1,036 research outputs found

    New implementation of a GMSK demodulator in linear software radio receiver

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    This paper proposes a practical linear software-radio architecture (dealing with linear modulations) that is suitable for multi-mode operation. In particular, it is shown how to integrate GMSK into the proposed architecture. Coherent and noncoherent detections of GMSK signals are detailed for the implementation of the proposed software radio.published_or_final_versio

    Synchronization Techniques for Burst-Mode Continuous Phase Modulation

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    Synchronization is a critical operation in digital communication systems, which establishes and maintains an operational link between transmitter and the receiver. As the advancement of digital modulation and coding schemes continues, the synchronization task becomes more and more challenging since the new standards require high-throughput functionality at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). In this work, we address feedforward synchronization of continuous phase modulations (CPMs) using data-aided (DA) methods, which are best suited for burst-mode communications. In our transmission model, a known training sequence is appended to the beginning of each burst, which is then affected by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), and unknown frequency, phase, and timing offsets. Based on our transmission model, we derive the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for DA joint estimation of synchronization parameters. Using the CRB expressions, the optimum training sequence for CPM signals is proposed. It is shown that the proposed sequence minimizes the CRB for all three synchronization parameters asymptotically, and can be applied to the entire CPM family. We take advantage of the simple structure of the optimized training sequence in order to design a practical synchronization algorithm based on the maximum likelihood (ML) principles. The proposed DA algorithm jointly estimates frequency offset, carrier phase and symbol timing in a feedforward manner. The frequency offset estimate is first found by means of maximizing a one dimensional function. It is then followed by symbol timing and carrier phase estimation, which are carried out using simple closed-form expressions. We show that the proposed algorithm attains the theoretical CRBs for all synchronization parameters for moderate training sequence lengths and all SNR regions. Moreover, a frame synchronization algorithm is developed, which detects the training sequence boundaries in burst-mode CPM signals. The proposed training sequence and synchronization algorithm are extended to shaped-offset quadrature phase-shift keying (SOQPSK) modulation, which is considered for next generation aeronautical telemetry systems. Here, it is shown that the optimized training sequence outperforms the one that is defined in the draft telemetry standard as long as estimation error variances are considered. The overall bit error rate (BER) plots suggest that the optimized preamble with a shorter length can be utilized such that the performance loss is less than 0.5 dB of an ideal synchronization scenario

    Contribution to Efficient Use of Narrowband Radio Channel

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    Předkládaná práce se soustředí na problematiku využívání úzkopásmového rádiového kanálu rádiovými modemy, které jsou určené pro průmyslové aplikace pozemní pohyblivé rádiové služby, specifikované v dominantní míře Evropským standardem ETSI EN 300 113. Tato rádiová zařízení se používají v kmitočtových pásmech od 30 MHz do 1 GHz s nejčastěji přidělovanou šířkou pásma 25 kHz a ve většině svých instalací jsou využívána ve fixních nebo mobilních bezdrátových sítích. Mezi typické oblasti použití patří zejména datová telemetrie, aplikace typu SCADA, nebo monitorování transportu strategických surovin. Za hlavní znaky popisovaného systému lze označit komunikační pokrytí značných vzdáleností, dané především vysokou výkonovou účinnosti datového přenosu a využívaní efektivních přístupových technik na rádiový kanál se semiduplexním komunikačním režimem. Striktní požadavky na elektromagnetickou kompatibilitu umožňují těmto zařízením využívat spektrum i v oblastech kmitočtově blízkým jiným komunikačním systémům bez nutnosti vkládání dodatečných ochranných frekvenčních pásem. Úzkopásmové rádiové komunikační systémy, v současnosti používají převážně exponenciální digitální modulace s konstantní modulační obálkou zejména z důvodů velice striktních omezení pro velikost výkonu vyzářeného do sousedního kanálu. Dosahují tak pouze kompromisních hodnot komunikační účinnosti. Úpravy limitů příslušných rádiových parametrů a rychlý rozvoj prostředků číslicového zpracování signálu v nedávné době, dnes umožňují ekonomicky přijatelné využití spektrálně efektivnějších modulačních technik i v těch oblastech, kde je prioritní využívání úzkých rádiových kanálů. Cílem předkládané disertační práce je proto výzkum postupů směřující ke sjednocení výhodných vlastností lineárních a nelineárních modulací v moderní konstrukci úzkopásmového rádiového modemu. Účelem tohoto výzkumu je efektivní a „ekologické“ využívání přidělené části frekvenčního spektra. Mezi hlavní dílčí problémy, jimiž se předkládaná práce zabývá, lze zařadit zejména tyto: Nyquistova modulační filtrace, navrhovaná s ohledem na minimalizaci nežádoucích elektromagnetických interferencí, efektivní číslicové algoritmy frekvenční demodulace a rychlé rámcové a symbolové synchronizace. Součástí práce je dále analýza navrhovaného řešení z pohledu celkové konstrukce programově definovaného rádiového modemu v rovině simulací při vyšetřování robustnosti datového přenosu rádiovým kanálem s bílým Gaussovským šumem nebo kanálem s únikem v důsledku mnohacestného šíření signálu. Závěr práce je pak zaměřen na prezentování výsledků praktické části projektu, v níž byly testovány, měřeny a analyzovány dvě prototypové konstrukce rádiového zařízení. Tato finální část práce obsahuje i praktická doporučení, vedoucí k vyššímu stupni využitelnosti spektrálně efektivnějších komunikačních režimů v oblasti budoucí generace úzkopásmových zařízení pozemní pohyblivé rádiové služby.he industrial narrowband land mobile radio (LMR) devices, as considered in this dissertation project, has been subject to European standard ETSI EN 300 113. The system operates on frequencies between 30 MHz and 1 GHz, with channel separations of up to 25 kHz, and is intended for private, fixed, or mobile, radio packet switching networks. Data telemetry, SCADA, maritime and police radio services; traffic monitoring; gas, water, and electricity producing factories are the typical system applications. Long distance coverage, high power efficiency, and efficient channel access techniques in half duplex operation are the primary advantages the system relays on. Very low level of adjacent channel power emissions and robust radio receiver architectures, with high dynamic range, enable for a system’s coexistence with various communication standards, without the additional guard band frequency intervals. On the other hand, the strict limitations of the referenced standard as well as the state of the technology, has hindered the increase in communication efficiency, with which the system has used its occupied bandwidth. New modifications and improvements are needed to the standard itself and to the up-to-date architectures of narrowband LMR devices, to make the utilization of more efficient modes of system operation practically realizable. The main objective of this dissertation thesis is therefore to find a practical way how to combine the favorable properties of the advanced nonlinear and linear digital modulation techniques in a single digital modem solution, in order to increase the efficiency of the narrowband radio channel usage allocated to the new generation of the industrial LMR devices. The main attention is given to the particular areas of digital modem design such as proposal of the new family of the Nyquist filters minimizing the adjacent channel interference, design and analysis of the efficient algorithms for frequency discrimination, fast frame and symbol

    Automatic modulation classification of communication signals

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    The automatic modulation recognition (AMR) plays an important role in various civilian and military applications. Most of the existing AMR algorithms assume that the input signal is only of analog modulation or is only of digital modulation. In blind environments, however, it is impossible to know in advance if the received communication signal is analogue modulated or digitally modulated. Furthermore, it is noted that the applications of the currently existing AMR algorithms designed for handling both analog and digital communication signals are rather restricted in practice. Motivated by this, an AMR algorithm that is able to discriminate between analog communication signals and digital communication signals is developed in this dissertation. The proposed algorithm is able to recognize the concrete modulation type if the input is an analog communication signal and to estimate the number of modulation levels and the frequency deviation if the input is an exponentially modulated digital communication signal. For linearly modulated digital communication signals, the proposed classifier will classify them into one of several nonoverlapping sets of modulation types. In addition, in M-ary FSK (MFSK) signal classification, two classifiers have also been developed. These two classifiers are also capable of providing good estimate of the frequency deviation of a received MFSK signal. For further classification of linearly modulated digital communication signals, it is often necessary to blindly equalize the received signal before performing modulation recognition. This doing generally requires knowing the carrier frequency and symbol rate of the input signal. For this purpose, a blind carrier frequency estimation algorithm and a blind symbol rate estimation algorithm have been developed. The carrier frequency estimator is based on the phases of the autocorrelation functions of the received signal. Unlike the cyclic correlation based estimators, it does not require the transmitted symbols being non-circularly distributed. The symbol rate estimator is based on digital communication signals\u27 cyclostationarity related to the symbol rate. In order to adapt to the unknown symbol rate as well as the unknown excess bandwidth, the received signal is first filtered by using a bank of filters. Symbol rate candidates and their associated confident measurements are extracted from the fourth order cyclic moments of the filtered outputs, and the final estimate of symbol rate is made based on weighted majority voting. A thorough evaluation of some well-known feature based AMR algorithms is also presented in this dissertation

    Trellis coding with Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) for satellite-based land-mobile communications

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    This volume of the final report summarizes the results of our studies on the satellite-based mobile communications project. It includes: a detailed analysis, design, and simulations of trellis coded, full/partial response CPM signals with/without interleaving over various Rician fading channels; analysis and simulation of computational cutoff rates for coherent, noncoherent, and differential detection of CPM signals; optimization of the complete transmission system; analysis and simulation of power spectrum of the CPM signals; design and development of a class of Doppler frequency shift estimators; design and development of a symbol timing recovery circuit; and breadboard implementation of the transmission system. Studies prove the suitability of the CPM system for mobile communications

    Investigation into PRS-precoded, constant-envelope, continuous-phase digital modulation schemes

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    Bibliography: leaves 78-79.Partial response signaling ( PRS) has been used successfully to improve the spectral properties of Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) digital transmission systems. This thesis investigation studied the effect of PRS on frequency- and phase-modulated carrier systems, in particular on their spectral performance and their maintenance of constant envelope

    Advanced digital modulation: Communication techniques and monolithic GaAs technology

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    Communications theory and practice are merged with state-of-the-art technology in IC fabrication, especially monolithic GaAs technology, to examine the general feasibility of a number of advanced technology digital transmission systems. Satellite-channel models with (1) superior throughput, perhaps 2 Gbps; (2) attractive weight and cost; and (3) high RF power and spectrum efficiency are discussed. Transmission techniques possessing reasonably simple architectures capable of monolithic fabrication at high speeds were surveyed. This included a review of amplitude/phase shift keying (APSK) techniques and the continuous-phase-modulation (CPM) methods, of which MSK represents the simplest case

    Signal design and Theoretical bounds for Time-Of-Arrival estimation in GNSS applications

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    Positioning accuracy in satellite navigation systems depends on time-delay estimation (TDE) between satellite transmitted codes and local receiver replicas. This thesis is specifically focused on the problem of improving time delay estimation (TDE) accuracy of SS signals, focusing on the fundamental issue of estimation theory and on the properties of the transmitted signal. TDE fundamentals limits are deeply investigated, encompassing the Cram´er Rao Bound and the Ziv-Zakai Bound, and their modified versions to lighten their computation in presence of unknown parameters, in addiction to the time delay. The adoption of the ZZB as benchmark for both acquisition and tracking stage performance is addressed, analyzing innovative or standard signalling waveforms such as Galileo SIS. The main contributions of this thesis are dealt with the analysis of applicability of spread spectrum continuous phase-modulated (SS-CPM) and spread spectrum filtered multitone (SS-FMT) as ranging signals. A special subset of CPM, labeled as “Semi-integer MSK (SiMSK)” obtained by properly setting the modulation parameters, is revealed easily adaptable to the requirements on emissions, intrinsically constant envelope and spectral efficient, while still allowing good tracking performance. Besides, an ad hoc encoding of the SS-SiMSK enables the design of a constant envelope signal bearing two different rate services, without any approximation at the transmitter side. The analysis of the multicarrier (MC) signal revealed the high degree of freedom in its design, proposing the special Filtered Multitone (FMT) modulation as possible candidate for ranging signals. The strictly bandlimited property and the full spectral flexibility possessed by the FMT are exploited in some cases of study to adapt the system to channel conditions or in particular to emulate existing or innovative spectra. For both the SSCPM and SS-FMT modulation schemes investigated, some estimation algorithms are tested and their performance are compared to the correspondent theoretical bound

    Direct GMSK modulation at microwave frequencies

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    Congestion in the radio spectrum is forcing emerging high rate wireless communication systems into upper microwave and millimeterwave frequency bands, where transceiver hardware architectures are less mature. One way to realize a simple and elegant hardware solution for a microwave transmitter is to exploit the advantages of directly modulating the phase of the carrier signal. A modulation method requiring continuous phase control of the carrier signal over the full 360 degree range is Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK). Unfortunately, it is very difficult to design a microwave circuit to provide linear phase control of a carrier signal over the full 360 degree range using traditional methods. A novel method of obtaining continuous, linear phase modulation of a microwave carrier signal over the full 360 degree range is proposed. This method is based on controlling a phase shifter, at a subharmonic of the desired output carrier frequency, and then using a frequency multiplier to obtain the desired output frequency. The phase shifter is designed to be highly linear over a fraction of the full 360 range. The frequency multiplier is a nonlinear circuit that shifts the frequency by *'N'. The subtle part of this nonlinear operation is that the multiplier also multiplies the instantaneous phase of the phase shifter output signal by *'N', thus expanding the linear phase shift range to the required 360 degrees. Using this nonlinear frequency multiplication principle, the modulator can readily be extended into the millimeterwave region. A prototype circuit is designed and performance results are presented for this method of carrier phase modulation at 18 GHz. The prototype circuit is realized with very simple hardware, containing only a single microwave active device. An extension to the modulator involving phase locking or injection locking of a power oscillator is also suggested for obtaining higher power modulated output signals. In addition to direct continuous phase modulation, the proposed method is also suitable for a wide variety of transceiver applications, including phase synchronization of antenna and oscillator arrays, phased array antenna beam steering, indirect frequency modulation, and ultra-small carrier frequency translation

    A Framework for Speech Enhancement with Ad Hoc Microphone Arrays

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