12,676 research outputs found

    An efficient processor allocation strategy that maintains a high degree of contiguity among processors in 2D mesh connected multicomputers

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    Two strategies are used for the allocation of jobs to processors connected by mesh topologies: contiguous allocation and non-contiguous allocation. In non-contiguous allocation, a job request can be split into smaller parts that are allocated to non-adjacent free sub-meshes rather than always waiting until a single sub-mesh of the requested size and shape is available. Lifting the contiguity condition is expected to reduce processor fragmentation and increase system utilization. However, the distances traversed by messages can be long, and as a result the communication overhead, especially contention, is increased. The extra communication overhead depends on how the allocation request is partitioned and assigned to free sub-meshes. This paper presents a new Non-contiguous allocation algorithm, referred to as Greedy-Available-Busy-List (GABL for short), which can decrease the communication overhead among processors allocated to a given job. The simulation results show that the new strategy can reduce the communication overhead and substantially improve performance in terms of parameters such as job turnaround time and system utilization. Moreover, the results reveal that the Shortest-Service-Demand-First (SSD) scheduling strategy is much better than the First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) scheduling strategy

    A performance comparison of the contiguous allocation strategies in 3D mesh connected multicomputers

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    The performance of contiguous allocation strategies can be significantly affected by the distribution of job execution times. In this paper, the performance of the existing contiguous allocation strategies for 3D mesh multicomputers is re-visited in the context of heavy-tailed distributions (e.g., a Bounded Pareto distribution). The strategies are evaluated and compared using simulation experiments for both First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) and Shortest-Service-Demand (SSD) scheduling strategies under a variety of system loads and system sizes. The results show that the performance of the allocation strategies degrades considerably when job execution times follow a heavy-tailed distribution. Moreover, SSD copes much better than FCFS scheduling strategy in the presence of heavy-tailed job execution times. The results also show that the strategies that depend on a list of allocated sub-meshes for both allocation and deallocation have lower allocation overhead and deliver good system performance in terms of average turnaround time and mean system utilization

    The effect of real workloads and stochastic workloads on the performance of allocation and scheduling algorithms in 2D mesh multicomputers

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    The performance of the existing non-contiguous processor allocation strategies has been traditionally carried out by means of simulation based on a stochastic workload model to generate a stream of incoming jobs. To validate the performance of the existing algorithms, there has been a need to evaluate the algorithms' performance based on a real workload trace. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of several well-known processor allocation and job scheduling strategies based on a real workload trace and compare the results against those obtained from using a stochastic workload. Our results reveal that the conclusions reached on the relative performance merits of the allocation strategies when a real workload trace is used are in general compatible with those obtained when a stochastic workload is used

    Bounding Cache Miss Costs of Multithreaded Computations Under General Schedulers

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    We analyze the caching overhead incurred by a class of multithreaded algorithms when scheduled by an arbitrary scheduler. We obtain bounds that match or improve upon the well-known O(Q+Sâ‹…(M/B))O(Q+S \cdot (M/B)) caching cost for the randomized work stealing (RWS) scheduler, where SS is the number of steals, QQ is the sequential caching cost, and MM and BB are the cache size and block (or cache line) size respectively.Comment: Extended abstract in Proceedings of ACM Symp. on Parallel Alg. and Architectures (SPAA) 2017, pp. 339-350. This revision has a few small updates including a missing citation and the replacement of some big Oh terms with precise constant

    A reclaimer scheduling problem arising in coal stockyard management

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    We study a number of variants of an abstract scheduling problem inspired by the scheduling of reclaimers in the stockyard of a coal export terminal. We analyze the complexity of each of the variants, providing complexity proofs for some and polynomial algorithms for others. For one, especially interesting variant, we also develop a constant factor approximation algorithm.Comment: 26 page

    Parallel, iterative solution of sparse linear systems: Models and architectures

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    A model of a general class of asynchronous, iterative solution methods for linear systems is developed. In the model, the system is solved by creating several cooperating tasks that each compute a portion of the solution vector. A data transfer model predicting both the probability that data must be transferred between two tasks and the amount of data to be transferred is presented. This model is used to derive an execution time model for predicting parallel execution time and an optimal number of tasks given the dimension and sparsity of the coefficient matrix and the costs of computation, synchronization, and communication. The suitability of different parallel architectures for solving randomly sparse linear systems is discussed. Based on the complexity of task scheduling, one parallel architecture, based on a broadcast bus, is presented and analyzed

    Closing the Gap for Pseudo-Polynomial Strip Packing

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    Two-dimensional packing problems are a fundamental class of optimization problems and Strip Packing is one of the most natural and famous among them. Indeed it can be defined in just one sentence: Given a set of rectangular axis parallel items and a strip with bounded width and infinite height, the objective is to find a packing of the items into the strip minimizing the packing height. We speak of pseudo-polynomial Strip Packing if we consider algorithms with pseudo-polynomial running time with respect to the width of the strip. It is known that there is no pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for Strip Packing with a ratio better than 5/4 unless P = NP. The best algorithm so far has a ratio of 4/3 + epsilon. In this paper, we close the gap between inapproximability result and currently known algorithms by presenting an algorithm with approximation ratio 5/4 + epsilon. The algorithm relies on a new structural result which is the main accomplishment of this paper. It states that each optimal solution can be transformed with bounded loss in the objective such that it has one of a polynomial number of different forms thus making the problem tractable by standard techniques, i.e., dynamic programming. To show the conceptual strength of the approach, we extend our result to other problems as well, e.g., Strip Packing with 90 degree rotations and Contiguous Moldable Task Scheduling, and present algorithms with approximation ratio 5/4 + epsilon for these problems as well
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