18,271 research outputs found

    On a New Class of Parallel Sequencing Situations and Related Games

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    This paper considers a special class of sequencing situations with two parallel machines in which each agent has precisely two jobs to be processed, one on each machine.The costs of an agent depend linearly on the final completion time of his jobs.We describe a procedure that provides an optimal processing order of the jobs.Furthermore, we study cooperative games arising from these sequencing situations.Our main result is balancedness of these games.cooperative games;scheduling

    On the Balancedness of M-Sequencing Games

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    This paper studies m-sequencing games that arise from sequencing situations with m parallel and identical machines. These m-sequencing games, which involve n players, give rise to m-machine games, which involve m players. Here, n corresponds to the number of jobs in an m-sequencing situation, and m corresponds to the number of machines in the same m-sequencing situation. We prove that an m-sequening game is balanced if and only if the corresponding m-machine game is balanced. Furthermore, it is shown that m-sequencing games are balanced ifm 2 f1;2g. Finally, ifm 3, balancedness is established for two special classes of m-sequencing games.cooperative games;sequencing situations

    On Games corresponding to Sequencing Situations with Precedence Relations

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    In this paper we study a class of cooperative sequencing games that arise from one-machine sequencing situations in which chain precedence relations are imposed on the jobs. It is shown that these sequencing games are convex.cooperative games, sequencing situations, convexity

    On the Convexity of Precedence Sequencing Games

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    In this paper we study a class of cooperative sequencing games that arise from one-machine sequencing situations in which chain precedence relations are imposed on the jobs.It is shown that these sequencing games are convex.cooperative games;sequencing games

    On the Balancedness of Relaxed Sequencing Games

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    This paper shows that some classes of relaxed sequencing games, which arise from the class of sequencing games as introduced in Curiel, Pederzoli, Tijs (1989), are balanced.sequencing situations;sequencing games;balancedness;game theory

    Operations Research Games: A Survey

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    This paper surveys the research area of cooperative games associated with several types of operations research problems in which various decision makers (players) are involved.Cooperating players not only face a joint optimisation problem in trying, e.g., to minimise total joint costs, but also face an additional allocation problem in how to distribute these joint costs back to the individual players.This interplay between optimisation and allocation is the main subject of the area of operations research games.It is surveyed on the basis of a distinction between the nature of the underlying optimisation problem: connection, routing, scheduling, production and inventory.cooperative games;operational research

    Partitioning Sequencing Situations and Games

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    The research that studies the interaction between sequencing situations and cooperative games, that started with the paper of Curiel et al. (1989), has become an established line of research. This paper introduces a new model in this field: partitioning sequencing situations and games. The characteristic of partitioning sequencing situations is that the jobs arrive in batches, and those jobs that arrive in earlier batches have some privileges over jobs in later arrived batches. For partitioning sequencing situations we introduce and characterise the partitioning equal gain splitting rule. Next, we define cooperative games that arise from these partitioning sequencing situations. It is shown that these games are convex. Moreover, we present a game independent expression for the Shapley value. Finally, it is shown that the partitioning equal gain splitting rule can be used to generate a core allocation and can be viewed as the average of two specific marginal vectors.Sequencing situations;sequencing games

    Sequencing Games with Controllable Processing Time

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    In this paper we study a class of cooperative sequencing games that arise from sequencing situations in which the processing times are not fixed.We show that these games are balanced by obtaining two core elements that depend only on the optimal schedule for the grand coalition.Furthermore we show that, although these games are not convex in general, many marginal vectors are core elements. We also consider convexity for special instances of the sequencing situation.cooperative games
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