18,878 research outputs found

    Shop Floor Lot-sizing and Scheduling with a Two-stage Stochastic Programming Model Considering Uncertain Demand and Workforce Efficiency

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    Efficient and flexible production planning is necessary for the manufacturing industry to stay competitive in today’s global market. Shop floor lot-sizing and scheduling is one of the most challenging and rewarding subjects for the management. In this study, a two-stage stochastic programming model is proposed to solve a single-machine, multi-product shop floor lot-sizing and scheduling problem. Two sources of uncertainties are considered simultaneously: product demand from the market, and workforce efficiency, which is the major contribution of this study. The workforce efficiency affects the system productivity, and we propose different distributions to model its uncertainty with insufficient information.The model aims to determine optimal lot sizes and the production sequence that minimizes expected total system costs over the planning horizon, including setup, inventory, and production costs. A case study is performed on a supply chain producing brake equipment in the automotive industry. The numerical results illustrate the usefulness of the stochastic model under volatile environment, and the solution quality is analyzed

    Stochastic multi-period multi-product multi-objective Aggregate Production Planning model in multi-echelon supply chain

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    In this paper a multi-period multi-product multi-objective aggregate production planning (APP) model is proposed for an uncertain multi-echelon supply chain considering financial risk, customer satisfaction, and human resource training. Three conflictive objective functions and several sets of real constraints are considered concurrently in the proposed APP model. Some parameters of the proposed model are assumed to be uncertain and handled through a two-stage stochastic programming (TSSP) approach. The proposed TSSP is solved using three multi-objective solution procedures, i.e., the goal attainment technique, the modified Δ-constraint method, and STEM method. The whole procedure is applied in an automotive resin and oil supply chain as a real case study wherein the efficacy and applicability of the proposed approaches are illustrated in comparison with existing experimental production planning method

    Stochastic make-to-stock inventory deployment problem: an endosymbiotic psychoclonal algorithm based approach

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    Integrated steel manufacturers (ISMs) have no specific product, they just produce finished product from the ore. This enhances the uncertainty prevailing in the ISM regarding the nature of the finished product and significant demand by customers. At present low cost mini-mills are giving firm competition to ISMs in terms of cost, and this has compelled the ISM industry to target customers who want exotic products and faster reliable deliveries. To meet this objective, ISMs are exploring the option of satisfying part of their demand by converting strategically placed products, this helps in increasing the variability of product produced by the ISM in a short lead time. In this paper the authors have proposed a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm named endosymbiotic-psychoclonal (ESPC) to decide what and how much to stock as a semi-product in inventory. In the proposed theory, the ability of previously proposed psychoclonal algorithms to exploit the search space has been increased by making antibodies and antigen more co-operative interacting species. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm has been tested on randomly generated datasets and the results compared with other evolutionary algorithms such as genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA). The comparison of ESPC with GA and SA proves the superiority of the proposed algorithm both in terms of quality of the solution obtained and convergence time required to reach the optimal/near optimal value of the solution

    An ESPC algorithm based approach to solve inventory deployment problem

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    Global competitiveness has enforced the hefty industries to become more customized. To compete in the market they are targeting the customers who want exotic products, and faster and reliable deliveries. Industries are exploring the option of satisfying a portion of their demand by converting strategically placed products, this helps in increasing the variability of product produced by them in short lead time. In this paper, authors have proposed a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm named Endosymbiotic-Psychoclonal (ESPC) algorithm to determine the amount and type of product to stock as a semi product in inventory. In the proposed work the ability of previously proposed Psychoclonal algorithm to exploit the search space has been increased by making antibodies and antigen more cooperative interacting species. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm has been tested on randomly generated datasets and the results obtained, are compared with other evolutionary algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA). The comparison of ESPC with GA and SA proves the superiority of the proposed algorithm both in terms of quality of the solution obtained, and convergence time required to reach the optimal /near optimal value of the solution

    A Neuroevolutionary Approach to Stochastic Inventory Control in Multi-Echelon Systems

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    Stochastic inventory control in multi-echelon systems poses hard problems in optimisation under uncertainty. Stochastic programming can solve small instances optimally, and approximately solve larger instances via scenario reduction techniques, but it cannot handle arbitrary nonlinear constraints or other non-standard features. Simulation optimisation is an alternative approach that has recently been applied to such problems, using policies that require only a few decision variables to be determined. However, to find optimal or near-optimal solutions we must consider exponentially large scenario trees with a corresponding number of decision variables. We propose instead a neuroevolutionary approach: using an artificial neural network to compactly represent the scenario tree, and training the network by a simulation-based evolutionary algorithm. We show experimentally that this method can quickly find high-quality plans using networks of a very simple form
