143 research outputs found

    The Parameterized Complexity of Domination-type Problems and Application to Linear Codes

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    We study the parameterized complexity of domination-type problems. (sigma,rho)-domination is a general and unifying framework introduced by Telle: a set D of vertices of a graph G is (sigma,rho)-dominating if for any v in D, |N(v)\cap D| in sigma and for any $v\notin D, |N(v)\cap D| in rho. We mainly show that for any sigma and rho the problem of (sigma,rho)-domination is W[2] when parameterized by the size of the dominating set. This general statement is optimal in the sense that several particular instances of (sigma,rho)-domination are W[2]-complete (e.g. Dominating Set). We also prove that (sigma,rho)-domination is W[2] for the dual parameterization, i.e. when parameterized by the size of the dominated set. We extend this result to a class of domination-type problems which do not fall into the (sigma,rho)-domination framework, including Connected Dominating Set. We also consider problems of coding theory which are related to domination-type problems with parity constraints. In particular, we prove that the problem of the minimal distance of a linear code over Fq is W[2] for both standard and dual parameterizations, and W[1]-hard for the dual parameterization. To prove W[2]-membership of the domination-type problems we extend the Turing-way to parameterized complexity by introducing a new kind of non deterministic Turing machine with the ability to perform `blind' transitions, i.e. transitions which do not depend on the content of the tapes. We prove that the corresponding problem Short Blind Multi-Tape Non-Deterministic Turing Machine is W[2]-complete. We believe that this new machine can be used to prove W[2]-membership of other problems, not necessarily related to dominationComment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Algorithmic Properties of Sparse Digraphs

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    The notions of bounded expansion [Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez, 2008] and nowhere denseness [Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez, 2011], introduced by Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez as structural measures for undirected graphs, have been applied very successfully in algorithmic graph theory. We study the corresponding notions of directed bounded expansion and nowhere crownfulness on directed graphs, introduced by Kreutzer and Tazari [Kreutzer and Tazari, 2012]. The classes of directed graphs having those properties are very general classes of sparse directed graphs, as they include, on one hand, all classes of directed graphs whose underlying undirected class has bounded expansion, such as planar, bounded-genus, and H-minor-free graphs, and on the other hand, they also contain classes whose underlying undirected class is not even nowhere dense. We show that many of the algorithmic tools that were developed for undirected bounded expansion classes can, with some care, also be applied in their directed counterparts, and thereby we highlight a rich algorithmic structure theory of directed bounded expansion and nowhere crownful classes

    On the Parameterized Complexity of [1,j]-Domination Problems

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    For a graph G, a set D subseteq V(G) is called a [1,j]-dominating set if every vertex in V(G) setminus D has at least one and at most j neighbors in D. A set D subseteq V(G) is called a [1,j]-total dominating set if every vertex in V(G) has at least one and at most j neighbors in D. In the [1,j]-(Total) Dominating Set problem we are given a graph G and a positive integer k. The objective is to test whether there exists a [1,j]-(total) dominating set of size at most k. The [1,j]-Dominating Set problem is known to be NP-complete, even for restricted classes of graphs such as chordal and planar graphs, but polynomial-time solvable on split graphs. The [1,2]-Total Dominating Set problem is known to be NP-complete, even for bipartite graphs. As both problems generalize the Dominating Set problem, both are W[1]-hard when parameterized by solution size. In this work, we study [1,j]-Dominating Set on sparse graph classes from the perspective of parameterized complexity and prove the following results when the problem is parameterized by solution size: - [1,j]-Dominating Set is W[1]-hard on d-degenerate graphs for d = j + 1; - [1,j]-Dominating Set is FPT on nowhere dense graphs. We also prove that the known algorithm for [1,j]-Dominating Set on split graphs is optimal under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). Finally, assuming SETH, we provide a lower bound for the running time of any algorithm solving the [1,2]-Total Dominating Set problem parameterized by pathwidth

    minimum dominating set of queens: A trivial programming exercise?

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    Abstractminimum dominating set of queens is one of the typical programming exercises of a first year’s computer science course. However, little work has been published on the complexity of this problem. We analyse here several algorithms and show that advanced algorithmic techniques may dramatically speed up solving this problem

    A Unifying Framework for Characterizing and Computing Width Measures

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    Algorithms for computing or approximating optimal decompositions for decompositional parameters such as treewidth or clique-width have so far traditionally been tailored to specific width parameters. Moreover, for mim-width, no efficient algorithms for computing good decompositions were known, even under highly restrictive parameterizations. In this work we identify ?-branchwidth as a class of generic decompositional parameters that can capture mim-width, treewidth, clique-width as well as other measures. We show that while there is an infinite number of ?-branchwidth parameters, only a handful of these are asymptotically distinct. We then develop fixed-parameter and kernelization algorithms (under several structural parameterizations) that can approximate every possible ?-branchwidth, providing a unifying parameterized framework that can efficiently obtain near-optimal tree-decompositions, k-expressions, as well as optimal mim-width decompositions

    Complexity and algorithms related to two classes of graph problems

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    This thesis addresses the problems associated with conversions on graphs and editing by removing a matching. We study the f-reversible processes, which are those associated with a threshold value for each vertex, and whose dynamics depends on the number of neighbors with different state for each vertex. We set a tight upper bound for the period and transient lengths, characterize all trees that reach the maximum transient length for 2-reversible processes, and we show that determining the size of a minimum conversion set is NP-hard. We show that the AND-OR model defines a convexity on graphs. We show results of NP-completeness and efficient algorithms for certain convexity parameters for this new one, as well as approximate algorithms. We introduce the concept of generalized threshold processes, where the results are NP-completeness and efficient algorithms for both non relaxed and relaxed versions. We study the problem of deciding whether a given graph admits a removal of a matching in order to destroy all cycles. We show that this problem is NP-hard even for subcubic graphs, but admits efficient solution for several graph classes. We study the problem of deciding whether a given graph admits a removal of a matching in order to destroy all odd cycles. We show that this problem is NP-hard even for planar graphs with bounded degree, but admits efficient solution for some graph classes. We also show parameterized results.Esta tese aborda problemas associados a conversões em grafos e de edição pela remoção de um emparelhamento. Estudamos processos f-reversíveis, que são aqueles associados a um valor de limiar para cada vértice e cuja dinâmica depende da quantidade de vizinhos com estado contrário para cada vértice. Estabelecemos um limite superior justo para o tamanho do período e transiente, caracterizamos todas as árvores que alcançam o transiente máximo em processos 2-reversíveis e mostramos que determinar o tamanho de um conjunto conversor mínimo é NP-difícil. Mostramos que o modelo AND-OR define uma convexidade sobre grafos. Mostramos resultados de NP-completude e algoritmos eficientes para certos parâmetros de convexidade para esta nova, assim como algoritmos aproximativos. Introduzimos o conceito de processos de limiar generalizados, onde mostramos resultados de NP-completude e algoritmos eficientes para ambas as versões não relaxada e relaxada. Estudamos o problema de decidir se um dado grafo admite uma remoção de um emparelhamento de modo a remover todos os ciclos. Mostramos que este problema é NP-difícil mesmo para grafos subcúbicos, mas admite solução eficiente para várias classes de grafos. Estudamos o problema de decidir se um dado grafo admite uma remoção de um emparelhamento de modo a remover todos os ciclos ímpares. Mostramos que este problema é NP-difícil mesmo para grafos planares com grau limitado, mas admite solução eficiente para algumas classes de grafos. Mostramos também resultados parametrizados

    Exploiting graph structures for computational efficiency

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    Coping with NP-hard graph problems by doing better than simply brute force is a field of significant practical importance, and which have also sparked wide theoretical interest. One route to cope with such hard graph problems is to exploit structures which can possibly be found in the input data or in the witness for a solution. In the framework of parameterized complexity, we attempt to quantify such structures by defining numbers which describe "how structured" the graph is. We then do a fine-grained classification of its computational complexity, where not only the input size, but also the structural measure in question come in to play. There is a number of structural measures called width parameters, which includes treewidth, clique-width, and mim-width. These width parameters can be compared by how many classes of graphs that have bounded width. In general there is a tradeoff; if more graph classes have bounded width, then fewer problems can be efficiently solved with the aid of a small width; and if a width is bounded for only a few graph classes, then it is easier to design algorithms which exploit the structure described by the width parameter. For each of the mentioned width parameters, there are known meta-theorems describing algorithmic results for a wide array of graph problems. Hence, showing that decompositions with bounded width can be found for a certain graph class yields algorithmic results for the given class. In the current thesis, we show that several graph classes have bounded width measures, which thus gives algorithmic consequences. Algorithms which are FPT or XP parameterized by width parameters are exploiting structure of the input graph. However, it is also possible to exploit structures that are required of a witness to the solution. We use this perspective to give a handful of polynomial-time algorithms for NP-hard problems whenever the witness belongs to certain graph classes. It is also possible to combine structures of the input graph with structures of the solution witnesses in order to obtain parameterized algorithms, when each structure individually is provably insufficient to provide so under standard complexity assumptions. We give an example of this in the final chapter of the thesis
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