264 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient, Cooperative Communication in Low-Power Wireless Networks

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    The increased interest in massive deployment of wireless sensors and network densification requires more innovation in low-latency communication across multi-hop networks. Moreover, the resource constrained nature of sensor nodes calls for more energy efficient transmission protocols, in order to increase the battery life of said devices. Therefore, it is important to investigate possible technologies that would aid in improving energy efficiency and decreasing latency in wireless sensor networks (WSN) while focusing on application specific requirements. To this end, and based on state of the art Glossy, a low-power WSN flooding protocol, this dissertation introduces two energy efficient, cooperative transmission schemes for low-power communication in WSNs, with the aim of achieving performance gains in energy efficiency, latency and power consumption. These approaches apply several cooperative transmission technologies such as physical layer network coding and transmit beamforming. Moreover, mathematical tools such as convex optimization and game theory are used in order to analytically construct the proposed schemes. Then, system level simulations are performed, where the proposed schemes are evaluated based on different criteria. First, in order to improve over all latency in the network as well as energy efficiency, MF-Glossy is proposed; a communication scheme that enables the simultaneous flooding of different packets from multiple sources to all nodes in the network. Using a communication-theoretic analysis, upper bounds on the performance of Glossy and MF-Glossy are determined. Further, simulation results show that MF-Glossy has the potential to achieve several-fold improvements in goodput and latency across a wide spectrum of network configurations at lower energy costs and comparable packet reception rates. Hardware implementation challenges are discussed as a step towards harnessing the potential of MF-Glossy in real networks, while focusing on key challenges and possible solutions. Second, under the assumption of available channel state information (CSI) at all nodes, centralized and distributed beamforming and power control algorithms are proposed and their performance is evaluated. They are compared in terms of energy efficiency to standard Glossy. Numerical simulations demonstrate that a centralized power control scheme can achieve several-fold improvements in energy efficiency over Glossy across a wide spectrum of network configurations at comparable packet reception rates. Furthermore, the more realistic scenario where CSI is not available at transmitting nodes is considered. To battle CSI unavailability, cooperation is introduced on two stages. First, cooperation between receiving and transmitting nodes is proposed for the process of CSI acquisition, where the receivers provide the transmitters with quantized (e.g. imperfect) CSI. Then, cooperation within transmitting nodes is proposed for the process of multi-cast transmit beamforming. In addition to an analytical formulation of the robust multi-cast beamforming problem with imperfect CSI, its performance is evaluated, in terms of energy efficiency, through numerical simulations. It is shown that the level of cooperation, represented by the number of limited feedback bits from receivers to transmitters, greatly impacts energy efficiency. To this end, the optimization problem of finding the optimal number of feedback bits B is formulated, as a programming problem, under QoS constraints of 5% maximum outage. Numerical simulations show that there exists an optimal number of feedback bits that maximizes energy efficiency. Finally, the effect of choosing cooperating transmitters on energy efficiency is studied, where it is shown that an optimum group of cooperating transmit nodes, also known as a transmit coalition, can be formed in order to maximize energy efficiency. The investigated techniques including optimum feedback bits and transmit coalition formation can achieve a 100% increase in energy efficiency when compared to state of the art Glossy under same operation requirements in very dense networks. In summary, the two main contributions in this dissertation provide insights on the possible performance gains that can be achieved when cooperative technologies are used in low-power wireless networks

    A Critical Review of Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networking

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    Wireless networking has kept evolving with additional features and increasing capacity. Meanwhile, inherent characteristics of wireless networking make it more vulnerable than wired networks. In this thesis we present an extensive and comprehensive review of physical layer security in wireless networking. Different from cryptography, physical layer security, emerging from the information theoretic assessment of secrecy, could leverage the properties of wireless channel for security purpose, by either enabling secret communication without the need of keys, or facilitating the key agreement process. Hence we categorize existing literature into two main branches, namely keyless security and key-based security. We elaborate the evolution of this area from the early theoretic works on the wiretap channel, to its generalizations to more complicated scenarios including multiple-user, multiple-access and multiple-antenna systems, and introduce not only theoretical results but practical implementations. We critically and systematically examine the existing knowledge by analyzing the fundamental mechanics for each approach. Hence we are able to highlight advantages and limitations of proposed techniques, as well their interrelations, and bring insights into future developments of this area

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modiļ¬ed our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the ļ¬eld of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Collective Communications and Computation Mechanisms on the RF Channel for Organic Printed Smart Labels and Resource-limited IoT Nodes

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are seen as enabler technologies for realizing the Internet of Things (IoT). Organic and printed Electronics (OE) has the potential to provide low cost and all-printable smart RFID labels in high volumes. With regard to WSN, power harvesting techniques and resource-efficient communications are promising key technologies to create sustainable and for the environment friendly sensing devices. However, the implementation of OE smart labels is only allowing printable devices of ultra-low hardware complexity, that cannot employ standard RFID communications. And, the deployment of current WSN technology is far away from offering battery-free and low-cost sensing technology. To this end, the steady growth of IoT is increasing the demand for more network capacity and computational power. With respect to wireless communications research, the state-of-the-art employs superimposed radio transmission in form of physical layer network coding and computation over the MAC to increase information flow and computational power, but lacks on practicability and robustness so far. With regard to these research challenges we developed in particular two approaches, i.e., code-based Collective Communications for dense sensing environments, and time-based Collective Communications (CC) for resource-limited WSNs. In respect to the code-based CC approach we exploit the principle of superimposed radio transmission to acquire highly scalable and robust communications obtaining with it at the same time as well minimalistic smart RFID labels, that can be manufactured in high volume with present-day OE. The implementation of our code-based CC relies on collaborative and simultaneous transmission of randomly drawn burst sequences encoding the data. Based on the framework of hyper-dimensional computing, statistical laws and the superposition principle of radio waves we obtained the communication of so called ensemble information, meaning the concurrent bulk reading of sensed values, ranges, quality rating, identifiers (IDs), and so on. With 21 transducers on a small-scale reader platform we tested the performance of our approach successfully proving the scalability and reliability. To this end, we implemented our code-based CC mechanism into an all-printable passive RFID label down to the logic gate level, indicating a circuit complexity of about 500 transistors. In respect to time-based CC approach we utilize the superimposed radio transmission to obtain resource-limited WSNs, that can be deployed in wide areas for establishing, e.g., smart environments. In our application scenario for resource-limited WSN, we utilize the superimposed radio transmission to calculate functions of interest, i.e., to accomplish data processing directly on the radio channel. To prove our concept in a case study, we created a WSN with 15 simple nodes measuring the environmental mean temperature. Based on our analysis about the wireless computation error we were able to minimize the stochastic error arbitrarily, and to remove the systematic error completely

    Multi-Antenna Techniques for Next Generation Cellular Communications

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    Future cellular communications are expected to offer substantial improvements for the pre- existing mobile services with higher data rates and lower latency as well as pioneer new types of applications that must comply with strict demands from a wider range of user types. All of these tasks require utmost efficiency in the use of spectral resources. Deploying multiple antennas introduces an additional signal dimension to wireless data transmissions, which provides a significant alternative solution against the plateauing capacity issue of the limited available spectrum. Multi-antenna techniques and the associated key enabling technologies possess unquestionable potential to play a key role in the evolution of next generation cellular systems. Spectral efficiency can be improved on downlink by concurrently serving multiple users with high-rate data connections on shared resources. In this thesis optimized multi-user multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transmissions are investigated on downlink from both filter design and resource allocation/assignment points of view. Regarding filter design, a joint baseband processing method is proposed specifically for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions, where the necessary signaling overhead can be compensated for. Regarding resource scheduling, greedy- and genetic-based algorithms are proposed that demand lower complexity with large number of resource blocks relative to prior implementations. Channel estimation techniques are investigated for massive MIMO technology. In case of channel reciprocity, this thesis proposes an overhead reduction scheme for the signaling of user channel state information (CSI) feedback during a relative antenna calibration. In addition, a multi-cell coordination method is proposed for subspace-based blind estimators on uplink, which can be implicitly translated to downlink CSI in the presence of ideal reciprocity. Regarding non-reciprocal channels, a novel estimation technique is proposed based on reconstructing full downlink CSI from a select number of dominant propagation paths. The proposed method offers drastic compressions in user feedback reports and requires much simpler downlink training processes. Full-duplex technology can provide up to twice the spectral efficiency of conventional resource divisions. This thesis considers a full-duplex two-hop link with a MIMO relay and investigates mitigation techniques against the inherent loop-interference. Spatial-domain suppression schemes are developed for the optimization of full-duplex MIMO relaying in a coverage extension scenario on downlink. The proposed methods are demonstrated to generate data rates that closely approximate their global bounds

    Quantum Computing and Communications

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    This book explains the concepts and basic mathematics of quantum computing and communication. Chapters cover such topics as quantum algorithms, photonic implementations of discrete-time quantum walks, how to build a quantum computer, and quantum key distribution and teleportation, among others
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