12 research outputs found

    Classifying a class of the fuzzy subgroups of the alternating groups An

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    A survey of the classification of fuzzy subgroups of some finite groups

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    In this lecture we survey the classification of fuzzy subgroups of finite groups as studied byProf. B.B Makamba and V. Murali. We present the impact of the research on our postgraduate students. The classification is focusing on finite abelian p-groups and dihedral groups, giving a mixture of abelian and non-abelian groups. We show some highlights and what still needs to be done in the classification of fuzzy subgroups. We also touch on what other researchers have achieved in the classification of fuzzy subgroups and how our work is related to theirs. We begin with a historical background of fuzzy logic.Inaugural Lecture Address by Prof. Babington Makamba- A survey of the classification of fuzzy subgroups of some finite groups

    A study of fuzzy sets and systems with applications to group theory and decision making

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    In this study we apply the knowledge of fuzzy sets to group structures and also to decision-making implications. We study fuzzy subgroups of finite abelian groups. We set G = Z[subscript p[superscript n]] + Z[subscript q[superscript m]]. The classification of fuzzy subgroups of G using equivalence classes is introduced. First, we present equivalence relations on fuzzy subsets of X, and then extend it to the study of equivalence relations of fuzzy subgroups of a group G. This is then followed by the notion of flags and keychains projected as tools for enumerating fuzzy subgroups of G. In addition to this, we use linear ordering of the lattice of subgroups to characterize the maximal chains of G. Then we narrow the gap between group theory and decision-making using relations. Finally, a theory of the decision-making process in a fuzzy environment leads to a fuzzy version of capital budgeting. We define the goal, constraints and decision and show how they conflict with each other using membership function implications. We establish sets of intervals for projecting decision boundaries in general. We use the knowledge of triangular fuzzy numbers which are restricted field of fuzzy logic to evaluate investment projections

    The classification of some fuzzy subgroups of finite groups under a natural equivalence and its extension, with particular emphasis on the number of equivalence classes

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    In this thesis we use the natural equivalence of fuzzy subgroups studied by Murali and Makamba [25] to characterize fuzzy subgroups of some finite groups. We focus on the determination of the number of equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups of some selected finite groups using this equivalence relation and its extension. Firstly we give a brief discussion on the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy subgroups. We prove a few properties of fuzzy sets and fuzzy subgroups. We then introduce the selected groups namely the symmetric group 3 S , dihedral group 4 D , the quaternion group Q8 , cyclic p-group pn G = Z/ , pn qm G = Z/ + Z/ , p q r G Z Z Z n m = / + / + / and pn qm r s G = Z/ + Z/ + Z/ where p,q and r are distinct primes and n,m, s Î N/ . We also present their subgroups structures and construct lattice diagrams of subgroups in order to study their maximal chains. We compute the number of maximal chains and give a brief explanation on how the maximal chains are used in the determination of the number of equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups. In determining the number of equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups of a group, we first list down all the maximal chains of the group. Secondly we pick any maximal chain and compute the number of distinct fuzzy subgroups represented by that maximal chain, expressing each fuzzy subgroup in the form of a keychain. Thereafter we pick the next maximal chain and count the number of equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups not counted in the first chain. We proceed inductively until all the maximal chains have been exhausted. The total number of fuzzy subgroups obtained in all the maximal chains represents the number of equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups for the entire group, (see sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.6, 3.2.8, 3.2.9, 3.2.15, 3.16 and 3.17 for the case of selected finite groups). We study, establish and prove the formulae for the number of maximal chains for the groups pn qm G = Z/ + Z/ , p q r G Z Z Z n m = / + / + / and pn qm r s G = Z/ + Z/ + Z/ where p,q and r are distinct primes and n,m, s Î N/ . To accomplish this, we use lattice diagrams of subgroups of these groups to identify the maximal chains. For instance, the group pn qm G = Z/ + Z/ would require the use of a 2- dimensional rectangular diagram (see section 3.2.18 and 5.3.5), while for the group pn qm r s G = Z/ + Z/ + Z/ we execute 3- dimensional lattice diagrams of subgroups (see section 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.4, 5.4.5 and 5.4.6). It is through these lattice diagrams that we identify routes through which to carry out the extensions. Since fuzzy subgroups represented by maximal chains are viewed as keychains, we give a brief discussion on the notion of keychains, pins and their extensions. We present propositions and proofs on why this counting technique is justifiable. We derive and prove formulae for the number of equivalence classes of the groups pn qm G = Z/ + Z/ , p q r G Z Z Z n m = / + / + / and pn qm r s G = Z/ + Z/ + Z/ where p,q and r are distinct primes and n,m, s Î N/ . We give a detailed explanation and illustrations on how this keychain extension principle works in Chapter Five. We conclude by giving specific illustrations on how we compute the number of equivalence classes of a fuzzy subgroup for the group p2 q2 r 2 G = Z/ + Z/ + Z/ from the number of fuzzy subgroups of the group p q r G = Z/ + Z/ + Z/ 1 2 2 . This illustrates a general technique of computing the number of fuzzy subgroups of G = Z/ + Z/ + Z/ from the number of fuzzy subgroups of 1 -1 = / + / + / pn qm r s G Z Z Z . Our illustration also shows two ways of extending from a lattice diagram of 1 G to that of G

    Studies of equivalent fuzzy subgroups of finite abelian p-Groups of rank two and their subgroup lattices

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    We determine the number and nature of distinct equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups of finite Abelian p-group G of rank two under a natural equivalence relation on fuzzy subgroups. Our discussions embrace the necessary theory from groups with special emphasis on finite p-groups as a step towards the classification of crisp subgroups as well as maximal chains of subgroups. Unique naming of subgroup generators as discussed in this work facilitates counting of subgroups and chains of subgroups from subgroup lattices of the groups. We cover aspects of fuzzy theory including fuzzy (homo-) isomorphism together with operations on fuzzy subgroups. The equivalence characterization as discussed here is finer than isomorphism. We introduce the theory of keychains with a view towards the enumeration of maximal chains as well as fuzzy subgroups under the equivalence relation mentioned above. We discuss a strategy to develop subgroup lattices of the groups used in the discussion, and give examples for specific cases of prime p and positive integers n,m. We derive formulas for both the number of maximal chains as well as the number of distinct equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups. The results are in the form of polynomials in p (known in the literature as Hall polynomials) with combinatorial coefficients. Finally we give a brief investigation of the results from a graph-theoretic point of view. We view the subgroup lattices of these groups as simple, connected, symmetric graphs

    The classification of fuzzy groups of finite cyclic groups Zpn Zqm Zr and Zp1 Zp2 Zpn for distinct prime numbers p; q; r; p1; p2; ; pn and n;m 2 Z+

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    Let G be the cyclic group Zpn _ Zqm _ Zr where p; q; r are distinct primes and n;m 2 Z+. Using the criss-cut method by Murali and Makamba, we determine in general the number of distinct fuzzy subgroups of G. This is achieved by using the maximal chains of subgroups of the respective groups, and the equivalence relation given in their research papers. For cases of m, the number of fuzzy subgroups is _rst given, from which the general pattern for G is achieved. Murali and Makamba discussed the number of fuzzy subgroups of Zpn _ Zqm using the cross-cut method. A brief revisit of the group Zpn _Zqm is done using the criss-cut method. The formulae for _nding the number of distinct fuzzy subgroups in each of the cases is given and proofs provided. Furthermore, we classify the fuzzy subgroups of the group Zp1_Zp2__ _ __Zpn for p1; p2; _ _ _ ; pn distinct primes and n 2 Z+ using the criss-cut method. An algorithm for counting the distinct fuzzy subgroups of this group is developed

    The classsification of fuzzy subgroups of some finite Abelian p-groups of rank 3

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    An important trend in fuzzy group theory in recent years has been the notion of classification of fuzzy subgroups using a suitable equivalence relation. In this dissertation, we have successfully used the natural equivalence relation defined by Murali and Makamba in [81] and a natural fuzzy isomorphism to classify fuzzy subgroups of some finite abelian p-groups of rank three of the form Zpn + Zp + Zp for any fixed prime integer p and any positive integer n. This was achieved through the usage of a suitable technique of enumerating distinct fuzzy subgroups and non-isomorphic fuzzy subgroups of G. We commence by giving a brief discussion on the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy subgroups from the perspective of group theory through to the theory of sets, leading us to establish a linkage among these theories. We have also shown in this dissertation that the converse of theorem 3.1 proposed by Das in [24] is incorrect by giving a counter example and restate the theorem. We have then reviewed and enriched the study conducted by Ngcibi in [94] by characterising the non-isomorphic fuzzy subgroups in that study. We have also developed a formula to compute the crisp subgroups of the under-studied group and provide its proof. Furthermore, we have compared the equivalence relation under which the classification problem is based with various versions of equivalence studied in the literature. We managed to use this counting technique to obtain explicit formulae for the number of maximal chains, distinct fuzzy subgroups, non-isomorphic maximal chains and non-isomorphic fuzzy subgroups of these groups and their proofs are provided