6 research outputs found

    On hidden Markov models and cyclic strings for shape recognition

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    Shape descriptions and the corresponding matching techniques must be robust to noise and invariant to transformations for their use in recognition tasks. Most transformations are relatively easy to handle when contours are represented by strings. However, starting point invariance is difficult to achieve. One interesting possibility is the use of cyclic strings, which are strings that have no starting and final points. We propose new methodologies to use Hidden Markov Models to classify contours represented by cyclic strings. Experimental results show that our proposals outperform other methods in the literature

    Circular pattern matching with k mismatches

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    The k-mismatch problem consists in computing the Hamming distance between a pattern P of length m and every length-m substring of a text T of length n, if this distance is no more than k. In many real-world applications, any cyclic shift of P is a relevant pattern, and thus one is interested in computing the minimal distance of every length-m substring of T and any cyclic shift of P. This is the circular pattern m

    Clasificaci贸n de eritrocitos empleando modelos ocultos de M谩rkov

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    Se realiza un estudio del desempe帽o de los modelos ocultos de M谩rkov (HMM) en la clasificaci贸n morfol贸gica supervisada de eritrocitos en muestras de sangre perif茅rica de pacientes con anemia drepanoc铆tica. Los contornos se representan de forma novedosa considerando las diferencias angulares en la curvatura de los puntos del mismo. El entrenamiento de cada modelo se realiza tanto con la descripci贸n normal de los contornos como con la representaci贸n de la rotaci贸n de los mismos, para garantizar una mayor estabilidad en los par谩metros estimados. Se desarrolla un proceso de validaci贸n cruzada de 5x1 para estimaci贸n del error. Se obtienen las medidas de sensibilidad, precisi贸n y especificidad de la clasificaci贸n. Los mejores resultados en cuanto a sensibilidad se obtienen al clasificar eritrocitos pertenecientes a dos clases: normales (96%) y elongados (99%). Al considerar adem谩s una clase de eritrocitos con otras deformaciones los mejores resultados se obtienen realizando el entrenamiento de los modelos con la rotaci贸n de todos los contornos, que alcanz贸 sensibilidades de normales (94%), elongados (82%) y con otras deformaciones (76%). Palabras Clave: clasificaci贸n morfol贸gica de eritrocitos, modelos ocultos de M谩rkov, representaci贸n de contornos

    Circular pattern matching with k mismatches

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    We consider the circular pattern matching with k mismatches (k-CPM) problem in which one is to compute the minimal Hamming distance of every length-m substring of T and any cyclic rotation of P, if this distance is no more than k. It is a variation of the well-studied k-mismatch problem. A multitude of papers has been devoted