10,798 research outputs found

    An efficient and stable hydrodynamic model with novel source term discretization schemes for overland flow and flood simulations

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    Numerical models solving the full 2-D shallow water equations (SWEs) have been increasingly used to simulate overland flows and better understand the transient flow dynamics of flash floods in a catchment. However, there still exist key challenges that have not yet been resolved for the development of fully dynamic overland flow models, related to (1) the difficulty of maintaining numerical stability and accuracy in the limit of disappearing water depth and (2) inaccurate estimation of velocities and discharges on slopes as a result of strong nonlinearity of friction terms. This paper aims to tackle these key research challenges and present a new numerical scheme for accurately and efficiently modeling large-scale transient overland flows over complex terrains. The proposed scheme features a novel surface reconstruction method (SRM) to correctly compute slope source terms and maintain numerical stability at small water depth, and a new implicit discretization method to handle the highly nonlinear friction terms. The resulting shallow water overland flow model is first validated against analytical and experimental test cases and then applied to simulate a hypothetic rainfall event in the 42 km2Haltwhistle Burn, UK

    Water Quality Modeling: A Comparison of Transport Oriented and Biochemistry Oriented Approaches

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    The author was a rapporteur for the session on "Flow Related Transport Phenomena: Water Quality" at the International Conference on Numerical Modelling of River, Channel and Overland Flow for Water Resources and Environmental Applications, organized by IAHR, WMO, IIASA, and the Czechoslovakian Committee of IAHR, and held in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, May 4-8, 1981. The request to the rapporteur was to give an overview of the related subject. This formed the first part of the original report and is published here since it considers some typical features and an apparent gap in water quality modeling, and is therefore of more general interest. The papers reviewed are listed in the Appendix

    Novel Analytical Hydrodynamic Modeling for Evaluating and Optimizing Alluvial Recharge: Principles, Model Approaches and Their Application for Water Resources Assessment in an Arid Region

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    This thesis presents a novel analytical solution strategy for the zero-inertia (ZI) equations of free surface flow. These equations are utilized herein for routing flood flow in open channels and for simulating excess rainfall runoff on overland planes. The novel solution approach is shown to be both accurate and robust, especially under the complicated and intricate conditions of infiltrating flow on initially dry river beds or soils, e.g., as present in arid and semiarid areas. This is underlain by comparing modeling results of the novel analytical procedure with those of validated numerical solutions. Furthermore, it is shown that the analytical ZI model can deliver a process-oriented portrayal of runoff concentration in the flood-generating parts of the catchment. Subsequently, the novel analytical ZI model is applied for a real-world water management problem in the Sultanate of Oman, Arabian Peninsula. Within an integrated flash flood routing model—which is also presented in this thesis—the novel analytical routing approach helps in accurately matching the dynamics of advancing and infiltrating ephemeral river flow, established as a consequence of release from a groundwater recharge dam. The integrated modeling system houses the aforementioned analytical downstream model and tailor-made, state-of-the-art modeling components to portray the upstream flow processes, dam operation (including evaporation), and spillway release flow. The proposed modeling system can aid in rendering a realistic image of transient transmission losses and dependent flow dynamics. This is of extremely high importance for water resources assessment, as well as for optimizing recharge dam operation strategies in order to maximize downstream transmission losses and, thus, groundwater recharge.:List of Figures List of Tables List of Algorithms List of Symbols and Acronyms 1 Introduction 1.1 The Role of Ephemeral River Flow for Groundwater Recharge 1.2 Methods for Estimating Groundwater Recharge 1.3 Groundwater Augmentation Techniques and the Involved Processes 1.4 The Role of Overland Flow for Flash Flood Formation 1.5 Objectives of the Thesis 1.6 Structure of the Work 2 Literature Review 2.1 Surface-Water Based Studies on the Estimation of Indirect Recharge 2.2 Review of Literature on Process-Oriented Overland Flow Modeling 2.3 Summary 3 Principles of Physically-Based Modeling of Infiltrating Free Surface Flows 3.1 Hydraulic Phases of an Infiltrating Flow Event 3.2 Hydrodynamic Models 3.2.1 The Saint-Venant Equations 3.2.2 Zero-Inertia Approximation 3.2.3 Kinematic Wave Approximation 3.2.4 Other Simplifications of the Full Hydrodynamic Model 3.3 Initial and Boundary Conditions 3.4 Relating Friction and Flow Properties 3.5 Accounting for Losses or Gains 3.6 Including Arbitrary Cross-Sectional Geometries 3.7 Discussion of the Reviewed Flow Models 3.7.1 Discussion of Modeling Approaches for Ephemeral River Routing 3.7.2 A Suitable Hydrodynamic Model for Overland Flow 3.7.3 On the Portrayal of Shocks with the Kinematic Wave Model 3.8 Summary 4 Solution Procedures for the Reviewed Flow Models 4.1 Method of Characteristics 4.2 Numerical Solution Procedures 4.2.1 Introduction to Finite Difference Methods 4.2.2 Mathematical Principles of Finite Difference Methods 4.3 Analytical Solution Procedures 4.4 Discussion of the Reviewed Solution Procedures 4.5 Summary and Conclusions 5 Novel Analytical Solution Approaches for the Zero-Inertia Equations 5.1 Novel Analytical Solution Approach for Zero-Inertia Open Channel Flow 5.1.1 Governing Equations 5.1.2 Including Nonprismatic Channel Geometries 5.1.3 Boundary and Initial Conditions 5.1.4 Analytical Solution of the Momentum Equation 5.1.5 Analytical Solution of the Continuity Equation 5.1.6 Algorithm for the Iterative Solution of the Nonlinear Problem 5.1.7 Coupling Surface Flow and Infiltration 5.1.8 Additional Remarks 5.2 Novel Analytical Solution Approach for Zero-Inertia Overland Flow 5.2.1 Governing Equations 5.2.2 Boundary and Initial Conditions 5.2.3 Analytical Solution 5.2.4 Algorithm for the Iterative Solution of the Nonlinear Problem 5.3 Summary 6 Comparative Studies with Generally Accepted Approaches 6.1 Open Channel Flow in Prismatic and Nonprismatic Permeable Open Channels 6.1.1 Test Setup 6.1.2 Comparison of Flow Dynamics 6.1.3 Analysis of the Geometry Parameter Sensitivity 6.1.4 Evaluating the Stability of the Analytical ZI Model 6.1.5 Summary 6.2 Overland Flow on a Plane 6.2.1 Test Setup 6.2.2 Comparison of Modeling Results 6.2.3 Summary 7 Flash Flood Routing under Transmission Losses and Dam Operation 7.1 Outline of the Structure of a Novel Integrated Modeling System 7.1.1 Wadi Flow Routing Models 7.1.2 Dam Simulation Model with Evaporation Component 7.2 Real-World Application of the Modeling System for an Arid Region 7.2.1 Study Area and Available Data 7.2.2 Parameter Sensitivity Analysis 7.2.3 Optimization-Based Process Parameter Estimation 7.2.4 Model Application for Wadi Ma\\\\\\\'awil 7.3 Summary 8 Summary and Conclusions 9 Outlook 9.1 The Modeling System for Improving Water Resources Assessment 9.2 The Modeling System for Optimizing Groundwater Recharge Bibliography A Mathematical Supplements A.1 Explicit First-Order Finite Difference Scheme for the Kinematic Wave Model A.2 Explicit Second-Order Finite Difference Scheme for the Kinematic Wave Model A.3 Implicit Finite Difference Scheme with Interior Point (Preissmann Scheme) A.4 Analytical Solution of the Kinematic Wave Model A.5 Details on the Derivation of the Iterative Procedure (5.47);(5.48) A.6 Details on the Evaluation of Equation (5.60) B Selected Publications of the Author B.1 Analytical Model of Surge Flow in Nonprismatic Permeable Channels B.2 Analytical Model of Surface Flow on Hillslopes B.3 Integrated Modeling System for Flash Flood Routing in Ephemeral RiversDiese Dissertation präsentiert einen neuartigen analytischen Lösungsansatz für das beschleunigungsfreie Wellenmodell (bzw. „Zero-Inertia-Modell“, „ZI-Modell“, oder „diffusives Wellenmodell“). Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird das hergeleitete hydrodynamische Modell sowohl zur Simulation von Freispiegelabflüssen in nichtprismatischen und durchlässigen Gerinnen, als auch für die Beschreibung von auf der Landoberfläche abfließendem Infiltrationsüberschuss eingesetzt. Es wird gezeigt, dass der neuartige analytische Ansatz — im Hinblick auf Massenerhaltung und die exakte Abbildung der Abflussdynamik — akkurate Ergebnisse liefert und gleichzeitig unter komplexen und verwickelten Prozessbedingungen anwendbar ist. So belegt eine vergleichende Analyse mit validierten numerischen Lösungsansätzen die Robustheit des analytischen ZI-Modells. Insbesondere die im Sinne der numerischen Mathematik stabile und genaue Modellierung der gekoppelten Abfluss- und Infiltrationsvorgänge in anfänglich trockenen Gerinnen ist dabei ein Novum. Weiterhin wird die Eignung und Anwendbarkeit des neuartigen Modellansatzes zur Beschreibung der Abflusskonzentrationsprozesse gezeigt. Der neuartige Lösungsansatz wird im Folgenden für ein reales Wassermanagementproblem im Sultanat Oman, Arabische Halbinsel eingesetzt. Als Bestandteil eines integrierten Modellsystems, welches ebenfalls im Rahmen der Dissertation vorgestellt wird, dient das analytische ZI-Modell zur Simulation von infiltrierendem Wadiabfluss, welcher unterstrom von Grundwasseranreicherungsdämmen starke Verluste von Masse und Impuls erfährt. Zusammen mit maßgeschneiderten und dem Stand der Technik entsprechenden Komponenten für die Betriebssimulation des Anreicherungsdammes (inklusive Verdunstung von der freien Seefläche) sowie für die Abbildung der oberstromigen hydrodynamischen Prozesse (ebenfalls inklusive Infiltration) wird der neuartige analytische Ansatz in einem Modellsystem zusammengefasst. Das Modellsystem ist in der Lage ein realistisches Bild der raumzeitlichen Dynamik des Abflusses sowie der Grundwasserneubildung aus infiltrierendem Wadiabfluss zu liefern. Damit stellt das Modellsystem ein wertvolles Werkzeug sowohl zur Wasserdargebotsermittlung, als auch für die Optimierung des Betriebes von Grundwasseranreicherungsdämmen dar.:List of Figures List of Tables List of Algorithms List of Symbols and Acronyms 1 Introduction 1.1 The Role of Ephemeral River Flow for Groundwater Recharge 1.2 Methods for Estimating Groundwater Recharge 1.3 Groundwater Augmentation Techniques and the Involved Processes 1.4 The Role of Overland Flow for Flash Flood Formation 1.5 Objectives of the Thesis 1.6 Structure of the Work 2 Literature Review 2.1 Surface-Water Based Studies on the Estimation of Indirect Recharge 2.2 Review of Literature on Process-Oriented Overland Flow Modeling 2.3 Summary 3 Principles of Physically-Based Modeling of Infiltrating Free Surface Flows 3.1 Hydraulic Phases of an Infiltrating Flow Event 3.2 Hydrodynamic Models 3.2.1 The Saint-Venant Equations 3.2.2 Zero-Inertia Approximation 3.2.3 Kinematic Wave Approximation 3.2.4 Other Simplifications of the Full Hydrodynamic Model 3.3 Initial and Boundary Conditions 3.4 Relating Friction and Flow Properties 3.5 Accounting for Losses or Gains 3.6 Including Arbitrary Cross-Sectional Geometries 3.7 Discussion of the Reviewed Flow Models 3.7.1 Discussion of Modeling Approaches for Ephemeral River Routing 3.7.2 A Suitable Hydrodynamic Model for Overland Flow 3.7.3 On the Portrayal of Shocks with the Kinematic Wave Model 3.8 Summary 4 Solution Procedures for the Reviewed Flow Models 4.1 Method of Characteristics 4.2 Numerical Solution Procedures 4.2.1 Introduction to Finite Difference Methods 4.2.2 Mathematical Principles of Finite Difference Methods 4.3 Analytical Solution Procedures 4.4 Discussion of the Reviewed Solution Procedures 4.5 Summary and Conclusions 5 Novel Analytical Solution Approaches for the Zero-Inertia Equations 5.1 Novel Analytical Solution Approach for Zero-Inertia Open Channel Flow 5.1.1 Governing Equations 5.1.2 Including Nonprismatic Channel Geometries 5.1.3 Boundary and Initial Conditions 5.1.4 Analytical Solution of the Momentum Equation 5.1.5 Analytical Solution of the Continuity Equation 5.1.6 Algorithm for the Iterative Solution of the Nonlinear Problem 5.1.7 Coupling Surface Flow and Infiltration 5.1.8 Additional Remarks 5.2 Novel Analytical Solution Approach for Zero-Inertia Overland Flow 5.2.1 Governing Equations 5.2.2 Boundary and Initial Conditions 5.2.3 Analytical Solution 5.2.4 Algorithm for the Iterative Solution of the Nonlinear Problem 5.3 Summary 6 Comparative Studies with Generally Accepted Approaches 6.1 Open Channel Flow in Prismatic and Nonprismatic Permeable Open Channels 6.1.1 Test Setup 6.1.2 Comparison of Flow Dynamics 6.1.3 Analysis of the Geometry Parameter Sensitivity 6.1.4 Evaluating the Stability of the Analytical ZI Model 6.1.5 Summary 6.2 Overland Flow on a Plane 6.2.1 Test Setup 6.2.2 Comparison of Modeling Results 6.2.3 Summary 7 Flash Flood Routing under Transmission Losses and Dam Operation 7.1 Outline of the Structure of a Novel Integrated Modeling System 7.1.1 Wadi Flow Routing Models 7.1.2 Dam Simulation Model with Evaporation Component 7.2 Real-World Application of the Modeling System for an Arid Region 7.2.1 Study Area and Available Data 7.2.2 Parameter Sensitivity Analysis 7.2.3 Optimization-Based Process Parameter Estimation 7.2.4 Model Application for Wadi Ma\\\\\\\'awil 7.3 Summary 8 Summary and Conclusions 9 Outlook 9.1 The Modeling System for Improving Water Resources Assessment 9.2 The Modeling System for Optimizing Groundwater Recharge Bibliography A Mathematical Supplements A.1 Explicit First-Order Finite Difference Scheme for the Kinematic Wave Model A.2 Explicit Second-Order Finite Difference Scheme for the Kinematic Wave Model A.3 Implicit Finite Difference Scheme with Interior Point (Preissmann Scheme) A.4 Analytical Solution of the Kinematic Wave Model A.5 Details on the Derivation of the Iterative Procedure (5.47);(5.48) A.6 Details on the Evaluation of Equation (5.60) B Selected Publications of the Author B.1 Analytical Model of Surge Flow in Nonprismatic Permeable Channels B.2 Analytical Model of Surface Flow on Hillslopes B.3 Integrated Modeling System for Flash Flood Routing in Ephemeral River

    FullSWOF: A free software package for the simulation of shallow water flows

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    Numerical simulations of flows are required for numerous applications, and are usually carried out using shallow water equations. We describe the FullSWOF software which is based on up-to-date finite volume methods and well-balanced schemes to solve this kind of equations. It consists of a set of open source C++ codes, freely available to the community, easy to use, and open for further development. Several features make FullSWOF particularly suitable for applications in hydrology: small water heights and wet-dry transitions are robustly handled, rainfall and infiltration are incorporated, and data from grid-based digital topographies can be used directly. A detailed mathematical description is given here, and the capabilities of FullSWOF are illustrated based on analytic solutions and datasets of real cases. The codes, available in 1D and 2D versions, have been validated on a large set of benchmark cases, which are available together with the download information and documentation at http://www.univ-orleans.fr/mapmo/soft/FullSWOF/.Comment: 38 page

    Examination of the seepage face boundary condition in subsurface and coupled surface/subsurface hydrological models

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    A seepage face is a nonlinear dynamic boundary that strongly affects pressure head distributions, water table fluctuations, and flow patterns. Its handling in hydrological models, especially under complex conditions such as heterogeneity and coupled surface/subsurface flow, has not been extensively studied. In this paper, we compare the treatment of the seepage face as a static (Dirichlet) versus dynamic boundary condition, we assess its resolution under conditions of layered heterogeneity, we examine its interaction with a catchment outlet boundary, and we investigate the effects of surface/subsurface exchanges on seepage faces forming at the land surface. The analyses are carried out with an integrated catchment hydrological model. Numerical simulations are performed for a synthetic rectangular sloping aquifer and for an experimental hillslope from the Landscape Evolution Observatory. The results show that the static boundary condition is not always an adequate stand-in for a dynamic seepage face boundary condition, especially under conditions of high rainfall, steep slope, or heterogeneity; that hillslopes with layered heterogeneity give rise to multiple seepage faces that can be highly dynamic; that seepage face and outlet boundaries can coexist in an integrated hydrological model and both play an important role; and that seepage faces at the land surface are not always controlled by subsurface flow. The paper also presents a generalized algorithm for resolving seepage face outflow that handles heterogeneity in a simple way, is applicable to unstructured grids, and is shown experimentally to be equivalent to the treatment of atmospheric boundary conditions in subsurface flow models

    Modeling of Overland Flow by the Diffusion Wave Approach

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    One of the major issues of present times, i.e. water quality degradation and a need for precise answers to transport of pollutants by overland flow, is addressed with special reference to the evaporator pits located adjacent to streams in the oil-producing regions of Eastern Kentucky. The practical shortcomings of the state-of-the-art kinematic wave are discussed and a new mathematical modeling-approach for overland flows using the more comprehensive diffusion wave is attempted as the first step in solving this problem. A Fourier series representation of the solution to the diffusion wave is adopted and found to perform well. The physically justified boundary conditions for steep slopes is considered and both numerical and analytical schemes are developed. The zero-depth-gradient lower condition is used and found to be adequate. The steady state analysis for mild slopes is found to be informative and both analytical and numerical solutions are found. The effect of imposing transients on the steady state solution are considered. Finally the cases for which these techniques can be used are presented

    Final Report of the DAUFIN project

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    DAUFIN = Data Assimulation within Unifying Framework for Improved river basiN modeling (EC 5th framework Project
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