8 research outputs found

    A Modelization of the Propagation of COVID-19 in Regions of Spain and Italy with Evaluation of the Transmission Rates Related to the Intervention Measures

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    Two discrete mathematical SIR models (Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered) are proposed for modelling the propagation of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) through Spain and Italy. One of the proposed models is delay-free while the other one considers a delay in the propagation of the infection. The objective is to estimate the transmission, also known as infectivity rate, through time taking into account the infection evolution data supplied by the official health care systems in both countries. Such a parameter is estimated through time at different regional levels and it is seen to be strongly dependent on the intervention measures such as the total (except essential activities) or partial levels of lockdown. Typically, the infectivity rate evolves towards a minimum value under total lockdown and it increases again when the confinement measures are partially or totally removed.The authors are grateful to the institute Carlos III for grant COV20/01213, to the Spanish Government for Grants RTI2018- 094336-B-I00 and RTI2018-094902-B-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and to the Basque Government for Grant IT1207-19

    Supervision of the Infection in an SI (SI-RC) Epidemic Model by Using a Test Loss Function to Update the Vaccination and Treatment Controls

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    This paper studies and proposes some supervisory techniques to update the vaccination and control gains through time in a modified SI (susceptible-infectious) epidemic model involving the susceptible and subpopulations. Since the presence of linear feedback controls are admitted, a compensatory recovered (or immune) extra subpopulation is added to the model under zero initial conditions to deal with the recovered subpopulations transferred from the vaccination and antiviral/antibiotic treatment on the susceptible and the infectious, respectively. Therefore, the modified model is referred to as an SI(RC) epidemic model since it integrates the susceptible, infectious and compensatory recovered subpopulations. The defined time-integral supervisory loss function can evaluate weighted losses involving, in general, both the susceptible and the infectious subpopulations. It is admitted, as a valid supervisory loss function, that which involves only either the infectious or the susceptible subpopulations. Its concrete definition involving only the infectious is related to the Shannon information entropy. The supervision problem is basically based on the implementation of a parallel control structure with different potential control gains to be judiciously selected and updated through time. A higher decision level structure of the supervisory scheme updates the appropriate active controller (i.e., that with the control gain values to be used along the next time window), as well as the switching time instants. In this way, the active controller is that which provides the best associated supervisory loss function along the next inter-switching time interval. Basically, a switching action from one active controller to another one is decided as a better value of the supervisory loss function is detected for distinct controller gain values to the current ones.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Government for Grants RTI2018-094336-B-I00 and RTI2018-094902-B-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), to the Institute of Health Carlos III for Grant COV20/01213 and to the Basque Government for Grant IT1207-19. They also thank the referees for their useful suggestions and corrections

    On Confinement and Quarantine Concerns on an SEIAR Epidemic Model with Simulated Parameterizations for the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This paper firstly studies an SIR (susceptible-infectious-recovered) epidemic model without demography and with no disease mortality under both total and under partial quarantine of the susceptible subpopulation or of both the susceptible and the infectious ones in order to satisfy the hospital availability requirements on bed disposal and other necessary treatment means for the seriously infectious subpopulations. The seriously infectious individuals are assumed to be a part of the total infectious being described by a time-varying proportional function. A time-varying upper-bound of those seriously infected individuals has to be satisfied as objective by either a total confinement or partial quarantine intervention of the susceptible subpopulation. Afterwards, a new extended SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered) epidemic model, which is referred to as an SEIAR (susceptible-exposed-symptomatic infectious-asymptomatic infectious-recovered) epidemic model with demography and disease mortality is given and focused on so as to extend the above developed ideas on the SIR model. A proportionally gain in the model parameterization is assumed to distribute the transition from the exposed to the infectious into the two infectious individuals (namely, symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals). Such a model is evaluated under total or partial quarantines of all or of some of the subpopulations which have the effect of decreasing the number of contagions. Simulated numerical examples are also discussed related to model parameterizations of usefulness related to the current COVID-19 pandemic outbreaks.The Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III under Grant COV 20/01213, the Spanish Government and the European Commission under Grant RTI2018-094336-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), and the Basque Government under Grant IT1207-19 funded this research. The Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III funded the APC

    On a SIR model in a patchy environment under constant and feedback decentralized controls with asymmetric parameterizations

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    This paper presents a formal description and analysis of an SIR (involving susceptibleinfectious- recovered subpopulations) epidemic model in a patchy environment with vaccination controls being constant and proportional to the susceptible subpopulations. The patchy environment is due to the fact that there is a partial interchange of all the subpopulations considered in the model between the various patches what is modelled through the so-called travel matrices. It is assumed that the vaccination controls are administered at each community health centre of a particular patch while either the total information or a partial information of the total subpopulations, including the interchanging ones, is shared by all the set of health centres of the whole environment under study. In the case that not all the information of the subpopulations distributions at other patches are known by the health centre of each particular patch, the feedback vaccination rule would have a decentralized nature. The paper investigates the existence, allocation (depending on the vaccination control gains) and uniqueness of the disease-free equilibrium point as well as the existence of at least a stable endemic equilibrium point. Such a point coincides with the disease-free equilibrium point if the reproduction number is unity. The stability and instability of the disease-free equilibrium point are ensured under the values of the disease reproduction number guaranteeing, respectively, the un-attainability (the reproduction number being less than unity) and stability (the reproduction number being more than unity) of the endemic equilibrium point. The whole set of the potential endemic equilibrium points is characterized and a particular case is also described related to its uniqueness in the case when the patchy model reduces to a unique patch. Vaccination control laws including feedback are proposed which can take into account shared information between the various patches. It is not assumed that there are in the most general case, symmetry-type constrains on the population fluxes between the various patches or in the associated control gains parameterizations

    On a SIR model in a patchy environment under constant and feedback decentralized controls with asymmetric parameterizations

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    This paper presents a formal description and analysis of an SIR (involving susceptibleinfectious- recovered subpopulations) epidemic model in a patchy environment with vaccination controls being constant and proportional to the susceptible subpopulations. The patchy environment is due to the fact that there is a partial interchange of all the subpopulations considered in the model between the various patches what is modelled through the so-called travel matrices. It is assumed that the vaccination controls are administered at each community health centre of a particular patch while either the total information or a partial information of the total subpopulations, including the interchanging ones, is shared by all the set of health centres of the whole environment under study. In the case that not all the information of the subpopulations distributions at other patches are known by the health centre of each particular patch, the feedback vaccination rule would have a decentralized nature. The paper investigates the existence, allocation (depending on the vaccination control gains) and uniqueness of the disease-free equilibrium point as well as the existence of at least a stable endemic equilibrium point. Such a point coincides with the disease-free equilibrium point if the reproduction number is unity. The stability and instability of the disease-free equilibrium point are ensured under the values of the disease reproduction number guaranteeing, respectively, the un-attainability (the reproduction number being less than unity) and stability (the reproduction number being more than unity) of the endemic equilibrium point. The whole set of the potential endemic equilibrium points is characterized and a particular case is also described related to its uniqueness in the case when the patchy model reduces to a unique patch. Vaccination control laws including feedback are proposed which can take into account shared information between the various patches. It is not assumed that there are in the most general case, symmetry-type constrains on the population fluxes between the various patches or in the associated control gains parameterizations

    On the Use of Entropy Issues to Evaluate and Control the Transients in Some Epidemic Models

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    This paper studies the representation of a general epidemic model by means of a first-order differential equation with a time-varying log-normal type coefficient. Then the generalization of the first-order differential system to epidemic models with more subpopulations is focused on by introducing the inter-subpopulations dynamics couplings and the control interventions information through the mentioned time-varying coefficient which drives the basic differential equation model. It is considered a relevant tool the control intervention of the infection along its transient to fight more efficiently against a potential initial exploding transmission. The study is based on the fact that the disease-free and endemic equilibrium points and their stability properties depend on the concrete parameterization while they admit a certain design monitoring by the choice of the control and treatment gains and the use of feedback information in the corresponding control interventions. Therefore, special attention is paid to the evolution transients of the infection curve, rather than to the equilibrium points, in terms of the time instants of its first relative maximum towards its previous inflection time instant. Such relevant time instants are evaluated via the calculation of an “ad hoc” Shannon’s entropy. Analytical and numerical examples are included in the study in order to evaluate the study and its conclusions.This research was funded by MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, grant number RTI2018-094902-B-C22 and the APC was funded by RTI2018-094902-B-C22