generalize the concept of the SRL to the Multidimensional SRL (MSRL) applied to the multidimensional harmonic retrieval model. In this paper, we derive the SRL for the so-called multidimensional harmonic retrieval model by using a generalization of the previously introduced SRL concepts that we call Multidimensional SRL (MSRL). We first derive the MSRL using an hypothesis test approach. This statistical test is shown to be asymptotically an uniformly most powerful test which is the strongest optimality statement that one could expect to obtain. Second, we link the proposed asymptotic MSRL based on the hypothesis test approach to a new extension of the SRL based on the Cramér-Rao Bound approach. Thus, a closed-form expression of the asymptotic MSRL is given and analyzed in the framework of the multidimensional harmonic retrieval model. Particularly, it is proved that the optimal MSRL is obtained for equi-powered sources and/or an equi-distributed number of sensors on each multi-way array

    Joint Pitch and DOA Estimation Using the ESPRIT method

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