7 research outputs found

    Decision support system for temperature monitoring in beehives

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    Enabling Inter-organizational Analytics in Business Networks Through Meta Machine Learning

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    Successful analytics solutions that provide valuable insights often hinge on the connection of various data sources. While it is often feasible to generate larger data pools within organizations, the application of analytics within (inter-organizational) business networks is still severely constrained. As data is distributed across several legal units, potentially even across countries, the fear of disclosing sensitive information as well as the sheer volume of the data that would need to be exchanged are key inhibitors for the creation of effective system-wide solutions -- all while still reaching superior prediction performance. In this work, we propose a meta machine learning method that deals with these obstacles to enable comprehensive analyses within a business network. We follow a design science research approach and evaluate our method with respect to feasibility and performance in an industrial use case. First, we show that it is feasible to perform network-wide analyses that preserve data confidentiality as well as limit data transfer volume. Second, we demonstrate that our method outperforms a conventional isolated analysis and even gets close to a (hypothetical) scenario where all data could be shared within the network. Thus, we provide a fundamental contribution for making business networks more effective, as we remove a key obstacle to tap the huge potential of learning from data that is scattered throughout the network.Comment: Preprint, forthcoming at Information Technology and Managemen

    Process-Driven and Flow-Based Processing of Industrial Sensor Data

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    For machine manufacturing companies, besides the production of high quality and reliable machines, requirements have emerged to maintain machine-related aspects through digital services. The development of such services in the field of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is dealing with solutions such as effective condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. However, appropriate data sources are needed on which digital services can be technically based. As many powerful and cheap sensors have been introduced over the last years, their integration into complex machines is promising for developing digital services for various scenarios. It is apparent that for components handling recorded data of these sensors they must usually deal with large amounts of data. In particular, the labeling of raw sensor data must be furthered by a technical solution. To deal with these data handling challenges in a generic way, a sensor processing pipeline (SPP) was developed, which provides effective methods to capture, process, store, and visualize raw sensor data based on a processing chain. Based on the example of a machine manufacturing company, the SPP approach is presented in this work. For the company involved, the approach has revealed promising results

    Data parallelization in complex event processing without a dedicated splitter

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    With the popularity of Internet of Things(IoT), Complex Event Processing (or CEP) shows its power in detecting specified patterns from input event stream. There are existing parallel CEP architectures to improve the capacity of CEP system. The major data parallel CEP architecture is the Split-Process-Merge architecture, which is able to provide unbounded parallelism degree. However, it has limitation when the splitting decision becomes computational heavy, which leads the splitter becoming a bottleneck. E.g. splitting decision depends on comparing two images to check if they contain the same object such as a person. The result is that the single splitter, instead of operator instances, is doing the computational expensive job. To help analyze the cause of "heavy" splitting decision, this thesis proposes an Extended SNOOP query language, which combines features from both SNOOP and TESLA, two of the leading event specification languages. Then this thesis derives an architecture, which avoids the splitting decision, from Split-Process-Merge architecture. The Split-Process-Merge architecture splits the input event stream into sub-streams and each operator instance handles one or more sub-streams. Instead, the new architecture creates Tasks by combining every incoming event to all existing Partial Matches, and operator instances process the Tasks. The Task Creation Algorithm is content independent. It won鈥檛 check the content, like the image data, in events. Therefore, the computational heavy splitting decision is avoided. Together with this thesis, an example implementation of new architecture for a specific query is given. The Evaluation results of implementation show the new architecture obtains a good scalability as number of CPU cores increasing and as the cost of operation increasing

    Optimizaci贸n de la cobertura y la capacidad en redes LTE mediante procesado de eventos complejos

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    A diferencia de propuestas anteriores, el algoritmo propuesto utiliza como entrada tres nuevos indicadores que reflejan los problemas de cobertura, sobreapuntamiento y solapamiento entre celdas, a partir de medidas extra铆das de las trazas de conexi贸n. Como alternativa al ajuste de inclinaci贸n de antenas, se propone un algoritmo de optimizaci贸n autom谩tica de la potencia m谩xima de transmisi贸n de las estaciones base de una red LTE. El objetivo del algoritmo es mejorar la eficiencia espectral global del sistema en el enlace descendente mediante la reducci贸n de la potencia de transmisi贸n de celdas que generen problemas de interferencia. Como novedad, el algoritmo propuesto se basa en un nuevo indicador que predice el impacto causado por el cambio de la potencia de transmisi贸n de cada celda en la calidad de se帽al global de la red en el enlace descendente. Todos los m茅todos desarrollados en esta Tesis se conciben para ser integrados en una herramienta de optimizaci贸n comercial centralizada en el sistema de gesti贸n de red. Para formular el problema, se analizan estad铆sticas de rendimiento y trazas de conexi贸n tomadas de redes reales. En su desarrollo, se consideran las restricciones impuestas por el operador y el fabricante, prestando especial atenci贸n a la eficiencia computacional de los algoritmos de resoluci贸n. Como prueba de concepto, se realizan pruebas de campo en un escenario real donde las estaciones base incorporan mecanismos para la inclinaci贸n remota de antenas (Remote Electrical Tilt, RET). Finalmente, para estimar el beneficio potencial, los algoritmos se validan en un simulador de nivel de sistema que implementa escenarios ajustados con estad铆sticas de una red real LTE.El aumento del tama帽o y la complejidad de las actuales redes de comunicaciones m贸viles dificulta enormemente las tareas de gesti贸n de red. Para afrontar este problema, los operadores demandan herramientas autom谩ticas capaces de recopilar y procesar las medidas de red con una m铆nima intervenci贸n humana. Con tales herramientas, es posible aprovechar la informaci贸n proporcionada por los eventos de se帽alizaci贸n, que hoy en d铆a se descarta, para determinar la configuraci贸n 贸ptima de la red. En esta Tesis se proponen diversos algoritmos de optimizaci贸n autom谩tica de par谩metros de una red de acceso radio Long Term Evolution (LTE), cuya principal novedad es la utilizaci贸n de indicadores obtenidos a partir de trazas de conexi贸n de la interfaz radio. Como punto de partida, se describe una metodolog铆a gen茅rica para construir indicadores de rendimiento de red mediante el procesado de eventos complejos (Complex Event Processing, CEP). El objetivo de esta metodolog铆a es mostrar la posibilidad de crear nuevos indicadores de rendimiento, distintos de los proporcionados por los fabricantes, para obtener informaci贸n m谩s detallada del funcionamiento de la red a partir de las trazas de conexi贸n. A continuaci贸n, se presenta un an谩lisis de diversos indicadores de capacidad utilizados por los operadores, basado en datos extra铆dos de una red LTE real. Este an谩lisis preliminar permite entender c贸mo difieren los distintos indicadores de capacidad y confirma la correlaci贸n de estos indicadores con los indicadores de calidad de se帽al. Posteriormente, se propone un algoritmo de ajuste autom谩tico del 谩ngulo de inclinaci贸n de las antenas para la optimizaci贸n de la cobertura y la capacidad de una red LTE. El objetivo del algoritmo es maximizar el 谩rea de cobertura y mejorar la eficiencia espectral global de la red, eliminando situaciones de sobreapuntamiento (overshooting) o excesivo solapamiento entre celdas vecinas

    Techniques for the quantitative evaluation of 3D simulation

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Inform谩tica, le铆da el 29/11/2019El creciente numero de dispositivos conectados a Internet sumado a muchos factores socio-culturales a nivel mundial, tales como el envejecimiento de la poblaci贸n, han impulsado un aumento considerable del uso de la inteligencia ambiental para la construcci贸n de soluciones tecnol贸gicas que cubran necesidades concretas de las personas. Dise帽ar y construir este tipo de soluciones asistivas no es tarea f谩cil. El desarrollo de una soluci贸n para personas mayores u otras que lo requieran, es complicado no s贸lo por el coste que supone la adecuaci贸n del entorno sino tambi茅n porque requieren de mucha adaptaci贸n a necesidades muy espec铆ficas de cada usuario. Adem谩s, tambien es importante tener en cuenta los distintos actores que intervienen (usuarios, cuidadores, familiares, expertos,ingenieros, entre otros), a los que de alguna forma hay que facilitarles su interacci贸n en el proceso de desarrollo...The growing number of connected devices to Internet and many socio-cultural factor sworldwide, such as the ageing of the population, has led to a considerable increase in theuse of ambient intelligence for the construction of technological solutions that meet thespecic needs of the people. Designing and building this type of assistive solutions is not an easy task because the cost of adapting the environment and especially because they require a great deal of adaptation to the very specic needs of each user. In addition, it is also important to take into account the dierent actors involved (users, caregivers,family members, experts, engineers, among others), who somehow have to facilitate theirinteraction in the development process...Fac. de Inform谩ticaTRUEunpu