226 research outputs found

    Speaker Recognition in Unconstrained Environments

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    Speaker recognition is applied in smart home devices, interactive voice response systems, call centers, online banking and payment solutions as well as in forensic scenarios. This dissertation is concerned with speaker recognition systems in unconstrained environments. Before this dissertation, research on making better decisions in unconstrained environments was insufficient. Aside from decision making, unconstrained environments imply two other subjects: security and privacy. Within the scope of this dissertation, these research subjects are regarded as both security against short-term replay attacks and privacy preservation within state-of-the-art biometric voice comparators in the light of a potential leak of biometric data. The aforementioned research subjects are united in this dissertation to sustain good decision making processes facing uncertainty from varying signal quality and to strengthen security as well as preserve privacy. Conventionally, biometric comparators are trained to classify between mated and non-mated reference,--,probe pairs under idealistic conditions but are expected to operate well in the real world. However, the more the voice signal quality degrades, the more erroneous decisions are made. The severity of their impact depends on the requirements of a biometric application. In this dissertation, quality estimates are proposed and employed for the purpose of making better decisions on average in a formalized way (quantitative method), while the specifications of decision requirements of a biometric application remain unknown. By using the Bayesian decision framework, the specification of application-depending decision requirements is formalized, outlining operating points: the decision thresholds. The assessed quality conditions combine ambient and biometric noise, both of which occurring in commercial as well as in forensic application scenarios. Dual-use (civil and governmental) technology is investigated. As it seems unfeasible to train systems for every possible signal degradation, a low amount of quality conditions is used. After examining the impact of degrading signal quality on biometric feature extraction, the extraction is assumed ideal in order to conduct a fair benchmark. This dissertation proposes and investigates methods for propagating information about quality to decision making. By employing quality estimates, a biometric system's output (comparison scores) is normalized in order to ensure that each score encodes the least-favorable decision trade-off in its value. Application development is segregated from requirement specification. Furthermore, class discrimination and score calibration performance is improved over all decision requirements for real world applications. In contrast to the ISOIEC 19795-1:2006 standard on biometric performance (error rates), this dissertation is based on biometric inference for probabilistic decision making (subject to prior probabilities and cost terms). This dissertation elaborates on the paradigm shift from requirements by error rates to requirements by beliefs in priors and costs. Binary decision error trade-off plots are proposed, interrelating error rates with prior and cost beliefs, i.e., formalized decision requirements. Verbal tags are introduced to summarize categories of least-favorable decisions: the plot's canvas follows from Bayesian decision theory. Empirical error rates are plotted, encoding categories of decision trade-offs by line styles. Performance is visualized in the latent decision subspace for evaluating empirical performance regarding changes in prior and cost based decision requirements. Security against short-term audio replay attacks (a collage of sound units such as phonemes and syllables) is strengthened. The unit-selection attack is posed by the ASVspoof 2015 challenge (English speech data), representing the most difficult to detect voice presentation attack of this challenge. In this dissertation, unit-selection attacks are created for German speech data, where support vector machine and Gaussian mixture model classifiers are trained to detect collage edges in speech representations based on wavelet and Fourier analyses. Competitive results are reached compared to the challenged submissions. Homomorphic encryption is proposed to preserve the privacy of biometric information in the case of database leakage. In this dissertation, log-likelihood ratio scores, representing biometric evidence objectively, are computed in the latent biometric subspace. Conventional comparators rely on the feature extraction to ideally represent biometric information, latent subspace comparators are trained to find ideal representations of the biometric information in voice reference and probe samples to be compared. Two protocols are proposed for the the two-covariance comparison model, a special case of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis. Log-likelihood ratio scores are computed in the encrypted domain based on encrypted representations of the biometric reference and probe. As a consequence, the biometric information conveyed in voice samples is, in contrast to many existing protection schemes, stored protected and without information loss. The first protocol preserves privacy of end-users, requiring one public/private key pair per biometric application. The latter protocol preserves privacy of end-users and comparator vendors with two key pairs. Comparators estimate the biometric evidence in the latent subspace, such that the subspace model requires data protection as well. In both protocols, log-likelihood ratio based decision making meets the requirements of the ISOIEC 24745:2011 biometric information protection standard in terms of unlinkability, irreversibility, and renewability properties of the protected voice data

    Speech and natural language processing for the assessment of customer satisfaction and neuro-degenerative diseases

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    ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the interest in the automatic analysis of speech and text in different scenarios have been increasing. Currently, acoustic analysis is frequently used to extract non-verbal information related to para-linguistic aspects such as articulation and prosody. The linguistic analysis focuses on capturing verbal information from written sources, which can be suitable to evaluate customer satisfaction, or in health-care applications to assess the state of patients under depression or other cognitive states. In the case of call-centers many of the speech recordings collected are related to the opinion of the customers in different industry sectors. Only a small proportion of these calls are evaluated, whereby these processes can be automated using acoustic and linguistic analysis. In the assessment of neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Parkinson's Disease (PD), the symptoms are progressive, directly linked to dementia, cognitive decline, and motor impairments. This implies a continuous evaluation of the neurological state since the patients become dependent and need intensive care, showing a decrease of the ability from individual activities of daily life. This thesis proposes methodologies for acoustic and linguistic analyses in different scenarios related to customer satisfaction, cognitive disorders in AD, and depression in PD. The experiments include the evaluation of customer satisfaction, the assessment of genetic AD, linguistic analysis to discriminate PD, depression assessment in PD, and user state modeling based on the arousal-plane for the evaluation of customer satisfaction, AD, and depression in PD. The acoustic features are mainly focused on articulation and prosody analyses, while linguistic features are based on natural language processing techniques. Deep learning approaches based on convolutional and recurrent neural networks are also considered in this thesis

    Exploring variabilities through factor analysis in automatic acoustic language recognition

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    La problématique traitée par la Reconnaissance de la Langue (LR) porte sur la définition découverte de la langue contenue dans un segment de parole. Cette thèse se base sur des paramètres acoustiques de courte durée, utilisés dans une approche d adaptation de mélanges de Gaussiennes (GMM-UBM). Le problème majeur de nombreuses applications du vaste domaine de la re- problème connaissance de formes consiste en la variabilité des données observées. Dans le contexte de la Reconnaissance de la Langue (LR), cette variabilité nuisible est due à des causes diverses, notamment les caractéristiques du locuteur, l évolution de la parole et de la voix, ainsi que les canaux d acquisition et de transmission. Dans le contexte de la reconnaissance du locuteur, l impact de la variabilité solution peut sensiblement être réduit par la technique d Analyse Factorielle (Joint Factor Analysis, JFA). Dans ce travail, nous introduisons ce paradigme à la Reconnaissance de la Langue. Le succès de la JFA repose sur plusieurs hypothèses. La première est que l information observée est décomposable en une partie universelle, une partie dépendante de la langue et une partie de variabilité, qui elle est indépendante de la langue. La deuxième hypothèse, plus technique, est que la variabilité nuisible se situe dans un sous-espace de faible dimension, qui est défini de manière globale.Dans ce travail, nous analysons le comportement de la JFA dans le contexte d un dispositif de LR du type GMM-UBM. Nous introduisons et analysons également sa combinaison avec des Machines à Vecteurs Support (SVM). Les premières publications sur la JFA regroupaient toute information qui est amélioration nuisible à la tâche (donc ladite variabilité) dans un seul composant. Celui-ci est supposé suivre une distribution Gaussienne. Cette approche permet de traiter les différentes sortes de variabilités d une manière unique. En pratique, nous observons que cette hypothèse n est pas toujours vérifiée. Nous avons, par exemple, le cas où les données peuvent être groupées de manière logique en deux sous-parties clairement distinctes, notamment en données de sources téléphoniques et d émissions radio. Dans ce cas-ci, nos recherches détaillées montrent un certain avantage à traiter les deux types de données par deux systèmes spécifiques et d élire comme score de sortie celui du système qui correspond à la catégorie source du segment testé. Afin de sélectionner le score de l un des systèmes, nous avons besoin d un analyses détecteur de canal source. Nous proposons ici différents nouveaux designs pour engendrées de tels détecteurs automatiques. Dans ce cadre, nous montrons que les facteurs de variabilité (du sous-espace) de la JFA peuvent être utilisés avec succès pour la détection de la source. Ceci ouvre la perspective intéressante de subdiviser les5données en catégories de canal source qui sont établies de manière automatique. En plus de pouvoir s adapter à des nouvelles conditions de source, cette propriété permettrait de pouvoir travailler avec des données d entraînement qui ne sont pas accompagnées d étiquettes sur le canal de source. L approche JFA permet une réduction de la mesure de coûts allant jusqu à généraux 72% relatives, comparé au système GMM-UBM de base. En utilisant des systèmes spécifiques à la source, suivis d un sélecteur de scores, nous obtenons une amélioration relative de 81%.Language Recognition is the problem of discovering the language of a spoken definitionutterance. This thesis achieves this goal by using short term acoustic information within a GMM-UBM approach.The main problem of many pattern recognition applications is the variability of problemthe observed data. In the context of Language Recognition (LR), this troublesomevariability is due to the speaker characteristics, speech evolution, acquisition and transmission channels.In the context of Speaker Recognition, the variability problem is solved by solutionthe Joint Factor Analysis (JFA) technique. Here, we introduce this paradigm toLanguage Recognition. The success of JFA relies on several assumptions: The globalJFA assumption is that the observed information can be decomposed into a universalglobal part, a language-dependent part and the language-independent variabilitypart. The second, more technical assumption consists in the unwanted variability part to be thought to live in a low-dimensional, globally defined subspace. In this work, we analyze how JFA behaves in the context of a GMM-UBM LR framework. We also introduce and analyze its combination with Support Vector Machines(SVMs).The first JFA publications put all unwanted information (hence the variability) improvemen tinto one and the same component, which is thought to follow a Gaussian distribution.This handles diverse kinds of variability in a unique manner. But in practice,we observe that this hypothesis is not always verified. We have for example thecase, where the data can be divided into two clearly separate subsets, namely datafrom telephony and from broadcast sources. In this case, our detailed investigations show that there is some benefit of handling the two kinds of data with two separatesystems and then to elect the output score of the system, which corresponds to the source of the testing utterance.For selecting the score of one or the other system, we need a channel source related analyses detector. We propose here different novel designs for such automatic detectors.In this framework, we show that JFA s variability factors (of the subspace) can beused with success for detecting the source. This opens the interesting perspectiveof partitioning the data into automatically determined channel source categories,avoiding the need of source-labeled training data, which is not always available.The JFA approach results in up to 72% relative cost reduction, compared to the overall resultsGMM-UBM baseline system. Using source specific systems followed by a scoreselector, we achieve 81% relative improvement.AVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Robust speaker identification against computer aided voice impersonation

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    Speaker Identification (SID) systems offer good performance in the case of noise free speech and most of the on-going research aims at improving their reliability in noisy environments. In ideal operating conditions very low identification error rates can be achieved. The low error rates suggest that SID systems can be used in real-life applications as an extra layer of security along with existing secure layers. They can, for instance, be used alongside a Personal Identification Number (PIN) or passwords. SID systems can also be used by law enforcements agencies as a detection system to track wanted people over voice communications networks. In this thesis, the performance of 'the existing SID systems against impersonation attacks is analysed and strategies to counteract them are discussed. A voice impersonation system is developed using Gaussian Mixture Modelling (GMM) utilizing Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) as the features representing the spectral parameters of the source-target pair. Voice conversion systems based on probabilistic approaches suffer from the problem of over smoothing of the converted spectrum. A hybrid scheme using Linear Multivariate Regression and GMM, together with posterior probability smoothing is proposed to reduce over smoothing and alleviate the discontinuities in the converted speech. The converted voices are used to intrude a closed-set SID system in the scenarios of identity disguise and targeted speaker impersonation. The results of the intrusion suggest that in their present form the SID systems are vulnerable to deliberate voice conversion attacks. For impostors to transform their voices, a large volume of speech data is required, which may not be easily accessible. In the context of improving the performance of SID against deliberate impersonation attacks, the use of multiple classifiers is explored. Linear Prediction (LP) residual of the speech signal is also analysed for speaker-specific excitation information. A speaker identification system based on multiple classifier system, using features to describe the vocal tract and the LP residual is targeted by the impersonation system. The identification results provide an improvement in rejecting impostor claims when presented with converted voices. It is hoped that the findings in this thesis, can lead to the development of speaker identification systems which are better equipped to deal with the problem with deliberate voice impersonation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Ubiquitous Technologies for Emotion Recognition

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    Emotions play a very important role in how we think and behave. As such, the emotions we feel every day can compel us to act and influence the decisions and plans we make about our lives. Being able to measure, analyze, and better comprehend how or why our emotions may change is thus of much relevance to understand human behavior and its consequences. Despite the great efforts made in the past in the study of human emotions, it is only now, with the advent of wearable, mobile, and ubiquitous technologies, that we can aim to sense and recognize emotions, continuously and in real time. This book brings together the latest experiences, findings, and developments regarding ubiquitous sensing, modeling, and the recognition of human emotions

    Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 5th International Workshop: December 13-15, 2007, Firenze, Italy

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies. The Workshop has the sponsorship of: Ente Cassa Risparmio di Firenze, COST Action 2103, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal (Elsevier Eds.), IEEE Biomedical Engineering Soc. Special Issues of International Journals have been, and will be, published, collecting selected papers from the conference

    A framework for continuous, transparent authentication on mobile devices

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    Mobile devices have consistently advanced in terms of processing power, amount of memory and functionality. With these advances, the ability to store potentially private or sensitive information on them has increased. Traditional methods for securing mobile devices, passwords and PINs, are inadequate given their weaknesses and the bursty use patterns that characterize mobile devices. Passwords and PINs are often shared or weak secrets to ameliorate the memory load on device owners. Furthermore, they represent point-of-entry security, which provides access control but not authentication. Alternatives to these traditional meth- ods have been suggested. Examples include graphical passwords, biometrics and sketched passwords, among others. These alternatives all have their place in an authentication toolbox, as do passwords and PINs, but do not respect the unique needs of the mobile device environment. This dissertation presents a continuous, transparent authentication method for mobile devices called the Transparent Authentication Framework. The Framework uses behavioral biometrics, which are patterns in how people perform actions, to verify the identity of the mobile device owner. It is transparent in that the biometrics are gathered in the background while the device is used normally, and is continuous in that verification takes place regularly. The Framework requires little effort from the device owner, goes beyond access control to provide authentication, and is acceptable and trustworthy to device owners, all while respecting the memory and processor limitations of the mobile device environment

    IberSPEECH 2020: XI Jornadas en TecnologĂ­a del Habla and VII Iberian SLTech

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    IberSPEECH2020 is a two-day event, bringing together the best researchers and practitioners in speech and language technologies in Iberian languages to promote interaction and discussion. The organizing committee has planned a wide variety of scientific and social activities, including technical paper presentations, keynote lectures, presentation of projects, laboratories activities, recent PhD thesis, discussion panels, a round table, and awards to the best thesis and papers. The program of IberSPEECH2020 includes a total of 32 contributions that will be presented distributed among 5 oral sessions, a PhD session, and a projects session. To ensure the quality of all the contributions, each submitted paper was reviewed by three members of the scientific review committee. All the papers in the conference will be accessible through the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) Online Archive. Paper selection was based on the scores and comments provided by the scientific review committee, which includes 73 researchers from different institutions (mainly from Spain and Portugal, but also from France, Germany, Brazil, Iran, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Ucrania, Slovenia). Furthermore, it is confirmed to publish an extension of selected papers as a special issue of the Journal of Applied Sciences, “IberSPEECH 2020: Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages”, published by MDPI with fully open access. In addition to regular paper sessions, the IberSPEECH2020 scientific program features the following activities: the ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge session.Red Española de Tecnologías del Habla. Universidad de Valladoli
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