439 research outputs found

    The Erd\H{o}s-Rothschild problem on edge-colourings with forbidden monochromatic cliques

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    Let k:=(k1,,ks)\mathbf{k} := (k_1,\dots,k_s) be a sequence of natural numbers. For a graph GG, let F(G;k)F(G;\mathbf{k}) denote the number of colourings of the edges of GG with colours 1,,s1,\dots,s such that, for every c{1,,s}c \in \{1,\dots,s\}, the edges of colour cc contain no clique of order kck_c. Write F(n;k)F(n;\mathbf{k}) to denote the maximum of F(G;k)F(G;\mathbf{k}) over all graphs GG on nn vertices. This problem was first considered by Erd\H{o}s and Rothschild in 1974, but it has been solved only for a very small number of non-trivial cases. We prove that, for every k\mathbf{k} and nn, there is a complete multipartite graph GG on nn vertices with F(G;k)=F(n;k)F(G;\mathbf{k}) = F(n;\mathbf{k}). Also, for every k\mathbf{k} we construct a finite optimisation problem whose maximum is equal to the limit of log2F(n;k)/(n2)\log_2 F(n;\mathbf{k})/{n\choose 2} as nn tends to infinity. Our final result is a stability theorem for complete multipartite graphs GG, describing the asymptotic structure of such GG with F(G;k)=F(n;k)2o(n2)F(G;\mathbf{k}) = F(n;\mathbf{k}) \cdot 2^{o(n^2)} in terms of solutions to the optimisation problem.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. So

    Fractional total colourings of graphs of high girth

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    Reed conjectured that for every epsilon>0 and Delta there exists g such that the fractional total chromatic number of a graph with maximum degree Delta and girth at least g is at most Delta+1+epsilon. We prove the conjecture for Delta=3 and for even Delta>=4 in the following stronger form: For each of these values of Delta, there exists g such that the fractional total chromatic number of any graph with maximum degree Delta and girth at least g is equal to Delta+1

    Some Simple Distributed Algorithms for Sparse Networks

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    We give simple, deterministic, distributed algorithms for computing maximal matchings, maximal independent sets and colourings. We show that edge colourings with at most 2D-1 colours, and maximal matchings can be computed within O(log^* n + D) deterministic rounds, where D is the maximum degree of the network. We also show how to find maximal independent sets and (D+1)-vertex colourings within O(log^* n + D^2) deterministic rounds. All hidden constants are very small and the algorithms are very simple