56 research outputs found

    A critical analysis of mobility management related issues of wireless sensor networks in cyber physical systems

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    Mobility management has been a long-standing issue in mobile wireless sensor networks and especially in the context of cyber physical systems; its implications are immense. This paper presents a critical analysis of the current approaches to mobility management by evaluating them against a set of criteria which are essentially inherent characteristics of such systems on which these approaches are expected to provide acceptable performance. We summarize these characteristics by using a quadruple set of metrics. Additionally, using this set we classify the various approaches to mobility management that are discussed in this paper. Finally, the paper concludes by reviewing the main findings and providing suggestions that will be helpful to guide future research efforts in the area

    End-to-End Resilience Mechanisms for Network Transport Protocols

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    The universal reliance on and hence the need for resilience in network communications has been well established. Current transport protocols are designed to provide fixed mechanisms for error remediation (if any), using techniques such as ARQ, and offer little or no adaptability to underlying network conditions, or to different sets of application requirements. The ubiquitous TCP transport protocol makes too many assumptions about underlying layers to provide resilient end-to-end service in all network scenarios, especially those which include significant heterogeneity. Additionally the properties of reliability, performability, availability, dependability, and survivability are not explicitly addressed in the design, so there is no support for resilience. This dissertation presents considerations which must be taken in designing new resilience mechanisms for future transport protocols to meet service requirements in the face of various attacks and challenges. The primary mechanisms addressed include diverse end-to-end paths, and multi-mode operation for changing network conditions

    Optimization and Performance Analysis of High Speed Mobile Access Networks

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    The end-to-end performance evaluation of high speed broadband mobile access networks is the main focus of this work. Novel transport network adaptive flow control and enhanced congestion control algorithms are proposed, implemented, tested and validated using a comprehensive High speed packet Access (HSPA) system simulator. The simulation analysis confirms that the aforementioned algorithms are able to provide reliable and guaranteed services for both network operators and end users cost-effectively. Further, two novel analytical models one for congestion control and the other for the combined flow control and congestion control which are based on Markov chains are designed and developed to perform the aforementioned analysis efficiently compared to time consuming detailed system simulations. In addition, the effects of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) transport network (S1and X2 interfaces) on the end user performance are investigated and analysed by introducing a novel comprehensive MAC scheduling scheme and a novel transport service differentiation model

    Multicast MAC extensions for high rate real-time traffic in wireless LANs

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    Nowadays we are rapidly moving from a mainly textual-based to a multimedia-based Internet, for which the widely deployed IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs can be one of the promising candidates to make them available to users anywhere, anytime, on any device. However, it is still a challenge to support group-oriented real-time multimedia services, such as video-on-demand, video conferencing, distance educations, mobile entertainment services, interactive games, etc., in wireless LANs, as the current protocols do not support multicast, in particular they just send multicast packets in open-loop as broadcast packets, i.e., without any possible acknowledgements or retransmissions. In this thesis, we focus on MAC layer reliable multicast approaches which outperform upper layer ones with both shorter delays and higher efficiencies. Different from polling based approaches, which suffer from long delays, low scalabilities and low efficiencies, we explore a feedback jamming mechanism where negative acknowledgement (NACK) frames are allowed from the non-leader receivers to destroy the acknowledgement (ACK) frame from the single leader receiver and prompts retransmissions from the sender. Based on the feedback jamming scheme, we propose two MAC layer multicast error correction protocols, SEQ driven Leader Based Protocol (SEQ-LBP) and Hybrid Leader Based Protocol (HLBP), the former is an Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) scheme while the later combines both ARQ and the packet level Forward Error Correction (FEC). We evaluate the feedback jamming probabilities and the performances of SEQ-LBP and HLBP based on theoretical analyses, NS-2 simulations and experiments on a real test-bed built with consumer wireless LAN cards. Test results confirm the feasibility of the feedback jamming scheme and the outstanding performances of the proposed protocols SEQ-LBP and HLBP, in particular SEQ-LBP is good for small multicast groups due to its short delay, effectiveness and simplicity while HLBP is better for large multicast groups because of its high efficiency and high scalability with respect to the number of receivers per group.Zurzeit vollzieht sich ein schneller Wechsel vom vorwiegend textbasierten zum multimediabasierten Internet. Die weitverbreiteten IEEE 802.11 Drahtlosnetzwerke sind vielversprechende Kandidaten, um das Internet fĂŒr Nutzer ĂŒberall, jederzeit und auf jedem GerĂ€t verfĂŒgbar zu machen. Die UnterstĂŒtzung gruppenorientierter Echtzeit-Dienste in drahtlosen lokalen Netzen ist jedoch immer noch eine Herausforderung. Das liegt daran, dass aktuelle Protokolle keinen Multicast unterstĂŒtzen. Sie senden Multicast-Pakete vielmehr in einer "Open Loop"-Strategie als Broadcast-Pakete, d. h. ohne jegliche RĂŒckmeldung (feedback) oder Paketwiederholungen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit, anders als in den auf Teilnehmereinzelabfragen (polling) basierenden AnsĂ€tzen, die unter langen Verzögerungen, geringer Skalierbarkeit und geringer Effizienz leiden, versuchen wir, Multicast-Feedback bestehend aus positiven (ACK) und negativen BestĂ€tigungen (NACK) auf MAC-Layer im selben Zeitfenster zu bĂŒndeln. Die ĂŒbrigen EmpfĂ€nger können NACK-Frames senden, um das ACK des Leaders zu zerstören und Paketwiederholungen zu veranlassen. Basierend auf einem Feedback-Jamming Schema schlagen wir zwei MAC-Layer-Protokolle fĂŒr den Fehlerschutz im Multicast vor: Das SEQ-getriebene Leader Based Protocol (SEQ-LBP) und das Hybrid Leader Based Protocol (HLBP). SEQ-LBP ist eines Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) Schema. HLBP kombiniert ARQ und paketbasierte Forward Error Correction (FEC). Wir evaluieren die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit von ACK/NACK jamming, SEQ-LBP und HLBP durch Analysis, Simulationen in NS-2, sowie Experimenten in einer realen Testumgebung mit handelsĂŒblichen WLAN-Karten. Die Testergebnisse bestĂ€tigen die Anwendbarkeit der Feedback-Jamming Schemata und die herausragende LeistungsfĂ€higkeit der vorgestellten Protokolle SEQ-LBP und HLBP. SEQ-LBP ist durch seine kurze Verzögerung, seine EffektivitĂ€t und seine Einfachheit fĂŒr kleine Multicast-Gruppen nĂŒtzlich, wĂ€hrend HLBP auf Grund seiner hohen Effizienz und Skalierbarkeit im Bezug auf die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der EmpfĂ€nger eher in großen Multicast-Gruppen anzuwenden ist

    Design of rate-adaptive MAC and medium aware routing protocols for multi-rate, multi-hop wireless networks

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    The IEEE 802.11 standard conformant wireless communication stations have multi-rate transmission capability. To achieve greater communication efficiency, multi-rate capable stations use rateadaptation to select appropriate transmission rate according to variations in the channel quality. The thesis presents two rate-adaptation schemes, each belonging to one of the two classes of rateadaptation schemes i.e.(1) the frame-transmission statistics based schemes, and (2) Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) based, closed loop schemes. The SNR-based rate-adaptation scheme, proposed in this thesis uses a novel mechanism of delivering a receiver’s feedback to a transmitter; without requiring any modification in the standard frames as suggested by existing research. The frame-transmissionstatistics based rate adaptation solution uses an on-demand incremental strategy for selecting a rate-selection threshold. This solution is based on a cross-layer communication framework, where the rate-adaptation module uses information to/from the Application layer along with relevant information from the Medium Access Control (MAC) sub-layer. The proposed solutions are highly responsive when compared with existing rate-adaptation schemes; responsiveness is one of the key factors in the design of such protocols. The novel feedback mechanism makes it possible to achieve frame-loss differentiation with just three frames, avoiding the use of Request To Send/ Clear To Send (RTS/CTS) frames and further delays in this process. Performance tests have affirmed that the proposed rate-adaptation schemes are energy efficient; with efficiency up to 19% in specific test scenarios. In terms of throughput and frame loss-differentiation mechanisms, the proposed schemes have shown significantly better performance.Routing protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) use broadcast frames during the route discovery process. The 802.11 mandates the use of different transmission rates for broadcast and unicast (data-) frames. In many cases it causes creation of communication gray zones, where stations which are marked as ‘reachable neighbours’ using the broadcast frames (using lower transmission rate) are not accessible during normal, unicast communication (mainly at a higher rate). Similarly, higher device density, interference and mobility cause variable medium access delays. The IEEE 802.11e introduces four different MAC level queues for four access categories, maintaining service priority within the queues; which implies that frames from a higher priority queue are serviced more frequently than those belonging to lower priority queues. Such an enhancement at the MAC sub-layer introduces uneven queuing delays. Conventional routing protocols are unaware of such MAC specific constraints and as a result these factors are not considered which result in severe performance deterioration. To meet such challenges, the thesis presents a medium aware distance vector (MADV) routing protocol for MANETs. MADV uses MAC and physical layer (PHY) specific information in the route metric and maintains a separate route per-AC-per-destination in its routing tables. The MADV-metric can be incorporated into various routing rotocols and its applicability is determined by the possibility of provision of MAC dependent arameters that are used to determine the hop-by-hop MADV-metric values. Simulation tests and omparison with existing MANET protocols demonstrate the effectiveness of incorporating the medium dependent parameters and show that MADV is significantly better in terms of end-to-end delay and throughput.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Improving forwarding mechanisms for mobile personal area networks

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    This thesis presents novel methods for improving forwarding mechanisms for personal area networks. Personal area networks are formed by interconnecting personal devices such as personal digital assistants, portable multimedia devices, digital cameras and laptop computers, in an ad hoc fashion. These devices are typically characterised by low complexity hardware, low memory and are usually batterypowered. Protocols and mechanisms developed for general ad hoc networking cannot be directly applied to personal area networks as they are not optimised to suit their specific constraints. The work presented herein proposes solutions for improving error control and routing over personal area networks, which are very important ingredients to the good functioning of the network. The proposed Packet Error Correction (PEC) technique resends only a subset of the transmitted packets, thereby reducing the overhead, while ensuring improved error rates. PEC adapts the number of re-transmissible packets to the conditions of the channel so that unnecessary retransmissions are avoided. It is shown by means of computer simulation that PEC behaves better, in terms of error reduction and overhead, than traditional error control mechanisms, which means that it is adequate for low-power personal devices. The proposed C2HR routing protocol, on the other hand, is designed such that the network lifetime is maximised. This is achieved by forwarding packets through the most energy efficient paths. C2HR is a hybrid routing protocol in the sense that it employs table-driven (proactive) as well as on-demand (reactive) components. Proactive routes are the primary routes, i.e., packets are forwarded through those paths when the network is stable; however, in case of failures, the protocol searches for alternative routes on-demand, through which data is routed temporarily. The advantage of C2HR is that data can still be forwarded even when routing is re-converging, thereby increasing the throughput. Simulation results show that the proposed routing method is more energy efficient than traditional least hops routing, and results in higher data throughput. C2HR relies on a network leader for collecting and distributing topology information, which in turn requires an estimate of the underlying topology. Thus, this thesis also proposes a new cooperative leader election algorithm and techniques for estimating network characteristics in mobile environments. The proposed solutions are simulated under various conditions and demonstrate appreciable behaviour

    Content, Topology and Cooperation in In-network Caching

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    In-network caching aims at improving content delivery and alleviating pressures on network bandwidth by leveraging universally networked caches. This thesis studies the design of cooperative in-network caching strategy from three perspectives: content, topology and cooperation, specifically focuses on the mechanisms of content delivery and cooperation policy and their impacts on the performance of cache networks. The main contributions of this thesis are twofold. From measurement perspective, we show that the conventional metric hit rate is not sufficient in evaluating a caching strategy on non-trivial topologies, therefore we introduce footprint reduction and coupling factor, which contain richer information. We show cooperation policy is the key in balancing various tradeoffs in caching strategy design, and further investigate the performance impact from content per se via different chunking schemes. From design perspective, we first show different caching heuristics and smart routing schemes can significantly improve the caching performance and facilitate content delivery. We then incorporate well-defined fairness metric into design and derive the unique optimal caching solution on the Pareto boundary with bargaining game framework. In addition, our study on the functional relationship between cooperation overhead and neighborhood size indicates collaboration should be constrained in a small neighborhood due to its cost growing exponentially on general network topologies.VerkonsisÀinen vÀlimuistitallennus pyrkii parantamaan sisÀllöntoimitusta ja helpottamaan painetta verkon siirtonopeudessa hyödyntÀmÀllÀ universaaleja verkottuneita vÀlimuisteja. TÀmÀ vÀitöskirja tutkii yhteistoiminnallisen verkonsisÀisen vÀlimuistitallennuksen suunnittelua kolmesta nÀkökulmasta: sisÀllön, topologian ja yhteistyön kautta, erityisesti keskittyen sisÀllöntoimituksen mekanismeihin ja yhteistyökÀytÀntöihin sekÀ nÀiden vaikutuksiin vÀlimuistiverkkojen performanssiin. VÀitöskirjan suurimmat aikaansaannokset ovat kahdella saralla. Mittaamisen nÀkökulmasta nÀytÀmme, ettÀ perinteinen metrinen vÀlimuistin osumatarkkuus ei ole riittÀvÀ ei-triviaalin vÀlimuistitallennusstrategian arvioinnissa, joten esittelemme parempaa informaatiota sisÀltÀvÀt jalanjÀljen pienentÀmisen sekÀ yhdistÀmistekijÀn. NÀytÀmme, ettÀ yhteistyökÀytÀntö on avain erilaisten vÀlimuistitallennusstrategian suunnitteluun liittyvien kompromissien tasapainotukseen ja tutkimme lisÀÀ sisÀllön erilaisten lohkomisjÀrjestelmien kautta aiheuttamaa vaikutusta performanssiin. Suunnittelun nÀkökulmasta nÀytÀmme ensin, kuinka erilaiset vÀlimuistitallennuksen heuristiikat ja viisaan reitityksen jÀrjestelmÀt parantavat merkittÀvÀsti vÀlimuistitallennusperformanssia sekÀ helpottavat sisÀllön toimitusta. SisÀllytÀmme sitten suunnitteluun hyvin mÀÀritellyn oikeudenmukaisuusmittarin ja johdamme uniikin optimaalin vÀlimuistitallennusratkaisun Pareto-rintamalla neuvottelupelin kehyksissÀ. LisÀksi tutkimuksemme yhteistyökustannusten ja naapurustokoon funktionaalisesta suhteesta viittaa siihen, ettÀ yhteistyö on syytÀ rajoittaa pieneen naapurustoon sen kustannusten kasvaessa eksponentiaalisesti yleisessÀ verkkotopologiassa

    Adaptive delay-constrained internet media transport

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    Reliable transport layer Internet protocols do not satisfy the requirements of packetized, real-time multimedia streams. The available thesis motivates and defines predictable reliability as a novel, capacity-approaching transport paradigm, supporting an application-specific level of reliability under a strict delay constraint. This paradigm is being implemented into a new protocol design -- the Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport protocol (PRRT). In order to predictably achieve the desired level of reliability, proactive and reactive error control must be optimized under the application\u27s delay constraint. Hence, predictably reliable error control relies on stochastic modeling of the protocol response to the modeled packet loss behavior of the network path. The result of the joined modeling is periodically evaluated by a reliability control policy that validates the protocol configuration under the application constraints and under consideration of the available network bandwidth. The adaptation of the protocol parameters is formulated into a combinatorial optimization problem that is solved by a fast search algorithm incorporating explicit knowledge about the search space. Experimental evaluation of PRRT in real Internet scenarios demonstrates that predictably reliable transport meets the strict QoS constraints of high-quality, audio-visual streaming applications.ZuverlĂ€ssige Internet-Protokolle auf Transport-Layer erfĂŒllen nicht die Anforderungen paketierter Echtzeit-Multimediaströme. Die vorliegende Arbeit motiviert und definiert Predictable Reliability als ein neuartiges, kapazitĂ€terreichendes Transport-Paradigma, das einen anwendungsspezifischen Grad an ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit unter strikter Zeitbegrenzung unterstĂŒtzt. Dieses Paradigma wird in ein neues Protokoll-Design implementiert -- das Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport Protokoll (PRRT). Um prĂ€dizierbar einen gewĂŒnschten Grad an ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit zu erreichen, mĂŒssen proaktive und reaktive Maßnahmen zum Fehlerschutz unter der Zeitbegrenzung der Anwendung optimiert werden. Daher beruht Fehlerschutz mit Predictable Reliability auf der stochastischen Modellierung des Protokoll-Verhaltens unter modelliertem Paketverlust-Verhalten des Netzwerkpfades. Das Ergebnis der kombinierten Modellierung wird periodisch durch eine Reliability Control Strategie ausgewertet, die die Konfiguration des Protokolls unter den Begrenzungen der Anwendung und unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der verfĂŒgbaren Netzwerkbandbreite validiert. Die Adaption der Protokoll-Parameter wird durch ein kombinatorisches Optimierungsproblem formuliert, welches von einem schnellen Suchalgorithmus gelöst wird, der explizites Wissen ĂŒber den Suchraum einbezieht. Experimentelle Auswertung von PRRT in realen Internet-Szenarien demonstriert, dass Transport mit Predictable Reliability die strikten Auflagen hochqualitativer, audiovisueller Streaming-Anwendungen erfĂŒllt
