1,221 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Inference Modulo Theories

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    We present SGDPLL(T), an algorithm that solves (among many other problems) probabilistic inference modulo theories, that is, inference problems over probabilistic models defined via a logic theory provided as a parameter (currently, propositional, equalities on discrete sorts, and inequalities, more specifically difference arithmetic, on bounded integers). While many solutions to probabilistic inference over logic representations have been proposed, SGDPLL(T) is simultaneously (1) lifted, (2) exact and (3) modulo theories, that is, parameterized by a background logic theory. This offers a foundation for extending it to rich logic languages such as data structures and relational data. By lifted, we mean algorithms with constant complexity in the domain size (the number of values that variables can take). We also detail a solver for summations with difference arithmetic and show experimental results from a scenario in which SGDPLL(T) is much faster than a state-of-the-art probabilistic solver.Comment: Submitted to StarAI-16 workshop as closely revised version of IJCAI-16 pape

    On existential declarations of independence in IF Logic

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    We analyze the behaviour of declarations of independence between existential quantifiers in quantifier prefixes of IF sentences; we give a syntactical criterion for deciding whether a sentence beginning with such prefix exists such that its truth values may be affected by removal of the declaration of independence. We extend the result also to equilibrium semantics values for undetermined IF sentences. The main theorem allows us to describe the behaviour of various particular classes of quantifier prefixes, and to prove as a remarkable corollary that all existential IF sentences are equivalent to first-order sentences. As a further consequence, we prove that the fragment of IF sentences with knowledge memory has only first-order expressive power (up to truth equivalence)

    Asymptotic elimination of partially continuous aggregation functions in directed graphical models

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    In Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence, a branch of AI and machine learning which combines the logical and statistical schools of AI, one uses the concept {\em para\-metrized probabilistic graphical model (PPGM)} to model (conditional) dependencies between random variables and to make probabilistic inferences about events on a space of ``possible worlds''. The set of possible worlds with underlying domain DD (a set of objects) can be represented by the set WD\mathbf{W}_D of all first-order structures (for a suitable signature) with domain DD. Using a formal logic we can describe events on WD\mathbf{W}_D. By combining a logic and a PPGM we can also define a probability distribution PD\mathbb{P}_D on WD\mathbf{W}_D and use it to compute the probability of an event. We consider a logic, denoted PLAPLA, with truth values in the unit interval, which uses aggregation functions, such as arithmetic mean, geometric mean, maximum and minimum instead of quantifiers. However we face the problem of computational efficiency and this problem is an obstacle to the wider use of methods from Statistical Relational AI in practical applications. We address this problem by proving that the described probability will, under certain assumptions on the PPGM and the sentence φ\varphi, converge as the size of DD tends to infinity. The convergence result is obtained by showing that every formula φ(x1,…,xk)\varphi(x_1, \ldots, x_k) which contains only ``admissible'' aggregation functions (e.g. arithmetic and geometric mean, max and min) is asymptotically equivalent to a formula ψ(x1,…,xk)\psi(x_1, \ldots, x_k) without aggregation functions

    Generalized Craig Interpolation for Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability Problems with Applications to Probabilistic State Reachability and Region Stability

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    The stochastic Boolean satisfiability (SSAT) problem has been introduced by Papadimitriou in 1985 when adding a probabilistic model of uncertainty to propositional satisfiability through randomized quantification. SSAT has many applications, among them probabilistic bounded model checking (PBMC) of symbolically represented Markov decision processes. This article identifies a notion of Craig interpolant for the SSAT framework and develops an algorithm for computing such interpolants based on a resolution calculus for SSAT. As a potential application area of this novel concept of Craig interpolation, we address the symbolic analysis of probabilistic systems. We first investigate the use of interpolation in probabilistic state reachability analysis, turning the falsification procedure employing PBMC into a verification technique for probabilistic safety properties. We furthermore propose an interpolation-based approach to probabilistic region stability, being able to verify that the probability of stabilizing within some region is sufficiently large

    On almost sure elimination of generalized quantifiers

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    Computational Arithmetic Geometry I: Sentences Nearly in the Polynomial Hierarchy

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    We consider the average-case complexity of some otherwise undecidable or open Diophantine problems. More precisely, consider the following: (I) Given a polynomial f in Z[v,x,y], decide the sentence \exists v \forall x \exists y f(v,x,y)=0, with all three quantifiers ranging over N (or Z). (II) Given polynomials f_1,...,f_m in Z[x_1,...,x_n] with m>=n, decide if there is a rational solution to f_1=...=f_m=0. We show that, for almost all inputs, problem (I) can be done within coNP. The decidability of problem (I), over N and Z, was previously unknown. We also show that the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) implies that, for almost all inputs, problem (II) can be done via within the complexity class PP^{NP^NP}, i.e., within the third level of the polynomial hierarchy. The decidability of problem (II), even in the case m=n=2, remains open in general. Along the way, we prove results relating polynomial system solving over C, Q, and Z/pZ. We also prove a result on Galois groups associated to sparse polynomial systems which may be of independent interest. A practical observation is that the aforementioned Diophantine problems should perhaps be avoided in the construction of crypto-systems.Comment: Slight revision of final journal version of an extended abstract which appeared in STOC 1999. This version includes significant corrections and improvements to various asymptotic bounds. Needs cjour.cls to compil
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