410 research outputs found

    Reachability Analysis of Communicating Pushdown Systems

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    The reachability analysis of recursive programs that communicate asynchronously over reliable FIFO channels calls for restrictions to ensure decidability. Our first result characterizes communication topologies with a decidable reachability problem restricted to eager runs (i.e., runs where messages are either received immediately after being sent, or never received). The problem is EXPTIME-complete in the decidable case. The second result is a doubly exponential time algorithm for bounded context analysis in this setting, together with a matching lower bound. Both results extend and improve previous work from La Torre et al

    A Petri Net approach for representing Orthogonal Variability Models

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    The software product line (SPL) paradigm is used for developing software system products from a set of reusable artifacts, known as platform. The Orthogonal Variability Modeling (OVM) is a technique for representing and managing the variability and composition of those artifacts for deriving products in the SPL. Nevertheless, OVM does not support the formal analysis of the models. For example, the detection of dead artifacts (i.e., artifcats that cannot be included in any product) is an exhaustive activity which implies the verification of relationships between artifacs, artifacts parents, and so on. In this work, we introduce a Petri nets approach for representing and analyzing OVM models. The proposed net is built from elemental topologies that represents OVM concepts and relationships. Finally, we simulate the net and study their properties in order to avoid the product feasibility problems.Fil: Martinez, Cristian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño (i); ArgentinaFil: Leone, Horacio Pascual. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño (i); ArgentinaFil: Gonnet, Silvio Miguel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño (i); Argentin

    On the Upward/Downward Closures of Petri Nets

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    We study the size and the complexity of computing finite state automata (FSA) representing and approximating the downward and the upward closure of Petri net languages with coverability as the acceptance condition. We show how to construct an FSA recognizing the upward closure of a Petri net language in doubly-exponential time, and therefore the size is at most doubly exponential. For downward closures, we prove that the size of the minimal automata can be non-primitive recursive. In the case of BPP nets, a well-known subclass of Petri nets, we show that an FSA accepting the downward/upward closure can be constructed in exponential time. Furthermore, we consider the problem of checking whether a simple regular language is included in the downward/upward closure of a Petri net/BPP net language. We show that this problem is EXPSPACE-complete (resp. NP-complete) in the case of Petri nets (resp. BPP nets). Finally, we show that it is decidable whether a Petri net language is upward/downward closed

    Parameterized Reachability Graph for Software Model Checking Based on PDNet

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    Model checking is a software automation verification technique. However, the complex execution process of concurrent software systems and the exhaustive search of state space make the model-checking technique limited by the state-explosion problem in real applications. Due to the uncertain input information (called system parameterization) in concurrent software systems, the state-explosion problem in model checking is exacerbated. To address the problem that reachability graphs of Petri net are difficult to construct and cannot be explored exhaustively due to system parameterization, this paper introduces parameterized variables into the program dependence net (a concurrent program model). Then, it proposes a parameterized reachability graph generation algorithm, including decision algorithms for verifying the properties. We implement LTL-x verification based on parameterized reachability graphs and solve the problem of difficulty constructing reachability graphs caused by uncertain inputs

    Improved Ackermannian Lower Bound for the Petri Nets Reachability Problem

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    Petri nets, equivalently presentable as vector addition systems with states, are an established model of concurrency with widespread applications. The reachability problem, where we ask whether from a given initial configuration there exists a sequence of valid execution steps reaching a given final configuration, is the central algorithmic problem for this model. The complexity of the problem has remained, until recently, one of the hardest open questions in verification of concurrent systems. A first upper bound has been provided only in 2015 by Leroux and Schmitz, then refined by the same authors to non-primitive recursive Ackermannian upper bound in 2019. The exponential space lower bound, shown by Lipton already in 1976, remained the only known for over 40 years until a breakthrough non-elementary lower bound by Czerwi?ski, Lasota, Lazic, Leroux and Mazowiecki in 2019. Finally, a matching Ackermannian lower bound announced this year by Czerwi?ski and Orlikowski, and independently by Leroux, established the complexity of the problem. Our primary contribution is an improvement of the former construction, making it conceptually simpler and more direct. On the way we improve the lower bound for vector addition systems with states in fixed dimension (or, equivalently, Petri nets with fixed number of places): while Czerwi?ski and Orlikowski prove F_k-hardness (hardness for kth level in Grzegorczyk Hierarchy) in dimension 6k, our simplified construction yields F_k-hardness already in dimension 3k+2

    Timed Basic Parallel Processes

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    Timed basic parallel processes (TBPP) extend communication-free Petri nets (aka. BPP or commutative context-free grammars) by a global notion of time. TBPP can be seen as an extension of timed automata (TA) with context-free branching rules, and as such may be used to model networks of independent timed automata with process creation. We show that the coverability and reachability problems (with unary encoded target multiplicities) are PSPACE-complete and EXPTIME-complete, respectively. For the special case of 1-clock TBPP, both are NP-complete and hence not more complex than for untimed BPP. This contrasts with known super-Ackermannian-completeness and undecidability results for general timed Petri nets. As a result of independent interest, and basis for our NP upper bounds, we show that the reachability relation of 1-clock TA can be expressed by a formula of polynomial size in the existential fragment of linear arithmetic, which improves on recent results from the literature
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