2,780 research outputs found

    On bipartite graphs of defect at most 4

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    We consider the bipartite version of the degree/diameter problem, namely, given natural numbers {\Delta} \geq 2 and D \geq 2, find the maximum number Nb({\Delta},D) of vertices in a bipartite graph of maximum degree {\Delta} and diameter D. In this context, the Moore bipartite bound Mb({\Delta},D) represents an upper bound for Nb({\Delta},D). Bipartite graphs of maximum degree {\Delta}, diameter D and order Mb({\Delta},D), called Moore bipartite graphs, have turned out to be very rare. Therefore, it is very interesting to investigate bipartite graphs of maximum degree {\Delta} \geq 2, diameter D \geq 2 and order Mb({\Delta},D) - \epsilon with small \epsilon > 0, that is, bipartite ({\Delta},D,-\epsilon)-graphs. The parameter \epsilon is called the defect. This paper considers bipartite graphs of defect at most 4, and presents all the known such graphs. Bipartite graphs of defect 2 have been studied in the past; if {\Delta} \geq 3 and D \geq 3, they may only exist for D = 3. However, when \epsilon > 2 bipartite ({\Delta},D,-\epsilon)-graphs represent a wide unexplored area. The main results of the paper include several necessary conditions for the existence of bipartite (Δ,d,4)(\Delta,d,-4)-graphs; the complete catalogue of bipartite (3,D,-\epsilon)-graphs with D \geq 2 and 0 \leq \epsilon \leq 4; the complete catalogue of bipartite ({\Delta},D,-\epsilon)-graphs with {\Delta} \geq 2, 5 \leq D \leq 187 (D /= 6) and 0 \leq \epsilon \leq 4; and a non-existence proof of all bipartite ({\Delta},D,-4)-graphs with {\Delta} \geq 3 and odd D \geq 7. Finally, we conjecture that there are no bipartite graphs of defect 4 for {\Delta} \geq 3 and D \geq 5, and comment on some implications of our results for upper bounds of Nb({\Delta},D).Comment: 25 pages, 14 Postscript figure

    On large bipartite graphs of diameter 3

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    We consider the bipartite version of the {\it degree/diameter problem}, namely, given natural numbers d2d\ge2 and D2D\ge2, find the maximum number Nb(d,D)\N^b(d,D) of vertices in a bipartite graph of maximum degree dd and diameter DD. In this context, the bipartite Moore bound \M^b(d,D) represents a general upper bound for Nb(d,D)\N^b(d,D). Bipartite graphs of order \M^b(d,D) are very rare, and determining Nb(d,D)\N^b(d,D) still remains an open problem for most (d,D)(d,D) pairs. This paper is a follow-up to our earlier paper \cite{FPV12}, where a study on bipartite (d,D,4)(d,D,-4)-graphs (that is, bipartite graphs of order \M^b(d,D)-4) was carried out. Here we first present some structural properties of bipartite (d,3,4)(d,3,-4)-graphs, and later prove there are no bipartite (7,3,4)(7,3,-4)-graphs. This result implies that the known bipartite (7,3,6)(7,3,-6)-graph is optimal, and therefore Nb(7,3)=80\N^b(7,3)=80. Our approach also bears a proof of the uniqueness of the known bipartite (5,3,4)(5,3,-4)-graph, and the non-existence of bipartite (6,3,4)(6,3,-4)-graphs. In addition, we discover three new largest known bipartite (and also vertex-transitive) graphs of degree 11, diameter 3 and order 190, result which improves by 4 vertices the previous lower bound for Nb(11,3)\N^b(11,3)

    Exact bosonization of the Ising model

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    We present exact combinatorial versions of bosonization identities, which equate the product of two Ising correlators with a free field (bosonic) correlator. The role of the discrete free field is played by the height function of an associated bipartite dimer model. Some applications to the asymptotic analysis of Ising correlators are discussed.Comment: 35 page

    Height representation of XOR-Ising loops via bipartite dimers

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    The XOR-Ising model on a graph consists of random spin configurations on vertices of the graph obtained by taking the product at each vertex of the spins of two independent Ising models. In this paper, we explicitly relate loop configurations of the XOR-Ising model and those of a dimer model living on a decorated, bipartite version of the Ising graph. This result is proved for graphs embedded in compact surfaces of genus g. Using this fact, we then prove that XOR-Ising loops have the same law as level lines of the height function of this bipartite dimer model. At criticality, the height function is known to converge weakly in distribution to a Gaussian free field. As a consequence, results of this paper shed a light on the occurrence of the Gaussian free field in the XOR-Ising model. In particular, they prove a discrete analogue of Wilson's conjecture, stating that the scaling limit of XOR-Ising loops are "contour lines" of the Gaussian free field.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figure

    Towards Effective Exact Algorithms for the Maximum Balanced Biclique Problem

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    The Maximum Balanced Biclique Problem (MBBP) is a prominent model with numerous applications. Yet, the problem is NP-hard and thus computationally challenging. We propose novel ideas for designing effective exact algorithms for MBBP. Firstly, we introduce an Upper Bound Propagation procedure to pre-compute an upper bound involving each vertex. Then we extend an existing branch-and-bound algorithm by integrating the pre-computed upper bounds. We also present a set of new valid inequalities induced from the upper bounds to tighten an existing mathematical formulation for MBBP. Lastly, we investigate another exact algorithm scheme which enumerates a subset of balanced bicliques based on our upper bounds. Experiments show that compared to existing approaches, the proposed algorithms and formulations are more efficient in solving a set of random graphs and large real-life instances

    Worm Monte Carlo study of the honeycomb-lattice loop model

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    We present a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm of "worm"type that correctly simulates the O(n) loop model on any (finite and connected) bipartite cubic graph, for any real n>0, and any edge weight, including the fully-packed limit of infinite edge weight. Furthermore, we prove rigorously that the algorithm is ergodic and has the correct stationary distribution. We emphasize that by using known exact mappings when n=2, this algorithm can be used to simulate a number of zero-temperature Potts antiferromagnets for which the Wang-Swendsen-Kotecky cluster algorithm is non-ergodic, including the 3-state model on the kagome-lattice and the 4-state model on the triangular-lattice. We then use this worm algorithm to perform a systematic study of the honeycomb-lattice loop model as a function of n<2, on the critical line and in the densely-packed and fully-packed phases. By comparing our numerical results with Coulomb gas theory, we identify the exact scaling exponents governing some fundamental geometric and dynamic observables. In particular, we show that for all n<2, the scaling of a certain return time in the worm dynamics is governed by the magnetic dimension of the loop model, thus providing a concrete dynamical interpretation of this exponent. The case n>2 is also considered, and we confirm the existence of a phase transition in the 3-state Potts universality class that was recently observed via numerical transfer matrix calculations.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figure