40 research outputs found

    Finding Edge and Vertex Induced Cycles within Circulants.

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    Let H be a graph. G is a subgraph of H if V (G) ⊆ V (H) and E(G) ⊆ E(H). The subgraphs of H can be used to determine whether H is planar, a line graph, and to give information about the chromatic number. In a recent work by Beeler and Jamison [3], it was shown that it is difficult to obtain an automorphic decomposition of a triangle-free graph. As many of their examples involve circulant graphs, it is of particular interest to find triangle-free subgraphs within circulants. As a cycle with at least four vertices is a canonical example of a triangle-free subgraph, we concentrate our efforts on these. In this thesis, we will state necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of edge induced and vertex induced cycles within circulants

    Chromatic numbers of Cayley graphs of abelian groups: Cases of small dimension and rank

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    A connected Cayley graph on an abelian group with a finite generating set SS can be represented by its Heuberger matrix, i.e., an integer matrix whose columns generate the group of relations between members of SS. In a companion article, the authors lay the foundation for the use of Heuberger matrices to study chromatic numbers of abelian Cayley graphs. We call the number of rows in the Heuberger matrix the dimension, and the number of columns the rank. In this paper, we give precise numerical conditions that completely determine the chromatic number in all cases with dimension 11; with rank 11; and with dimension ≤3\leq 3 and rank ≤2\leq 2. For such a graph without loops, we show that it is 44-colorable if and only if it does not contain a 55-clique, and it is 33-colorable if and only if it contains neither a diamond lanyard nor a C13(1,5)C_{13}(1,5), both of which we define herein. In a separate companion article, we show that we recover Zhu's theorem on the chromatic number of 66-valent integer distance graphs as a special case of our theorem for dimension 33 and rank 22.Comment: 27 page

    A Note On Quadrangular Embedding Of Abelian Cayley Graphs

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    The genus graphs have been studied by many authors, but just a few results concerning in special cases: Planar, Toroidal, Complete, Bipartite and Cartesian Product of Bipartite. We present here a general lower bound for the genus of a abelian Cayley graph and construct a family of circulant graphs which reach this bound.17333134

    Graph Properties in Node-Query Setting: Effect of Breaking Symmetry

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    The query complexity of graph properties is well-studied when queries are on the edges. We investigate the same when queries are on the nodes. In this setting a graph G = (V,E) on n vertices and a property P are given. A black-box access to an unknown subset S of V is provided via queries of the form "Does i belong to S?". We are interested in the minimum number of queries needed in the worst case in order to determine whether G[S] - the subgraph of G induced on S - satisfies P. Our primary motivation to study this model comes from the fact that it allows us to initiate a systematic study of breaking symmetry in the context of query complexity of graph properties. In particular, we focus on the hereditary graph properties - properties that are closed under deletion of vertices as well as edges. The famous Evasiveness Conjecture asserts that even with a minimal symmetry assumption on G, namely that of vertex-transitivity, the query complexity for any hereditary graph property in our setting is the worst possible, i.e., n. We show that in the absence of any symmetry on G it can fall as low as O(n^{1/(d + 1)}) where d denotes the minimum possible degree of a minimal forbidden sub-graph for P. In particular, every hereditary property benefits at least quadratically. The main question left open is: Can it go exponentially low for some hereditary property? We show that the answer is no for any hereditary property with finitely many forbidden subgraphs by exhibiting a bound of Omega(n^{1/k}) for a constant k depending only on the property. For general ones we rule out the possibility of the query complexity falling down to constant by showing Omega(log(n)*log(log(n))) bound. Interestingly, our lower bound proofs rely on the famous Sunflower Lemma due to Erdos and Rado

    On semi-transitive orientability of triangle-free graphs

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    An orientation of a graph is semi-transitive if it is acyclic, and for any directed path either there is no arc between and , or is an arc for all . An undirected graph is semi-transitive if it admits a semi-transitive orientation. Semi-transitive graphs generalize several important classes of graphs and they are precisely the class of word-representable graphs studied extensively in the literature. Determining if a triangle-free graph is semi-transitive is an NP-hard problem. The existence of non-semi-transitive triangle-free graphs was established via Erdős' theorem by Halldórsson and the authors in 2011. However, no explicit examples of such graphs were known until recent work of the first author and Saito who have shown computationally that a certain subgraph on 16 vertices of the triangle-free Kneser graph is not semi-transitive, and have raised the question on the existence of smaller triangle-free non-semi-transitive graphs. In this paper we prove that the smallest triangle-free 4-chromatic graph on 11 vertices (the Gr"otzsch graph) and the smallest triangle-free 4-chromatic 4-regular graph on 12 vertices (the Chvátal graph) are not semi-transitive. Hence, the Gr"otzsch graph is the smallest triangle-free non-semi-transitive graph. We also prove the existence of semi-transitive graphs of girth 4 with chromatic number 4 including a small one (the circulant graph on 13 vertices) and dense ones (Toft's graphs). Finally, we show that each -regular circulant graph (possibly containing triangles) is semi-transitive

    Distance graphs with maximum chromatic number

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    Let DD be a finite set of integers. The distance graph G(D)G(D) has the set of integers as vertices and two vertices at distance d∈Dd ∈D are adjacent in G(D)G(D). A conjecture of Xuding Zhu states that if the chromatic number of G(D)G (D) achieves its maximum value ∣D∣+1|D|+1 then the graph has a clique of order ∣D∣|D|. We prove that the chromatic number of a distance graph with D={a,b,c,d}D=\{ a,b,c,d\} is five if and only if either D={1,2,3,4k}D=\{1,2,3,4k\} or D={a,b,a+b,a+2b}D=\{ a,b,a+b,a+2b\} with a≡0(mod2)a \equiv 0 (mod 2) and b≡1(mod2)b \equiv 1 (mod 2). This confirms Zhu's conjecture for ∣D∣=4|D|=4