608 research outputs found

    Recovery of the absorption coefficient in radiative transport from a single measurement

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    In this paper, we investigate the recovery of the absorption coefficient from boundary data assuming that the region of interest is illuminated at an initial time. We consider a sufficiently strong and isotropic, but otherwise unknown initial state of radiation. This work is part of an effort to reconstruct optical properties using unknown illumination embedded in the unknown medium. We break the problem into two steps. First, in a linear framework, we seek the simultaneous recovery of a forcing term of the form σ(t,x,θ)f(x)\sigma(t,x,\theta) f(x) (with σ\sigma known) and an isotropic initial condition u0(x)u_{0}(x) using the single measurement induced by these data. Based on exact boundary controllability, we derive a system of equations for the unknown terms ff and u0u_{0}. The system is shown to be Fredholm if σ\sigma satisfies a certain positivity condition. We show that for generic term σ\sigma and weakly absorbing media, this linear inverse problem is uniquely solvable with a stability estimate. In the second step, we use the stability results from the linear problem to address the nonlinearity in the recovery of a weak absorbing coefficient. We obtain a locally Lipschitz stability estimate

    Feller semigroups with boundary conditions

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    This expository paper is devoted to the problem of construction of Feller semigroups with Ventcel’(Wentzell) boundary conditions for elliptic Waldenfels operators.Intuitively our result may be stated as follows: We can construct a Feller semigroup corresponding to such a diffusion phenomenon that a Markovian particle moves both by jumps and continuously in the state space until it“dies”at which time it reaches the set where the absorption phenomenon occurs.In the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory(F. Altomare et al., eds.

    Cardinality and counting quantifiers on omega-automatic structures

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    We investigate structures that can be represented by omega-automata, so called omega-automatic structures, and prove that relations defined over such structures in first-order logic expanded by the first-order quantifiers `there exist at most ℵ0\aleph_0 many', 'there exist finitely many' and 'there exist kk modulo mm many' are omega-regular. The proof identifies certain algebraic properties of omega-semigroups. As a consequence an omega-regular equivalence relation of countable index has an omega-regular set of representatives. This implies Blumensath's conjecture that a countable structure with an ω\omega-automatic presentation can be represented using automata on finite words. This also complements a very recent result of Hj\"orth, Khoussainov, Montalban and Nies showing that there is an omega-automatic structure which has no injective presentation

    Cardinality and counting quantifiers on omega-automatic structures

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    We investigate structures that can be represented by omega-automata, so called omega-automatic structures, and prove that relations defined over such structures in first-order logic expanded by the first-order quantifiers `there exist at most aleph0aleph_0 many\u27, \u27there exist finitely many\u27 and \u27there exist kk modulo mm many\u27 are omega-regular. The proof identifies certain algebraic properties of omega-semigroups. As a consequence an omega-regular equivalence relation of countable index has an omega-regular set of representatives. This implies Blumensath\u27s conjecture that a countable structure with an omegaomega-automatic presentation can be represented using automata on finite words. This also complements a very recent result of Hj"orth, Khoussainov, Montalban and Nies showing that there is an omega-automatic structure which has no injective presentation

    Brownian Motions on Metric Graphs

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    Brownian motions on a metric graph are defined. Their generators are characterized as Laplace operators subject to Wentzell boundary at every vertex. Conversely, given a set of Wentzell boundary conditions at the vertices of a metric graph, a Brownian motion is constructed pathwise on this graph so that its generator satisfies the given boundary conditions.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figures. 2nd revision of our article 1102.4937: The introduction has been modified, several references were added. This article will appear in the special issue of Journal of Mathematical Physics celebrating Elliott Lieb's 80th birthda
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