433 research outputs found

    Queue lengths and waiting times in the two-class two-server queue with nonpreemptive heterogeneous priority structures.

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    Our aim is to analyze a multiserver queue with nonpreemptive heterogeneous priority structures, which arises in the performance evaluation of batch initiator settings n MVS. We use matrix-geometric methods and derive the stationary distribution of queue lenghts and waitng times for the Markovian two-class two-server case.Structure; Performance; Performance evaluation; Evaluation; Methods; Distribution;

    Preemptive Resume Priority Call Center Model with Two Classes of MAP Arrivals

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    Generally in call centers, voice calls (say Type 1 calls) are given higher priority over e-mails (say Type 2 calls). An arriving Type 1 call has a preemptive priority over a Type 2 call in service, if any, and the preempted Type 2 call enters into a retrial buffer (of finite capacity). Any arriving call not able to get into service immediately will enter into the pool of repeated calls provided the buffer is not full; otherwise, the call is considered lost. The calls in the retrial pool are treated alike (like Type 1) and compete for service after a random amount of time, and can preempt a Type 2 call in service. We assume that the two types of calls arrive according to a Markovian arrival process (MAP) and the services are offered with preemptive priority rule. Under the assumption that the service times are exponentially distributed with possibly different rates, we analyze the model using matrix-analytic methods. Illustrative numerical examples to bring out the qualitative aspects of the model under study are presented

    Modeling and analysis to improve the quality of healthcare services

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    For many healthcare services or medical procedures, patients have extensive risk of complication or face death when treatment is delayed. When a queue is formed in such a situation, it is very important to assess the suffering and risk faced by patients in queue and plan sufficient medical capabilities in advance to address the concerns. As the diversity of care settings increases, congestion in facilities causes many patients to unnecessarily spend extra days in intensive care facilities. Performance evaluation of current healthcare service systems using queueing theory gains more and more importance because of patient flows and systems complexity. Queueing models have been used in handsome number of healthcare studies, but the incorporation of blocking is still limited. In this research work, we study an efficient two-stage multi-class queueing network system with blocking and phase-type service time distribution to analyze such congestion processes. We also consider parallel servers at each station and first-come-first-serve non-preemptive service discipline are used to improve the performance of healthcare service systems

    Product-form solutions for integrated services packet networks and cloud computing systems

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    We iteratively derive the product-form solutions of stationary distributions of priority multiclass queueing networks with multi-sever stations. The networks are Markovian with exponential interarrival and service time distributions. These solutions can be used to conduct performance analysis or as comparison criteria for approximation and simulation studies of large scale networks with multi-processor shared-memory switches and cloud computing systems with parallel-server stations. Numerical comparisons with existing Brownian approximating model are provided to indicate the effectiveness of our algorithm.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, short conference version is reported at MICAI 200

    Analysis of discrete-time queueing systems with vacations

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    A matrix-geometric solution for the multiserver nonpreemptive priority queueing model with mixed priorities.

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    This paper describes the analysis of multiserver queues with nonpreemptive mixed priorities. Such priority structures occur, for example, in initiator settings within the mainframe operating system MVS: job classes have to be assigned to initiators and their priorities may differ amongst the initiators. Results of the analysis provide insight in how average queue lengths in this priority system behave under different class loads. Bounds have to be defined in order to obtain a matrix-geometric solution and it is shown how this affects the average queue lengths. The results should eventually allow to derive guidelines with respect to initiator definitions.Model; Models;

    Performance analysis of priority queueing systems in discrete time

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    The integration of different types of traffic in packet-based networks spawns the need for traffic differentiation. In this tutorial paper, we present some analytical techniques to tackle discrete-time queueing systems with priority scheduling. We investigate both preemptive (resume and repeat) and non-preemptive priority scheduling disciplines. Two classes of traffic are considered, high-priority and low-priority traffic, which both generate variable-length packets. A probability generating functions approach leads to performance measures such as moments of system contents and packet delays of both classes

    A Simple, Practical Prioritization Scheme for a Job Shop Processing Multiple Job Types

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    The maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) process is used to recondition equipment in the railroad, off-shore drilling, aircraft, and shipping industries. In the typical MRO process, the equipment is disassembled into component parts and these parts are routed to back-shops for repair. Repaired parts are returned for reassembling the equipment. Scheduling the back-shop for smooth flow often requires prioritizing the repair of component parts from different original assemblies at different machines. To enable such prioritization, we model the back-shop as a multi-class queueing network with a ConWIP execution system and introduce a new priority scheme to maximize the system performance. In this scheme, we identify the bottleneck machine based on overall workload and classify machines into two categories: the bottleneck machine and the non-bottleneck machine(s). Assemblies with the lowest cycle time receive the highest priority on the bottleneck machine and the lowest priority on non-bottleneck machine(s). Our experimental results show that this priority scheme increases the system performance by lowering the average cycle times without adversely impacting the total throughput. The contribution of this thesis consists primarily of three parts. First, we develop a simple priority scheme for multi-class, multi-server, ConWIP queueing systems with the disassembly/reassembly feature so that schedulers for a job-shop environment would be able to know which part should be given priority, in what order and where. Next, we provide an exact analytical solution to a two-class, two-server closed queueing model with mixed non-preemptive priority scheme. The queueing network model we study has not been analyzed in the literature, and there are no existing models that address the underlying problem of deciding prioritization by job types to maximize the system performance. Finally, we explore conditions under which the non-preemptive priority discipline can be approximated by a preemptive priority discipline
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