123 research outputs found

    Dynamical problems and phase transitions

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    Issued as Financial status report, Technical reports [nos. 1-12], and Final report, Project B-06-68

    Fitted non-polynomial spline method for singularly perturbed differential difference equations with integral boundary condition

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    The aim of this paper is to present fitted non-polynomial spline method for singularly perturbed differential-difference equations with integral boundary condition. The stability and uniform convergence of the proposed method are proved. To validate the applicability of the scheme, two model problems are considered for numerical experimentation and solved for different values of the perturbation parameter, ε and mesh size, h. The numerical results are tabulated in terms of maximum absolute errors and rate of convergence and it is observed that the present method is more accurate and uniformly convergent for h ≥ ε where the classical numerical methods fails to give good result and it also improves the results of the methods existing in the literature

    A high-resolution Petrov-Galerkin method for the convection-diffusion-reaction problem. Part II-A multidimensional extension

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    A multidimensional extension of the HRPG method using the lowest order block finite elements is presented. First, we design a nondimensional element number that quantifies the characteristic layers which are found only in higher dimensions. This is done by matching the width of the characteristic layers to the width of the parabolic layers found for a fictitious 1D reaction–diffusion problem. The nondimensional element number is then defined using this fictitious reaction coefficient, the diffusion coefficient and an appropriate element size. Next, we introduce anisotropic element length vectors li and the stabilization parameters αi, βi are calculated along these li. Except for the modification to include the new dimensionless number that quantifies the characteristic layers, the definitions of αi, βi are a direct extension of their counterparts in 1D. Using αi, βiand li, objective characteristic tensors associated with the HRPG method are defined. The numerical artifacts across the characteristic layers are manifested as the Gibbs phenomenon. Hence, we treat them just like the artifacts formed across the parabolic layers in the reaction-dominant case. Several 2D examples are presented that support the design objective—stabilization with high-resolutio

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    Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-114Los cambios medioambientales globales hacen pensar en un aumento futuro de la aridez, por ello es necesario buscar alternativas que permitan un uso más eficiente del agua y reducir su consumo, teniendo en cuenta que es un recurso limitado. En la actualidad, aproximadamente el 59,7% del total de agua planificada para todos los usos en Cuba se utiliza en la agricultura, pero no más del 50% de esa agua se convierte directamente en productos agrícolas. El estudio de las funciones agua-rendimiento y su uso dentro de la planificación del agua para riego es una vía importante para trazar estrategias de manejo que contribuyan al incremento en la producción agrícola. Utilizando los datos de agua aplicada por riego y los rendimientos obtenidos en más de 100 experimentos de campo realizados fundamentalmente en suelo Ferralítico Rojo de la zona sur de La Habana y con ayuda de herramientas de análisis de regresión en este trabajo se estiman las funciones agua aplicada-rendimientos para algunos cultivos agrícolas y se analizan las posibles estrategias de optimización del riego a seguir en función de la disponibilidad de agua. Seleccionar una estrategia de máxima eficiencia del riego puede conducir a reducciones de agua a aplicar entre un 21,6 y 46,8%, incrementos de la productividad del agua entre 17 y 32% y de la relación beneficios/costo estimada de hasta un 3,4%. Lo anterior indica la importancia desde el punto de vista económico que puede llegar a alcanzar el uso de esta estrategia en condiciones de déficit hídrico. El conocimiento de las funciones agua aplicada por riego-rendimiento y el uso de la productividad del agua, resultan parámetros factibles de introducir como indicadores de eficiencia en el planeamiento del uso del agua en la agricultura, con lo cual es posible reducir los volúmenes de agua a aplicar y elevar la relación beneficio-costo actual.Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-11

    Simulation of action potential propagation based on the ghost structure method

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    In this paper, a ghost structure (GS) method is proposed to simulate the monodomain model in irregular computational domains using finite difference without regenerating body-fitted grids. In order to verify the validity of the GS method, it is first used to solve the Fitzhugh-Nagumo monodomain model in rectangular and circular regions at different states (the stationary and moving states). Then, the GS method is used to simulate the propagation of the action potential (AP) in transverse and longitudinal sections of a healthy human heart, and with left bundle branch block (LBBB). Finally, we analyze the AP and calcium concentration under healthy and LBBB conditions. Our numerical results show that the GS method can accurately simulate AP propagation with different computational domains either stationary or moving, and we also find that LBBB will cause the left ventricle to contract later than the right ventricle, which in turn affects synchronized contraction of the two ventricles