1,392 research outputs found

    Spiking Neural P Systems with Addition/Subtraction Computing on Synapses

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    Spiking neural P systems (SN P systems, for short) are a class of distributed and parallel computing models inspired from biological spiking neurons. In this paper, we introduce a variant called SN P systems with addition/subtraction computing on synapses (CSSN P systems). CSSN P systems are inspired and motivated by the shunting inhibition of biological synapses, while incorporating ideas from dynamic graphs and networks. We consider addition and subtraction operations on synapses, and prove that CSSN P systems are computationally universal as number generators, under a normal form (i.e. a simplifying set of restrictions)

    SpikingLab: modelling agents controlled by Spiking Neural Networks in Netlogo

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    The scientific interest attracted by Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) has lead to the development of tools for the simulation and study of neuronal dynamics ranging from phenomenological models to the more sophisticated and biologically accurate Hodgkin-and-Huxley-based and multi-compartmental models. However, despite the multiple features offered by neural modelling tools, their integration with environments for the simulation of robots and agents can be challenging and time consuming. The implementation of artificial neural circuits to control robots generally involves the following tasks: (1) understanding the simulation tools, (2) creating the neural circuit in the neural simulator, (3) linking the simulated neural circuit with the environment of the agent and (4) programming the appropriate interface in the robot or agent to use the neural controller. The accomplishment of the above-mentioned tasks can be challenging, especially for undergraduate students or novice researchers. This paper presents an alternative tool which facilitates the simulation of simple SNN circuits using the multi-agent simulation and the programming environment Netlogo (educational software that simplifies the study and experimentation of complex systems). The engine proposed and implemented in Netlogo for the simulation of a functional model of SNN is a simplification of integrate and fire (I&F) models. The characteristics of the engine (including neuronal dynamics, STDP learning and synaptic delay) are demonstrated through the implementation of an agent representing an artificial insect controlled by a simple neural circuit. The setup of the experiment and its outcomes are described in this work

    FPSA: A Full System Stack Solution for Reconfigurable ReRAM-based NN Accelerator Architecture

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    Neural Network (NN) accelerators with emerging ReRAM (resistive random access memory) technologies have been investigated as one of the promising solutions to address the \textit{memory wall} challenge, due to the unique capability of \textit{processing-in-memory} within ReRAM-crossbar-based processing elements (PEs). However, the high efficiency and high density advantages of ReRAM have not been fully utilized due to the huge communication demands among PEs and the overhead of peripheral circuits. In this paper, we propose a full system stack solution, composed of a reconfigurable architecture design, Field Programmable Synapse Array (FPSA) and its software system including neural synthesizer, temporal-to-spatial mapper, and placement & routing. We highly leverage the software system to make the hardware design compact and efficient. To satisfy the high-performance communication demand, we optimize it with a reconfigurable routing architecture and the placement & routing tool. To improve the computational density, we greatly simplify the PE circuit with the spiking schema and then adopt neural synthesizer to enable the high density computation-resources to support different kinds of NN operations. In addition, we provide spiking memory blocks (SMBs) and configurable logic blocks (CLBs) in hardware and leverage the temporal-to-spatial mapper to utilize them to balance the storage and computation requirements of NN. Owing to the end-to-end software system, we can efficiently deploy existing deep neural networks to FPSA. Evaluations show that, compared to one of state-of-the-art ReRAM-based NN accelerators, PRIME, the computational density of FPSA improves by 31x; for representative NNs, its inference performance can achieve up to 1000x speedup.Comment: Accepted by ASPLOS 201

    On the possible Computational Power of the Human Mind

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    The aim of this paper is to address the question: Can an artificial neural network (ANN) model be used as a possible characterization of the power of the human mind? We will discuss what might be the relationship between such a model and its natural counterpart. A possible characterization of the different power capabilities of the mind is suggested in terms of the information contained (in its computational complexity) or achievable by it. Such characterization takes advantage of recent results based on natural neural networks (NNN) and the computational power of arbitrary artificial neural networks (ANN). The possible acceptance of neural networks as the model of the human mind's operation makes the aforementioned quite relevant.Comment: Complexity, Science and Society Conference, 2005, University of Liverpool, UK. 23 page

    Simulating FRSN P Systems with Real Numbers in P-Lingua on sequential and CUDA platforms

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    Fuzzy Reasoning Spiking Neural P systems (FRSN P systems, for short) is a variant of Spiking Neural P systems incorporating fuzzy logic elements that make it suitable to model fuzzy diagnosis knowledge and reasoning required for fault diagnosis applications. In this sense, several FRSN P system variants have been proposed, dealing with real numbers, trapezoidal numbers, weights, etc. The model incorporating real numbers was the first introduced [13], presenting promising applications in the field of fault diagnosis of electrical systems. For this variant, a matrix-based algorithm was provided which, when executed on parallel computing platforms, fully exploits the model maximally parallel capacities. In this paper we introduce a P-Lingua framework extension to parse and simulate FRSN P systems with real numbers. Two simulators, implementing a variant of the original matrix-based simulation algorithm, are provided: a sequential one (written in Java), intended to run on traditional CPUs, and a parallel one, intended to run on CUDAenabled devices.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-3743

    A Survey on Continuous Time Computations

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    We provide an overview of theories of continuous time computation. These theories allow us to understand both the hardness of questions related to continuous time dynamical systems and the computational power of continuous time analog models. We survey the existing models, summarizing results, and point to relevant references in the literature

    Computing with viruses

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    In recent years, different computing models have emerged within the area of Unconven-tional Computation, and more specifically within Natural Computing, getting inspiration from mechanisms present in Nature. In this work, we incorporate concepts in virology and theoretical computer science to propose a novel computational model, called Virus Ma-chine. Inspired by the manner in which viruses transmit from one host to another, a virus machine is a computational paradigm represented as a heterogeneous network that con-sists of three subnetworks: virus transmission, instruction transfer, and instruction-channel control networks. Virus machines provide non-deterministic sequential devices. As num-ber computing devices, virus machines are proved to be computationally complete, that is, equivalent in power to Turing machines. Nevertheless, when some limitations are imposed with respect to the number of viruses present in the system, then a characterization for semi-linear sets is obtained

    Revisiting chaos in stimulus-driven spiking networks: signal encoding and discrimination

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    Highly connected recurrent neural networks often produce chaotic dynamics, meaning their precise activity is sensitive to small perturbations. What are the consequences for how such networks encode streams of temporal stimuli? On the one hand, chaos is a strong source of randomness, suggesting that small changes in stimuli will be obscured by intrinsically generated variability. On the other hand, recent work shows that the type of chaos that occurs in spiking networks can have a surprisingly low-dimensional structure, suggesting that there may be "room" for fine stimulus features to be precisely resolved. Here we show that strongly chaotic networks produce patterned spikes that reliably encode time-dependent stimuli: using a decoder sensitive to spike times on timescales of 10's of ms, one can easily distinguish responses to very similar inputs. Moreover, recurrence serves to distribute signals throughout chaotic networks so that small groups of cells can encode substantial information about signals arriving elsewhere. A conclusion is that the presence of strong chaos in recurrent networks does not prohibit precise stimulus encoding.Comment: 8 figure