8 research outputs found

    Minimally 3-restricted edge connected graphs

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    AbstractFor a connected graph G=(V,E), an edge set S⊂E is a 3-restricted edge cut if G−S is disconnected and every component of G−S has order at least three. The cardinality of a minimum 3-restricted edge cut of G is the 3-restricted edge connectivity of G, denoted by λ3(G). A graph G is called minimally 3-restricted edge connected if λ3(G−e)<λ3(G) for each edge e∈E. A graph G is λ3-optimal if λ3(G)=ξ3(G), where ξ3(G)=max{ω(U):U⊂V(G),G[U] is connected,|U|=3}, ω(U) is the number of edges between U and V∖U, and G[U] is the subgraph of G induced by vertex set U. We show in this paper that a minimally 3-restricted edge connected graph is always λ3-optimal except the 3-cube

    Sufficient conditions for super k-restricted edge connectivity in graphs of diameter 2

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    AbstractFor a connected graph G=(V,E), an edge set S⊆E is a k-restricted edge cut if G−S is disconnected and every component of G−S has at least k vertices. The k-restricted edge connectivity of G, denoted by λk(G), is defined as the cardinality of a minimum k-restricted edge cut. Let ξk(G)=min{|[X,X¯]|:|X|=k,G[X]is connected}. G is λk-optimal if λk(G)=ξk(G). Moreover, G is super-λk if every minimum k-restricted edge cut of G isolates one connected subgraph of order k. In this paper, we prove that if |NG(u)∩NG(v)|≥2k−1 for all pairs u, v of nonadjacent vertices, then G is λk-optimal; and if |NG(u)∩NG(v)|≥2k for all pairs u, v of nonadjacent vertices, then G is either super-λk or in a special class of graphs. In addition, for k-isoperimetric edge connectivity, which is closely related with the concept of k-restricted edge connectivity, we show similar results

    Descomposicions de grafs en arbres.

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