327 research outputs found

    On Polynomial Approximations Over Z/2^kZ*

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    We study approximation of Boolean functions by low-degree polynomials over the ring Z/2^kZ. More precisely, given a Boolean function F:{0,1}^n -> {0,1}, define its k-lift to be F_k:{0,1}^n -> {0,2^(k-1)} by F_k(x) = 2^(k-F(x)) (mod 2^k). We consider the fractional agreement (which we refer to as gamma_{d,k}(F)) of F_k with degree d polynomials from Z/2^kZ[x_1,..,x_n]. Our results are the following: * Increasing k can help: We observe that as k increases, gamma_{d,k}(F) cannot decrease. We give two kinds of examples where gamma_{d,k}(F) actually increases. The first is an infinite family of functions F such that gamma_{2d,2}(F) - gamma_{3d-1,1}(F) >= Omega(1). The second is an infinite family of functions F such that gamma_{d,1}(F) = 1/2 + Omega(1). * Increasing k doesn\u27t always help: Adapting a proof of Green [Comput. Complexity, 9(1):16--38, 2000], we show that irrespective of the value of k, the Majority function Maj_n satisfies gamma_{d,k}(Maj_n) <= 1/2+ O(d)/sqrt{n}. In other words, polynomials over Z/2^kZ for large k do not approximate the majority function any better than polynomials over Z/2Z. We observe that the model we study subsumes the model of non-classical polynomials, in the sense that proving bounds in our model implies bounds on the agreement of non-classical polynomials with Boolean functions. In particular, our results answer questions raised by Bhowmick and Lovett [In Proc. 30th Computational Complexity Conf., pages 72-87, 2015] that ask whether non-classical polynomials approximate Boolean functions better than classical polynomials of the same degree

    On the Polyphase Decomposition for Design of Generalized Comb Decimation Filters

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    Generalized comb filters (GCFs) are efficient anti-aliasing decimation filters with improved selectivity and quantization noise (QN) rejection performance around the so called folding bands with respect to classical comb filters. In this paper, we address the design of GCF filters by proposing an efficient partial polyphase architecture with the aim to reduce the data rate as much as possible after the Sigma-Delta A/D conversion. We propose a mathematical framework in order to completely characterize the dependence of the frequency response of GCFs on the quantization of the multipliers embedded in the proposed filter architecture. This analysis paves the way to the design of multiplier-less decimation architectures. We also derive the impulse response of a sample 3rd order GCF filter used as a reference scheme throughout the paper.Comment: Submitted to IEEE TCAS-I, February 2007; 11 double-column pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Beyond the periodic orbit theory

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    The global constraints on chaotic dynamics induced by the analyticity of smooth flows are used to dispense with individual periodic orbits and derive infinite families of exact sum rules for several simple dynamical systems. The associated Fredholm determinants are of particularly simple polynomial form. The theory developed suggests an alternative to the conventional periodic orbit theory approach to determining eigenspectra of transfer operators.Comment: 29 pages Latex2

    Moving Atom-Field Interaction: Correction to Casimir-Polder Effect from Coherent Back-action

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    The Casimir-Polder force is an attractive force between a polarizable atom and a conducting or dielectric boundary. Its original computation was in terms of the Lamb shift of the atomic ground state in an electromagnetic field (EMF) modified by boundary conditions along the wall and assuming a stationary atom. We calculate the corrections to this force due to a moving atom, demanding maximal preservation of entanglement generated by the moving atom-conducting wall system. We do this by using non-perturbative path integral techniques which allow for coherent back-action and thus can treat non-Markovian processes. We recompute the atom-wall force for a conducting boundary by allowing the bare atom-EMF ground state to evolve (or self-dress) into the interacting ground state. We find a clear distinction between the cases of stationary and adiabatic motions. Our result for the retardation correction for adiabatic motion is up to twice as much as that computed for stationary atoms. We give physical interpretations of both the stationary and adiabatic atom-wall forces in terms of alteration of the virtual photon cloud surrounding the atom by the wall and the Doppler effect.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, clarified discussions; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Steady streaming confined between three-dimensional wavy surfaces

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    We present a theoretical and numerical study of three-dimensional pulsatile confined flow between two rigid horizontal surfaces separated by an average gap h, and having three-dimensional wavy shapes with arbitrary amplitude σ h where σ ∼ O(1), but long-wavelength variations λ, with h/λ 1. We are interested in pulsating flows with moderate inertial effect arising from the Reynolds stress due to the cavity non-parallelism. We analyse the inertial steady-streaming and the second harmonic flows in a lubrication approximation. The dependence of the three-dimensional velocity field in the transverse direction is analytically obtained for arbitrary Womersley numbers and possibly overlapping Stokes layers. The horizontal dependence of the flow is solved numerically by computing the first two pressure fields of an asymptotic expansion in the small inertial limit. We study the variations of the flow structure with the amplitude, the channel’s wavelength and the Womersley number for various families of three-dimensional channels. The steady-streaming flow field in the horizontal plane exhibits a quadrupolar vortex, the size of which is adjusted to the cavity wavelength. When increasing the wall amplitude, the wavelengths characterizing the channel or the Womersley number, we find higher-order harmonic flow structures, the origin of which can either be inertially driven or geometrically induced. When some of the channel symmetries are broken, a steady-streaming current appears which has a quadratic dependence on the pressure drop, the amplitude of which is linked to the Womersley number

    Chiral dynamics in a magnetic field from the functional renormalization group

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    We investigate the quark-meson model in a magnetic field using the exact functional renormalization group equation beyond the local-potential approximation. Our truncation of the effective action involves anisotropic wave function renormalization for mesons, which allows us to investigate how the magnetic field distorts the propagation of neutral mesons. Solving the flow equation numerically, we find that the transverse velocity of mesons decreases with the magnetic field at all temperatures, which is most prominent at zero temperature. The meson screening masses and the pion decay constants are also computed. The constituent quark mass is found to increase with magnetic field at all temperatures, resulting in the crossover temperature that increases monotonically with the magnetic field. This tendency is consistent with most model calculations but not with the lattice simulation performed at the physical point. Our work suggests that the strong anisotropy of meson propagation may not be the fundamental origin of the inverse magnetic catalysis.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures. v2: References added, the version published in JHE

    Physical meaning of the radial index of Laguerre-Gauss beams

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    The Laguerre-Gauss modes are a class of fundamental and well-studied optical fields. These stable, shape-invariant photons - exhibiting circular-cylindrical symmetry - are familiar from laser optics, micro-mechanical manipulation, quantum optics, communication, and foundational studies in both classical optics and quantum physics. They are characterized, chiefly, by two modes numbers: the azimuthal index indicating the orbital angular momentum of the beam - which itself has spawned a burgeoning and vibrant sub-field - and the radial index, which up until recently, has largely been ignored. In this manuscript we develop a differential operator formalism for dealing with the radial modes in both the position and momentum representations, and - more importantly - give for the first time the meaning of this quantum number in terms of a well-defined physical parameter: the "intrinsic hyperbolic momentum charge".Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, comments encourage