
Cardinality and counting quantifiers on omega-automatic structures


We investigate structures that can be represented by omega-automata, so called omega-automatic structures, and prove that relations defined over such structures in first-order logic expanded by the first-order quantifiers `there exist at most aleph0aleph_0 many\u27, \u27there exist finitely many\u27 and \u27there exist kk modulo mm many\u27 are omega-regular. The proof identifies certain algebraic properties of omega-semigroups. As a consequence an omega-regular equivalence relation of countable index has an omega-regular set of representatives. This implies Blumensath\u27s conjecture that a countable structure with an omegaomega-automatic presentation can be represented using automata on finite words. This also complements a very recent result of Hj"orth, Khoussainov, Montalban and Nies showing that there is an omega-automatic structure which has no injective presentation

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