24 research outputs found

    On Predicting Learning Styles in Conversational Intelligent Tutoring Systems using Fuzzy Decision Trees

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    Intelligent Tutoring Systems personalise learning for students with different backgrounds, abilities, behaviours and knowledge. One way to personalise learning is through consideration of individual differences in preferred learning style. OSCAR is the name of a Conversational Intelligent Tutoring System that models a person's learning style using natural language dialogue during tutoring in order to dynamically predict, and personalise, their tutoring session. Prediction of learning style is undertaken by capturing independent behaviour variables during the tutoring conversation with the highest value variable determining the student's learning style. A weakness of this approach is that it does not take into consideration the interactions between behaviour variables and, due to the uncertainty inherently present in modelling learning styles, small differences in behaviour can lead to incorrect predictions. Consequently, the learner is presented with tutoring material not suited to their learning style. This paper proposes a new method that uses fuzzy decision trees to build a series of fuzzy predictive models combining these variables for all dimensions of the Felder Silverman Learning Styles model. Results using live data show the fuzzy models have increased the predictive accuracy of OSCAR-CITS across four learning style dimensions and facilitated the discovery of some interesting relationships amongst behaviour variables

    Designing an expert system for determining student learning styles using forward chaining in engineering education

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    Engineering education prepares its graduates able to work in the community and entrepreneurship, the quality of graduates is highly determined by the quality of the learning process is no exception for student learning styles. The purpose of this study was to describe the design of the expert system to determine the student learning style, the method used was forward chaining. The results of the design of this application have been able to diagnose student learning styles efficiently and provide the best solutions for their learning

    Student Behavior Analysis to Predict Learning Styles Based Felder Silverman Model Using Ensemble Tree Method

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    Learning styles are very important to know so that students can learn effectively. By understanding the learning style, students will learn about their needs in the learning process. One of the famous learning management systems is called Moodle. Moodle can catch student experiences and behaviors while learning and store all student activities in the Moodle Log. There is a fundamental issue in e-learning where not all students have the same degree of comprehension. Therefore, in some cases of learning in E-Learning, students tend to leave the classroom and lack activeness in the classroom. In order to solve these problems, we have to know students' preferences in the learning process by understanding each student's learning style. To find out the appropriate student learning style, it is necessary to analyze student behavior based on the frequency of visits when accessing Moodle E-learning and fill out the Index Learning Style (ILS) questionnaire. The Felder Silverman model's learning style classifies it into four dimensions: Input, Processing, Perception, and Understanding. We propose a learning style prediction model using the Ensemble Tree method, namely Bagging and Boosting-Gradient Boosted Tree. Afterwards, we evaluate the classification results using Stratified Cross Validation and measure the performance using accuracy. The results showed that the Ensemble Tree method's classification efficiency has higher accuracy than a single tree classification model

    An Architecture of Decision Support System for Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Styles Detection Through Behavioral Modelling

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    Learning style (LS) is a description of the attitudes and behaviors which determine an individual’s preferred way of learning. Since each student has different LS, it is important for the teacher to recognize the differences in LS. Thus, an appropriate technique to detect students' LS, improve the motivation and academic achievement are required. The common approach using questionnaires to identify LS is less accurate due to complete the questionnaire is a tedious task for students and tend to choose answers randomly without understanding the questions. Emotions such as anger, sadness, and happiness resulting the different questionnaire answers. Due to the approach constrains, this study has focused on automated approaches that identify student LS from student behavior in the learning process. Implementation of decision support system (DSS) as automated application systems is needed to help teachers make decisions in determining students' LS. Thus, the objective of this study is to propose the architecture of LS detection automatically using decision support system. The development of the architecture is applying the behavioral modelling, that are contained student’s behavior parameters for visual-auditory-kinesthetic (VAK) model. Evaluation of the architecture is tested with the precision DSS engine. The accuracy of the rule technique achieves significant 80% accuracy. This study aims to help teachers to identify the ability of the student through the learning style (LS) in order to create effectiveness of learning and improving student’s achievement indirectly. Keywords— decision support system, reasoning engines, learning style detection, user behavior, visual-auditory-kinesthetic (VAK) mode

    Integrated Stochastic and Literate Based Driven Approaches in Learning Style Identification for Personalized E-Learning Purpose

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    This paper presents integrated stochastic and literate based driven approaches in learning style identification for personalized e-learning purpose. Shifting a paradigm in education from teacher learning to student learning center has encouraged that learning should follow and tailor learners’ characteristics in the form of personalized e-learning. There are several aspects to describe a condition of learners such as prior knowledge, learning goals, learning styles, cognitive ability, learning interest, and motivation. Even though, in many studies of the personalized e-learning, the learning style plays a significant role. In terms of e-learning, implementing several methods for identifying learner style becomes more challenging. Artificial intelligence and machine learning method give good accuracy, but they still have some issues in computation. Additionally, the stationary method is very hard to represent non-deterministic and dynamic data. Therefore, this research proposes the learning style identification by integrating stochastic and literate based driven approaches. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and the Naïve Bayes as the Stochastic Approach have been implemented. Subsequently, learner behavior as the literate based data is used to get hints during accessing the learning objects. The proposed model has been implemented to VARK learning style. The accuracy is calculated by comparing the model results with the questionnaire results. When Using the HMM, the proposed model gives accuracy in the range of 95% up to 96.67%. Additionally, when using the Naïve Bayes; the accuracy is 93.33%. The results give better accuracy compared to previous studies. In conclusion, the proposed model is promising for modeling learner style in personalized e-learning

    Say Hello to Your New Automated Tutor – A Structured Literature Review on Pedagogical Conversational Agents

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    In this paper, we present the current state of the art of using conversational agents for educational purposes. These so-called pedagogical conversational agents are a specialized type of e-learning and intelligent tutoring systems. The main difference to traditional e-learning and intelligent tutoring systems is that they interact with learners using natural language dialogs, e.g. in the form of chatbots. For the sake of our research project, we analyzed current trends in the research stream as well as research gaps. Our results show for instance that (1) there is a trend towards using mobile conversational agents in education, (2) a proper generalization of existing research results (e.g. design knowledge) is missing, and (3) there is a need for comprehensive in-depth evaluation studies and corresponding process models. Based on our results, we outline a research agenda for future research studies

    Granular computing based approach of rule learning for binary classification

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    Rule learning is one of the most popular types of machine-learning approaches, which typically follow two main strategies: ‘divide and conquer’ and ‘separate and conquer’. The former strategy is aimed at induction of rules in the form of a decision tree, whereas the latter one is aimed at direct induction of if–then rules. Due to the case that the divide and conquer strategy could result in the replicated sub-tree problem, which not only leads to overfitting but also increases the computational complexity in classifying unseen instances, researchers have thus been motivated to develop rule learning approaches through the separate and conquer strategy. In this paper, we focus on investigation of the Prism algorithm, since it is a representative one that follows the separate and conquer strategy, and is aimed at learning a set of rules for each class in the setting of granular computing, where each class (referred to as target class) is viewed as a granule. The Prism algorithm shows highly comparable performance to the most popular algorithms, such as ID3 and C4.5, which follow the divide and conquer strategy. However, due to the need to learn a rule set for each class, Prism usually produces very complex rule-based classifiers. In real applications, there are many problems that involve one target class only, so it is not necessary to learn a rule set for each class, i.e., only a set of rules for the target class needs to be learned and a default rule is used to indicate the case of non-target classes. To address the above issues of Prism, we propose a new version of the algorithm referred to as PrismSTC, where ‘STC’ stands for ‘single target class’. Our experimental results show that PrismSTC leads to production of simpler rule-based classifiers without loss of accuracy in comparison with Prism. PrismSTC also demonstrates sufficiently good performance comparing with C4.5

    Parameters and Structure of Neural Network Databases for Assessment of Learning Outcomes

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the methodology, develop a theory of construction, put into practice algorithmization and implement the functionality of a hybrid intelligent system for assessment of educational outcomes of trainees on the basis of the identified keyword parameters and structure of the artificial neural network using expert systems and fuzzy simulation; to develop a methodology for the construction of structural-logic, hierarchical, functional and fractal schemes for structuring databases of the didactic field of learning elements; to determine the content, structure of parameters and database components, selection criteria and the content of complexes of educational standards. The methodology of introducing intelligent systems into mathematical education is on the basis of the Hegelian triad: thesis (implementation of the coherence principle) – antithesis (implementation of principles of the fractality and historiogenesis) – synthesis (implementation of the principles of self-organization and reflection of the complex system inversion integrity). Requirements for the organization and construction of the artificial neural network for assessment of personal achievements on the basis of fuzzy simulation have been developed. In the direction of using elements of fractal geometry, the technological structures of clusters that constitute the basis of generalized structures have been developed. In particular, it is revealed that the didactic field of learning elements is equipped with a system of multi-level hierarchical databases of exercises, motivational-applied, research, practice-oriented tasks using expert systems and integration of mathematical, information, natural-science and humanities knowledge and procedures

    How do Pedagogical Conversational Agents affect Learning Outcomes among High School Pupils: Insights from a Field Experiment

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    Pedagogical conversational agents (CA) support formal and informal learning to help students achieve better learning outcomes by providing information, guidance or fostering reflections. Even though the extant literature suggests that pedagogical CAs can improve learning outcomes, there exists little empirical evidence of what design features drive this effect. This study reports on an exploratory field experiment involving 31 pupils in commercial high schools and finds that students achieved better learning outcomes when preparing for their tests with a pedagogical CA than without. However, the drivers of this effect remain unclear. Neither the use frequency of the design features nor the pupils’ expectations towards the CA could explain the improvement in marks. However, for the subjective perception of learning achievement, pupils’ expectations was a significant predictor. These findings provide support for the use of pedagogical CAs in teaching but also highlight that the drivers of better learning outcomes still remain unknown

    Digital Training in Building Chatbot-based Online Learning Media: Action Research for Teachers in Semarang City through the "Train The Teachers" Training

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    The lack of student learning motivation and teacher difficulties in monitoring student learning progress is considered to be the main problems in distance learning, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research employed action research methods by involving 20 teachers in several elementary schools in Semarang City spread across several sub-districts. The research results obtained: First,  six steps to determine the increase in teacher creativity and understanding, namely the introduction of chatbot and chatbot templates as digital learning media in schools; the implementation of the first training session; the assignment of creating and designing chatbots from templates; the implementation of the second training session and finale chatbot feedback. Second, during digital chatbot training, Acita template was used to see an increase in teacher creativity and understanding of chatbots. The result revealed that, in the aspect of teacher creativity, the point of chatbot design creativity had increased by 41%, creativity in material integration had increased by 46%, and interactive creativity in chatbots had increased by 33%. In addition, in the aspect of teacher understanding, the points of understanding of chatbot structure and understanding of chatbot development had increased by 47%