14 research outputs found

    Test Time Reduction to Test for Path-Delay Faults Using Random-Access Scan

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    Low-Capture-Power Test Generation for Scan-Based At-Speed Testing

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    Scan-based at-speed testing is a key technology to guarantee timing-related test quality in the deep submicron era. However, its applicability is being severely challenged since significant yield loss may occur from circuit malfunction due to excessive IR drop caused by high power dissipation when a test response is captured. This paper addresses this critical problem with a novel low-capture-power X-filling method of assigning 0\u27s and 1\u27s to unspecified (X) bits in a test cube obtained during ATPG. This method reduces the circuit switching activity in capture mode and can be easily incorporated into any test generation flow to achieve capture power reduction without any area, timing, or fault coverage impact. Test vectors generated with this practical method greatly improve the applicability of scan-based at-speed testing by reducing the risk of test yield lossIEEE International Conference on Test, 2005, 8 November 2005, Austin, TX, US

    Acceleration of Seed Ordering and Selection for High Quality Delay Test

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    Seed ordering and selection is a key technique to provide high-test quality with limited resources in Built-In Self Test (BIST) environment. We present a hard-to-detect delay fault selection method to accelerate the computation time in seed ordering and selection processes. This selection method can be used to restrict faults for test generation executed in an early stage in seed ordering and selection processes, and reduce a test pattern count and therefore a computation time. We evaluate the impact of the selection method both in deterministic BIST, where one test pattern is decoded from one seed, and mixed-mode BIST, where one seed is expanded to two or more patterns. The statistical delay quality level (SDQL) is adopted as test quality measure, to represent ability to detect small delay defects (SDDs). Experimental results show that our proposed method can significantly reduce computation time from 28% to 63% and base set seed counts from 21% to 67% while slightly sacrificing test quality

    A Hybrid Test Architecture to Reduce Test Application Time in Full Scan Sequential Circuits

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    Abstract—Full scan based design technique is widely used to alleviate the complexity of test generation for sequential circuits. However, this approach leads to substantial increase in test application time, because of serial loading of vectors. Although BIST based approaches offer faster testing, they usually suffer from low fault coverage. In this paper, we propose a hybrid test architecture, which achieves significant reduction in test application time. The test suite consists of: (i) some external deterministic test vectors to be scanned in, and (ii) internally generated responses of the CUT to be re-applied as tests iteratively, in functional (non-scan) mode. The proposed architecture uses only combinational ATPG to hybridize deterministic testing and test per clock BIST, and thus makes good use of both scan based and non-scan testing. We also present a bipartite graph based heuristic to select the deterministic test vectors and sequential fault simulation technique is used to perform the exact analysis on detected faults during the re-application of internally generated responses of the CUT during testing. Experimental results on ISCAS-89 benchmark circuits show the efficacy of the heuristic and reveal a significant reduction of test application time

    Transition Faults and Transition Path Delay Faults: Test Generation, Path Selection, and Built-In Generation of Functional Broadside Tests

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    As the clock frequency and complexity of digital integrated circuits increase rapidly, delay testing is indispensable to guarantee the correct timing behavior of the circuits. In this dissertation, we describe methods developed for three aspects of delay testing in scan-based circuits: test generation, path selection and built-in test generation. We first describe a deterministic broadside test generation procedure for a path delay fault model named the transition path delay fault model, which captures both large and small delay defects. Under this fault model, a path delay fault is detected only if all the individual transition faults along the path are detected by the same test. To reduce the complexity of test generation, sub-procedures with low complexity are applied before a complete branch-and-bound procedure. Next, we describe a method based on static timing analysis to select critical paths for test generation. Logic conditions that are necessary for detecting a path delay fault are considered to refine the accuracy of static timing analysis, using input necessary assignments. Input necessary assignments are input values that must be assigned to detect a fault. The method calculates more accurate path delays, selects paths that are critical during test application, and identifies undetectable path delay faults. These two methods are applicable to off-line test generation. For large circuits with high complexity and frequency, built-in test generation is a cost-effective method for delay testing. For a circuit that is embedded in a larger design, we developed a method for built-in generation of functional broadside tests to avoid excessive power dissipation during test application and the overtesting of delay faults, taking the functional constraints on the primary input sequences of the circuit into consideration. Functional broadside tests are scan-based two-pattern tests for delay faults that create functional operation conditions during test application. To avoid the potential fault coverage loss due to the exclusive use of functional broadside tests, we also developed an optional DFT method based on state holding to improve fault coverage. High delay fault coverage can be achieved by the developed method for benchmark circuits using simple hardware

    A Novel and Practical Control Scheme for Inter-Clock At-Speed Testing

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    The quality of at-speed testing is being severely challenged by the problem that an inter-clock logic block existing between two synchronous clocks is not efficiently tested or totally ignored due to complex test control. This paper addresses the problem with a novel inter-clock at-speed test control scheme, featuring a compact and robust on-chip inter-clock enable generator design. The new scheme can generate inter-clock at-speed test clocks from PLLs, and is feasible for both ATE-based scan testing and logic BIST. Successful applications to industrial circuits have proven its effectiveness in improving the quality of at-speed testing.2006 IEEE International Test Conference, 22-27 October 2006, Santa Clara, CA, US

    Improving Power, Performance and Area with Test: A Case Study

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    As more low power devices are needed for applications such as Internet of Things, reducing power and area is becoming more critical. Reducing power consumption and area caused by full scan design-for-test should be considered as a way to help achieve these stricter requirements. This is especially important for designs that use near-threshold technology. In this work, we use partial scan to improve power, performance and area on a graphics processing unit shader block. We present our non-scan D flip-flop (DFF) selection algorithm that maximizes non-scan DFF count while achieving automatic test pattern generation results close to those of the full scan design. We identify a category of stuck-at faults that are unique to partial scan designs and propose a check to identify and contain them. Our final test coverage of the partial scan design is within 0.1% of the full scan test coverage for both stuck-at and transition delay fault models. In addition, we present the PPA (power, performance and area) results for both the full scan and partial scan designs. The most noteworthy improvement is seen in the hold total negative slack

    Improving Power, Performance and Area with Test: A Case Study

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    As more low power devices are needed for applications such as Internet of Things, reducing power and area is becoming more critical. Reducing power consumption and area caused by full scan design-for-test should be considered as a way to help achieve these stricter requirements. This is especially important for designs that use near-threshold technology. In this work, we use partial scan to improve power, performance and area on a graphics processing unit shader block. We present our non-scan D flip-flop (DFF) selection algorithm that maximizes non-scan DFF count while achieving automatic test pattern generation results close to those of the full scan design. We identify a category of stuck-at faults that are unique to partial scan designs and propose a check to identify and contain them. Our final test coverage of the partial scan design is within 0.1% of the full scan test coverage for both stuck-at and transition delay fault models. In addition, we present the PPA (power, performance and area) results for both the full scan and partial scan designs. The most noteworthy improvement is seen in the hold total negative slack

    Fault modelling and accelerated simulation of integrated circuits manufacturing defects under process variation

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    As silicon manufacturing process scales to and beyond the 65-nm node, process variation can no longer be ignored. The impact of process variation on integrated circuit performance and power has received significant research input. Variation-aware test, on the other hand, is a relatively new research area that is currently receiving attention worldwide.Research has shown that test without considering process variation may lead to loss of test quality. Fault modelling and simulation serve as a backbone of manufacturing test. This thesis is concerned with developing efficient fault modelling techniques and simulation methodologies that take into account the effect of process variation on manufacturing defects with particular emphasis on resistive bridges and resistive opens.The first contribution of this thesis addresses the problem of long computation time required to generate logic fault of resistive bridges under process variation by developing a fast and accurate modelling technique to model logic fault behaviour of resistive bridges.The new technique is implemented by employing two efficient voltage calculation algorithms to calculate the logic threshold voltage of driven gates and critical resistance of a fault-site to enable the computation of bridge logic faults without using SPICE. Simulation results show that the technique is fast (on average 53 times faster) and accurate (worst case is 2.64% error) when compared with HSPICE. The second contribution analyses the complexity of delay fault simulation of resistive bridges to reduce the computation time of delay fault when considering process variation. An accelerated delay fault simulation methodology of resistive bridges is developed by employing a three-step strategy to speed up the calculation of transient gate output voltage which is needed to accurately compute delay faults. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average 17.4 times faster, with 5.2% error in accuracy, when compared with HSPICE. The final contribution presents an accelerated simulation methodology of resistive opens to address the problem of long simulation time of delay fault when considering process variation. The methodology is implemented by using two efficient algorithms to accelerate the computation of transient gate output voltage and timing critical resistance of an open fault-site. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average up to 52 times faster than HSPICE, with 4.2% error in accuracy

    Investigation into voltage and process variation-aware manufacturing test

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    Increasing integration and complexity in IC design provides challenges for manufacturing testing. This thesis studies how process and supply voltage variation influence defect behaviour to determine the impact on manufacturing test cost and quality. The focus is on logic testing of static CMOS designs with respect to two important defect types in deep submicron CMOS: resistive bridges and full opens. The first part of the thesis addresses testing for resistive bridge defects in designs with multiple supply voltage settings. To enable analysis, a fault simulator is developed using a supply voltage-aware model for bridge defect behaviour. The analysis shows that for high defect coverage it is necessary to perform test for more than one supply voltage setting, due to supply voltage-dependent behaviour. A low-cost and effective test method is presented consisting of multi-voltage test generation that achieves high defect coverage and test set size reduction without compromise to defect coverage. Experiments on synthesised benchmarks with realistic bridge locations validate the proposed method.The second part focuses on the behaviour of full open defects under supply voltage variation. The aim is to determine the appropriate value of supply voltage to use when testing. Two models are considered for the behaviour of full open defects with and without gate tunnelling leakage influence. Analysis of the supply voltage-dependent behaviour of full open defects is performed to determine if it is required to test using more than one supply voltage to detect all full open defects. Experiments on synthesised benchmarks using an extended version of the fault simulator tool mentioned above, measure the quantitative impact of supply voltage variation on defect coverage.The final part studies the impact of process variation on the behaviour of bridge defects. Detailed analysis using synthesised ISCAS benchmarks and realistic bridge model shows that process variation leads to additional faults. If process variation is not considered in test generation, the test will fail to detect some of these faults, which leads to test escapes. A novel metric to quantify the impact of process variation on test quality is employed in the development of a new test generation tool, which achieves high bridge defect coverage. The method achieves a user-specified test quality with test sets which are smaller than test sets generated without consideration of process variation