107 research outputs found

    Spectrum analysis of LTI continuous-time systems with constant delays: A literature overview of some recent results

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    In recent decades, increasingly intensive research attention has been given to dynamical systems containing delays and those affected by the after-effect phenomenon. Such research covers a wide range of human activities and the solutions of related engineering problems often require interdisciplinary cooperation. The knowledge of the spectrum of these so-called time-delay systems (TDSs) is very crucial for the analysis of their dynamical properties, especially stability, periodicity, and dumping effect. A great volume of mathematical methods and techniques to analyze the spectrum of the TDSs have been developed and further applied in the most recent times. Although a broad family of nonlinear, stochastic, sampled-data, time-variant or time-varying-delay systems has been considered, the study of the most fundamental continuous linear time-invariant (LTI) TDSs with fixed delays is still the dominant research direction with ever-increasing new results and novel applications. This paper is primarily aimed at a (systematic) literature overview of recent (mostly published between 2013 to 2017) advances regarding the spectrum analysis of the LTI-TDSs. Specifically, a total of 137 collected articles-which are most closely related to the research area-are eventually reviewed. There are two main objectives of this review paper: First, to provide the reader with a detailed literature survey on the selected recent results on the topic and Second, to suggest possible future research directions to be tackled by scientists and engineers in the field. © 2013 IEEE.MSMT-7778/2014, FEDER, European Regional Development Fund; LO1303, FEDER, European Regional Development Fund; CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376, FEDER, European Regional Development FundEuropean Regional Development Fund through the Project CEBIA-Tech Instrumentation [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376]; National Sustainability Program Project [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)

    Robust stability of fractional-order linear time-invariant systems: Parametric versus Unstructured Uncertainty Models

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    The main aim of this paper is to present and compare three approaches to uncertainty modeling and robust stability analysis for fractional-order (FO) linear time-invariant (LTI) single-input single-output (SISO) uncertain systems. The investigated objects are described either via FO models with parametric uncertainty, by means of FO unstructured multiplicative uncertainty models, or through FO unstructured additive uncertainty models, while the unstructured models are constructed on the basis of appropriate selection of a nominal plant and a weight function. Robust stability investigation for systems with parametric uncertainty uses the combination of plotting the value sets and application of the zero exclusion condition. For the case of systems with unstructured uncertainty, the graphical interpretation of the utilized robust stability test is based mainly on the envelopes of the Nyquist diagrams. The theoretical foundations are followed by two extensive, illustrative examples where the plant models are created; the robust stability of feedback control loops is analyzed, and obtained results are discussed.European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech Instrumentation [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)

    Stability Analysis and Decentralized Control of Coupled Oscillators with Feedback Delays

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    Most dynamic systems do not react instantaneously to actuation signals. The temporal evolution of some others is based on retarded communications or depends on information from the past. In such cases, the mathematical models used to describe these systems must include information about the past dynamics of the states. These models are often referred to as delay or retarded systems. Delays could channel energy in and out of a system at incorrect time intervals producing instabilities and rendering controllers\u27 performance ineffective. The purpose of this research is two folds. The first investigates the effect of inherent system delays on the stability of coupled oscillators subjected to decentralized control and the second studies the prospectus of augmenting the delay into a larger delay period that could actually stabilize the coupled system and enhance its damping characteristics. Towards these ends, a system of two linearly-coupled oscillators with decentralized delayed-proportional feedback is considered. A comprehensive linear stability analysis is utilized to generate maps that divide the controllers\u27 gain and delay domain into regions of stability for different coupling values. These maps are then used to draw definite conclusions about the effect of coupling on the stability of the closed-loop in the presence of delay. Once the stability maps are generated, the Lambert-W function approach is utilized to find the stability exponents of the coupled system which, in turn, is used to generate damping contours within the pockets of stability. These contours are used to choose gain-delay combinations that could augment the inherent feedback delays into a larger delay period which can enhance the damping characteristics and reduce the system settling time significantly. An experimental plant comprised of two mass-spring-damper trios coupled with a spring is installed to validate the theoretical results and the proposed control hypothesis. Different scenarios consisting of different gains and delays are considered and compared with theoretical findings demonstrating very good agreement. Furthermore, the proposed delayed-proportional feedback decentralized controller is tested and its ability to dampen external oscillations is verified through different experiments. Such a research endeavor could prove very beneficial to many vital areas in our life. A good example is that of the coupled system of the natural and artificial cardiac pacemakers where the natural pacemaker represents a rhythmic oscillating system and the coupled artificial pacemaker provides a stabilizing signal through a feedback mechanism that senses the loss in rhythm. In this system, even the minute amount of delay in the sensing-actuating could prove very detrimental. The result of this research contributes to the solution of this and similar problems

    Stability and stabilization of fractional order time delay systems

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    U ovom radu predstavljeni su neki osnovni rezultati koji se odnose na kriterijume stabilnosti sistema necelobrojnog reda sa kašnjenjem kao i za sisteme necelobrojnog reda bez kašnjenja.Takođe, dobijeni su i predstavljeni dovoljni uslovi za konačnom vremenskom stabilnost i stabilizacija za (ne)linearne (ne)homogene kao i za perturbovane sisteme necelobrojnog reda sa vremenskim kašnjenjem. Nekoliko kriterijuma stabilnosti za ovu klasu sistema necelobrojnog reda je predloženo korišćenjem nedavno dobijene generalizovane Gronval nejednakosti, kao i 'klasične' Belman-Gronval nejednakosti. Neki zaključci koji se odnose na stabilnost sistema necelobrojnog reda su slični onima koji se odnose na klasične sisteme celobrojnog reda. Na kraju, numerički primer je dat u cilju ilustracije značaja predloženog postupka.In this paper, some basic results of the stability criteria of fractional order system with time delay as well as free delay are presented. Also, we obtained and presented sufficient conditions for finite time stability and stabilization for (non)linear (non)homogeneous as well as perturbed fractional order time delay systems. Several stability criteria for this class of fractional order systems are proposed using a recently suggested generalized Gronwall inequality as well as 'classical' Bellman-Gronwall inequality. Some conclusions for stability are similar to those of classical integerorder differential equations. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the validity of the proposed procedure

    A numerical method for stability windows and unstable root-locus calculation for linear fractional time-delay systems

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    This paper aims to provide a numerical algorithm able to locate all unstable poles, and therefore the characterization of the stability as a function of the delay, for a class of linear fractional-order neutral systems with multiple commensurate delays. We start by giving the asymptotic position of the chains of poles and the conditions for their stability for a small delay. When these conditions are met, the root continuity argument and some simple substitutions allow us to determine the locations where some roots cross the imaginary axis, providing therefore the complete characterization of the stability windows. The same method can be extended to provide the position of all unstable poles as a function of the delay. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved