10 research outputs found

    On Box-Perfect Graphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a graph and let AGA_G be the clique-vertex incidence matrix of GG. It is well known that GG is perfect iff the system AGx≤1A_{_G}\mathbf x\le \mathbf 1, x≥0\mathbf x\ge\mathbf0 is totally dual integral (TDI). In 1982, Cameron and Edmonds proposed to call GG box-perfect if the system AGx≤1A_{_G}\mathbf x\le \mathbf 1, x≥0\mathbf x\ge\mathbf0 is box-totally dual integral (box-TDI), and posed the problem of characterizing such graphs. In this paper we prove the Cameron-Edmonds conjecture on box-perfectness of parity graphs, and identify several other classes of box-perfect graphs. We also develop a general and powerful method for establishing box-perfectness

    A Discrete Convex Min-Max Formula for Box-TDI Polyhedra

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    A min-max formula is proved for the minimum of an integer-valued separable discrete convex function where the minimum is taken over the set of integral elements of a box total dual integral (box-TDI) polyhedron. One variant of the theorem uses the notion of conjugate function (a fundamental concept in non-linear optimization) but we also provide another version that avoids conjugates, and its spirit is conceptually closer to the standard form of classic min-max theorems in combinatorial optimization. The presented framework provides a unified background for separable convex minimization over the set of integral elements of the intersection of two integral base-polyhedra, submodular flows, L-convex sets, and polyhedra defined by totally unimodular (TU) matrices. As an unexpected application, we show how a wide class of inverse combinatorial optimization problems can be covered by this new framework.Comment: 32 page

    Recent Progress on Integrally Convex Functions

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    Integrally convex functions constitute a fundamental function class in discrete convex analysis, including M-convex functions, L-convex functions, and many others. This paper aims at a rather comprehensive survey of recent results on integrally convex functions with some new technical results. Topics covered in this paper include characterizations of integral convex sets and functions, operations on integral convex sets and functions, optimality criteria for minimization with a proximity-scaling algorithm, integral biconjugacy, and the discrete Fenchel duality. While the theory of M-convex and L-convex functions has been built upon fundamental results on matroids and submodular functions, developing the theory of integrally convex functions requires more general and basic tools such as the Fourier-Motzkin elimination.Comment: 50 page

    Analyzing Massive Graphs in the Semi-streaming Model

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    Massive graphs arise in a many scenarios, for example, traffic data analysis in large networks, large scale scientific experiments, and clustering of large data sets. The semi-streaming model was proposed for processing massive graphs. In the semi-streaming model, we have a random accessible memory which is near-linear in the number of vertices. The input graph (or equivalently, edges in the graph) is presented as a sequential list of edges (insertion-only model) or edge insertions and deletions (dynamic model). The list is read-only but we may make multiple passes over the list. There has been a few results in the insertion-only model such as computing distance spanners and approximating the maximum matching. In this thesis, we present some algorithms and techniques for (i) solving more complex problems in the semi-streaming model, (for example, problems in the dynamic model) and (ii) having better solutions for the problems which have been studied (for example, the maximum matching problem). In course of both of these, we develop new techniques with broad applications and explore the rich trade-offs between the complexity of models (insertion-only streams vs. dynamic streams), the number of passes, space, accuracy, and running time. 1. We initiate the study of dynamic graph streams. We start with basic problems such as the connectivity problem and computing the minimum spanning tree. These problems are trivial in the insertion-only model. However, they require non-trivial (and multiple passes for computing the exact minimum spanning tree) algorithms in the dynamic model. 2. Second, we present a graph sparsification algorithm in the semi-streaming model. A graph sparsification is a sparse graph that approximately preserves all the cut values of a graph. Such a graph acts as an oracle for solving cut-related problems, for example, the minimum cut problem and the multicut problem. Our algorithm produce a graph sparsification with high probability in one pass. 3. Third, we use the primal-dual algorithms to develop the semi-streaming algorithms. The primal-dual algorithms have been widely accepted as a framework for solving linear programs and semidefinite programs faster. In contrast, we apply the method for reducing space and number of passes in addition to reducing the running time. We also present some examples that arise in applications and show how to apply the techniques: the multicut problem, the correlation clustering problem, and the maximum matching problem. As a consequence, we also develop near-linear time algorithms for the bb-matching problems which were not known before

    On box totally dual integral polyhedra

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    Edmonds and Giles introduced the class of box totally dual integral polyhedra as a generalization of submodular flow polyhedra. In this paper a geometric characterization of these polyhedra is given. This geometric result is used to show that each TDI defining system for a box TDI polyhedron is in fact a box TDI system, that the class of box TDI polyhedra is in co-NP and is closed under taking projections and dominants, that the class of box perfect graphs is in co-NP, and a result of Edmonds and Giles which is related to the facets of box TDI polyhdera

    Hard problems on box-totally dual integral polyhedra

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    In this paper, we study the complexity of some fundamental questions regarding box-totally dual integral (box-TDI) polyhedra. First, although box-TDI polyhedra have strong integrality properties, we prove that Integer Programming over box-TDI polyhedra is NP-complete, that is, finding an integer point optimizing a linear function over a box-TDI polyhedron is hard. Second, we complement the result of Ding et al. specialIntscript who proved that deciding whether a given system is box-TDI is co-NP-complete: we prove that recognizing whether a polyhedron is box-TDI is co-NP-complete.To derive these complexity results, we exhibit new classes of totally equimodular matrices - a generalization of totally unimodular matrices - by characterizing the total equimodularity of incidence matrices of graphs