922 research outputs found

    On chromatic roots of large subdivisions of graphs

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    AbstractGiven a graph G, we derive an expression for the chromatic polynomials of the graphs resulting from subdividing some (or all) of its edges. For special subfamilies of these, we are able to describe the limits of their chromatic roots. We also prove that for any ε>0, all sufficiently large subdivisions of G have their chromatic roots in |z−1|<1+ε. A consequence of our work will be a characterization of the graphs having a subdivision whose chromatic polynomial has a root with negative real part

    Chromatic roots are dense in the whole complex plane

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    I show that the zeros of the chromatic polynomials P_G(q) for the generalized theta graphs \Theta^{(s,p)} are, taken together, dense in the whole complex plane with the possible exception of the disc |q-1| < 1. The same holds for their dichromatic polynomials (alias Tutte polynomials, alias Potts-model partition functions) Z_G(q,v) outside the disc |q+v| < |v|. An immediate corollary is that the chromatic zeros of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main technical tool in the proof of these results is the Beraha-Kahane-Weiss theorem on the limit sets of zeros for certain sequences of analytic functions, for which I give a new and simpler proof.Comment: LaTeX2e, 53 pages. Version 2 includes a new Appendix B. Version 3 adds a new Theorem 1.4 and a new Section 5, and makes several small improvements. To appear in Combinatorics, Probability & Computin

    Triangle-free intersection graphs of line segments with large chromatic number

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    In the 1970s, Erdos asked whether the chromatic number of intersection graphs of line segments in the plane is bounded by a function of their clique number. We show the answer is no. Specifically, for each positive integer kk, we construct a triangle-free family of line segments in the plane with chromatic number greater than kk. Our construction disproves a conjecture of Scott that graphs excluding induced subdivisions of any fixed graph have chromatic number bounded by a function of their clique number.Comment: Small corrections, bibliography updat

    Chromatic roots are dense in the whole complex plane

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    I show that the zeros of the chromatic polynomials P-G(q) for the generalized theta graphs Theta((s.p)) are taken together, dense in the whole complex plane with the possible exception of the disc \q - l\ < l. The same holds for their dichromatic polynomials (alias Tutte polynomials, alias Potts-model partition functions) Z(G)(q,upsilon) outside the disc \q + upsilon\ < \upsilon\. An immediate corollary is that the chromatic roots of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main technical tool in the proof of these results is the Beraha-Kahane-Weiss theorem oil the limit sets of zeros for certain sequences of analytic functions, for which I give a new and simpler proof

    A note on circular chromatic number of graphs with large girth and similar problems

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    In this short note, we extend the result of Galluccio, Goddyn, and Hell, which states that graphs of large girth excluding a minor are nearly bipartite. We also prove a similar result for the oriented chromatic number, from which follows in particular that graphs of large girth excluding a minor have oriented chromatic number at most 55, and for the ppth chromatic number χp\chi_p, from which follows in particular that graphs GG of large girth excluding a minor have χp(G)p+2\chi_p(G)\leq p+2

    Zero-free regions for multivariate Tutte polynomials (alias Potts-model partition functions) of graphs and matroids

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    The chromatic polynomial P_G(q) of a loopless graph G is known to be nonzero (with explicitly known sign) on the intervals (-\infty,0), (0,1) and (1,32/27]. Analogous theorems hold for the flow polynomial of bridgeless graphs and for the characteristic polynomial of loopless matroids. Here we exhibit all these results as special cases of more general theorems on real zero-free regions of the multivariate Tutte polynomial Z_G(q,v). The proofs are quite simple, and employ deletion-contraction together with parallel and series reduction. In particular, they shed light on the origin of the curious number 32/27.Comment: LaTeX2e, 49 pages, includes 5 Postscript figure

    The Brown-Colbourn conjecture on zeros of reliability polynomials is false

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    We give counterexamples to the Brown-Colbourn conjecture on reliability polynomials, in both its univariate and multivariate forms. The multivariate Brown-Colbourn conjecture is false already for the complete graph K_4. The univariate Brown-Colbourn conjecture is false for certain simple planar graphs obtained from K_4 by parallel and series expansion of edges. We show, in fact, that a graph has the multivariate Brown-Colbourn property if and only if it is series-parallel.Comment: LaTeX2e, 17 pages. Version 2 makes a few small improvements in the exposition. To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory