78 research outputs found

    Automatic tool path generation for numerically controlled machining of sculptured surfaces

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    This dissertation presents four new tool path generation approaches for numerically controlled machining of sculptured surfaces: TRI\sb-XYINDEX, FINISH, FIVEX\sb-INDEX, FIX\sb-AXIS\sb-INDEX. All of the above systems index the tool across the object surface in the Cartesian space so that evenly distributed tool paths are accomplished. TRI\sb-XYINDEX is a three-axis tool path generation system which uses a surface triangle set (STS) representation of the surface for tool position calculations. Surface edges are detected with local searching algorithms. Quick tool positioning is achieved by selecting candidate elements of polygons. Test results show that TRI\sb-XYINDEX is more efficient when machining surfaces which are relatively flat while the discrete point approach is faster for highly curved surfaces. FINISH was developed for generating three-axis ball-end tool paths for local surface finishing. It was based on the SPS. Given a surface with excess material represented by a set of discrete points, FINISH automatically identifies the undercut areas. Results show that FINISH provides significant improvements in machining efficiency. FIVEX\sb-INDEX is developed for generating five-axis flat-end tool paths. It uses an STS approximation. Contact points on the surface are derived from edge lists obtained from the intersections of vertical cutting planes with the polygon set. The distances between adjacent end points set an initial step-forward increment between surface contact points. To verify tool movements, some intermediate tool positions are interpolated. The key features of FIVEX\sb-INDEX are: (1) a polygon set representing an object which may be composed of multiple surfaces; (2) Surface contact point generation by cutting plane intersection; (3) simple tool incrementing and positioning algorithms; (4) minimal user interaction; (5) user controlled accuracy of resulting tool paths. FIX\sb-AXIS\sb-INDEX is a subsystem of FIVEX\sb-INDEX, generating tool paths for a tool with fixed orientations. Surface contact points are generated similar to FIVEX\sb-INDEX while tool positions are corrected with the highest point technique along the tool axis direction. Linear fitting is applied to output tool positions. FIX\sb-AXIS\sb-INDEX is preferred for machining surfaces curved in one direction, such as ruled surfaces. Test results show that FIX\sb-AXIS\sb-INDEX can serve as a three-axis tool path generation system but a five-axis machine is required to do it. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    The Development of Intelligent Machining-error Detector for Machining Sculptured Surfaces using 3 or 5 Axes CNC Milling Machine

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    A report submitted by Rachmawati Wangsaputra to the Research and Creative Productions Committee in 2005 on generating tool paths for machining sculptured surfaces


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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a methodology and algorithms of optimizing and smoothing the tool orientation control for 5-axis sculptured surface machining. A searching method in the machining configuration space (C-space) is proposed to find the optimal tool orientation by considering the local gouging, rear gouging and global tool collision in machining. Based on the machined surface error analysis, a boundary search method is developed first to find a set of feasible tool orientations in the Cspace to eliminate gouging and collision. By using the minimum cusp height as the objective function, we first determine the locally optimal tool orientation in the C-space to minimize the machined surface error. Considering the adjacent part geometry and the alternative feasible tool orientations in the C-space, tool orientations are then globally optimized and smoothed to minimize the dramatic change of tool orientation during machining. The developed method can be used to automate the planning and programming of tool path generation for high performance 5-axis sculptured surface machining. Computer implementation and examples are also provided in the paper

    Topological model for machining of parts with complex shapes

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    Complex shapes are widely used to design products in several industries such as aeronautics, automotive and domestic appliances. Several variations of their curvatures and orientations generate difficulties during their manufacturing or the machining of dies used in moulding, injection and forging. Analysis of several parts highlights two levels of difficulties between three types of shapes: prismatic parts with simple geometrical shapes, aeronautic structure parts composed of several shallow pockets and forging dies composed of several deep cavities which often contain protrusions. This paper mainly concerns High Speed Machining (HSM) of these dies which represent the highest complexity level because of the shapes' geometry and their topology. Five axes HSM is generally required for such complex shaped parts but 3 axes machining can be sufficient for dies. Evolutions in HSM CAM software and machine tools lead to an important increase in time for machining preparation. Analysis stages of the CAD model particularly induce this time increase which is required for a wise choice of cutting tools and machining strategies. Assistance modules for prismatic parts machining features identification in CAD models are widely implemented in CAM software. In spite of the last CAM evolutions, these kinds of CAM modules are undeveloped for aeronautical structure parts and forging dies. Development of new CAM modules for the extraction of relevant machining areas as well as the definition of the topological relations between these areas must make it possible for the machining assistant to reduce the machining preparation time. In this paper, a model developed for the description of complex shape parts topology is presented. It is based on machining areas extracted for the construction of geometrical features starting from CAD models of the parts. As topology is described in order to assist machining assistant during machining process generation, the difficulties associated with tasks he carried out are analyzed at first. The topological model presented after is based on the basic geometrical features extracted. Topological relations which represent the framework of the model are defined between the basic geometrical features which are gathered afterwards in macro-features. Approach used for the identification of these macro-features is also presented in this paper. Detailed application on the construction of the topological model of forging dies is presented in the last part of the paper

    Process planning for five-axis milling of sculptured surfaces

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    Piecewise Arc-Length Parameterized NURBS Tool Paths Generation for 3-Axis CNC Machining of Accurate, Smooth Sculptured Surfaces

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    In current industrial applications many engineering parts having complex shapes are designed using sculptured surfaces in CAD system. Due to the lack of smooth motions and accurate machining of these surfaces using standard linear and circular motions in conventional CNC machines, new commercial CNC systems are equipped with parametric curve interpolation function. However, in some applications these surfaces can be very complex that are susceptible to gouging and due to the approximation of; CL-path in CAM system and path parameter in real –time, high machining accuracy, smooth kinematic and feed-rate profiles, are difficult to achieve. This dissertation focuses on developing algorithms that generate tool paths in NURBS form for smooth, high speed and accurate sculptured surface machining. The first part of the research identifies and eliminates gouge cutter location (CL) point from the tool path. The proposed algorithm uses global optimization technique (Particle Swarm Optimization) to check all the CC-points along a tool-path with high accuracy, and only gouging free CC-points are used to generate the set of valid CL-points. Mathematical models have been developed and implemented to cover most of the cutter shapes, used in the industry. In the second phase of the research, all valid CL-points along the tool-path are used to generate CL-path in B-spline form. The main contribution of this part is to formulate an error function of the offset approximation and to represent it in NURBS form to globally bound the approximation errors. Based on this error function, an algorithm is proposed to generate tool-paths in B-spline from with; globally controlled accuracy, fewer control points and low function degree, compared to its contemporaries. The proposed approach thus presents an error-bounded method for B-spline curve approximation to the ideal CL-path within the accuracy. This part of research has two components, one is for 2½- axis (pocket) and the other one is for 3-axis (surface) CNC machining. The third part deals with the problem of CL-path parameter estimation during machining in real time. Once the gouging free CL-path in NURBS form with globally controlled accuracy is produced, it is re-parameterized with approximate arc-length in the off-line stage. The main features of this work are; (1) sampling points and calculating their approximate arc-lengths within error bound by decomposing the input path into Bezier curve segments, (2) fitting the NURBS curve with approximate arc-length parameter to the sample points until the path and parameterization errors are within the tolerance, and (3) segment the curve into pieces with different feed rates if during machining the cutter trajectory errors are beyond the tolerance at highly curved regions in the NURBS tool path

    Five-axis tool path generation using piecewise rational bezier motions of a flat-end cutter

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    Automatic sculptured five-axis milling with check surfaces

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    Journal ArticleAn approach to 5-axis milling of B-spline surfaces is presented. Within its domain, it provides better check surface handling than APT. The scheme for tool position generation is based on a B-spline curve refinement method and a set of criteria for tolerance control which allows the tool positions to be automatically determined by a set of user specified tolerances. The approach has been used to generate the tool paths for a relatively complex sculptured model, and shows promising results

    An integrated KD-Tree cutter size determination method for 3-Axis finish machining of sculptured surface parts

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    In this research, an integrated KD-Tree cutter size search model is proposed to quickly determine the largest cutters and their accessible surface regions for 3-axis finish machining, without gouging and interference. By using these cutters, the highest material removal rate can be achieved, while maintaining the quality of the machined part. To overcome the problems of existing methods, such as long computational time and low accuracy, this model integrates the vertex KD-tree method with local gouging detection method. In this work, an imaginary cutter model is used to define a cutter, given a cutter contact point (CC point) and a testing point. All the testing points needed are derived from the part STL model. A simple and efficient algorithm is suggested to get rid of the redundant vertices in the STL file of the part. The local gouging detection method identifies the maximum local gouging-free cutter for a CC point as the initial cutter, and this cutter is used to determine the area of the cutter shadow. The cutter shadow is used to define a search range of the testing points to avoid any unnecessary search. Then the vertices covered by the shadow are quickly located by the KD-Tree algorithm from all the vertices, and used as test points to determine the final gouging and interference-free cutter size. The proposed model is tested with a hairdryer mould example. The results show that the model is not only computationally efficient, but also highly accurate. In addition, the model is suitable for any types of milling cutters, and ready to implement in the CAD/CAM software. Keywords: STL File, CATIA, Cutter Size Selection, KD-Tree search, Boundary, Gouging, Interference, Accuracy, and Computational Time

    Highly effective way in five-axis sculptured surfaces machining using flat-end cutter

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    This paper applied the concept of “contact” in Differential Geometry into the machining of the sculptured surface. I presented the contact principle of the machining of complicated surfaces, using the circumference circle of the cylindrical cutter to sweep the curved surface instead of ball-end mill. This is highly effective method. In this paper an theory for machining complicated surface is presented. By using a flat-end mill instead of ball-end mill, and adjusting the axis relate to the surface, the two surfaces, The swept surface and the required surface, has the same curvature, up to as high as 3th order