10 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Terkait Penilaian Barang Milik Negara Maupun Tujuan Lainnya

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    There are many discrepancies between the value of BMN on the balance sheet and its fair value (Rosiana & Solovida, 2018). For this reason, BMN revaluation activities are needed, as happened in 2017-2018 (Nurbiyanto, 2020). In carrying out the revaluation, an assessment technique is needed that adapts to the needs and conditions in the implementation of the revaluation. The research method used is a qualitative research method using secondary data through literature studies. In 2018, the total BMN that was revalued consisted of 13% of land, 40% of roads, bridges and waterworks, and 47% of buildings (2017-2018 BMN Reassessment Report). Based on a literature study, there are three BMN valuation techniques, including full valuation, desktop valuation, and market-appeal robustity matrix (Nurbiyanto, 2020; Ahyati, Firmansyah & Kausar, 2020). Terjadi banyak ketimpangan antara nilai BMN di neraca dengan nilai wajarnya (Rosiana & Solovida, 2018). Untuk itu, diperlukan kegiatan revaluasi BMN, seperti terjadi pada tahun 2017-2018 (Nurbiyanto, 2020). Dalam melaksanakan revaluasi tersebut, diperlukan teknik penilaian yang menyesuaikan kebutuhan dan kondisi dalam pelaksanaan revaluasi. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder melalui studi literatur. Pada tahun 2018, jumlah BMN yang direvaluasi terdiri atas 13% tanah, 40% jalan jembatan, dan bangunan air, serta 47% bangunan gedung (Laporan Penilaian Kembali BMN 2017-2018). Berdasarkan studi literatur, terdapat tiga teknik penilaian BMN, antara lain full valuation, desktop valuation, dan market-appeal robusticity matrix (Nurbiyanto, 2020; Ahyati, Firmansyah & Kausar, 2020)


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    Smart City is the basic concept of urban development; it is based on technological solutions and intellectual capital. The universities are the principal structures developing the intellectual capital in the modern society. They often have the necessary technologies, but there is a significant gap between the existing solutions at the universities and their implementation in smart city. The origin of this problem is in the improper procedure of transferring these solutions from university to the city, business, state. The goal of this research is to present the existing possibilities of the universities in creating, developing, transferring and implementing the intellectual capital for the development of smart city. There presented the models of intellectual capital, intellectual capital is considered as an intellectual asset and its management is considered in accordance with the different types of the university. This procedure becomes possible due to the proper narrative literature review. Therefore, the described methodology of the literature review, integrating the various options of writing the systematic and the narrative reviews, is of special value.Умный город – фундаментальное понятие городского развития, которое основано на технологических решениях и интеллектуальном капитале. Университеты – основные структуры, развивающие интеллектуальный капитал в современном обществе. У них зачастую имеются необходимые технологии, но существует значительный разрыв между имеющимися решениями в университетах и их внедрением в умном городе. Эта проблема возникла в связи с отсутствием трансфера знаний и, следовательно, передачи этих решений от университета городу, бизнесу, государству. Цель данного исследования состоит в том, чтобы представить существующие возможности университетов в создании, развитии, передаче и осуществлении интеллектуального капитала для развития умного города. В статье представлены модели интеллектуального капитала, который рассматривают как интеллектуальный актив, а его управление зависит от различных типов университета. В статье разработана оригинальная авторская методика проведения литературного обзора, в результате которой описаны возможные пути решения проблемы

    HIPSTER Project - State of the Art:Technical Report

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    Health IoT (HIoT) software offers thorny and complex security, privacy and safeguarding (SPS) problems and requirements, with huge potential impact. The HIPSTER project aims to help development teams in the Small-to-Medium Enterprise community, incorporating background information from cyber threat and risk intelligence to create a cost-effective intervention to support decision making around such threats and requirements. This report outlines the approach we plan to use and explores the academic ‘state of the art’ literature around the project. It concludes that the areas of novelty for the project are in finding ways to make risk data meaningful and palatable for software development teams; and in finding objective sources of such security and privacy information for this domain. To support readers in using the literature referenced, all citations and bibliography entries in this document have hyperlinks to the corresponding sources

    Artigos de dados: conceitos e tendências no cenário editorial

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    A evolução tecnológica é um dos fatores que têm impactado as atividades científicas, em especial a comunicação científica, com o surgimento de novas práticas e tipos de publicação, a exemplo dos artigos de dados. Entretanto, mesmo que não seja novidade, muitos editores ainda não estão familiarizados com esse tipo de artigo, visto que grande parte das políticas editoriais brasileiras não o contempla. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo ser uma revisão sobre artigos de dados, a fim de compilar informações a respeito do tema. Para tanto, utiliza levantamento bibliográfico e documental, por meio do Google Acadêmico. Os resultados apontam que artigo de dados já possui uma definição estabelecida, mesmo que não seja adequado para todos os tipos de dados, mas que é primordial para o reuso de dados de pesquisa. Da mesma forma, que o reuso dos dados pode alterar de algum jeito as atividades da pesquisa, requerendo ser divulgado para que possa ser adotada por mais pesquisadores.  Technological evolution is a factors which has impacted scientific activities, especially communication, as new practices and publication types have emerged, such as data articles. However, although not new, many editors remain unfamiliar with this article type since most Brazilian editorial policies fail to contemplate it. Thus, this study aims to review data articles to compile information on the subject. It uses bibliographic and documental research via Google Scholar for this. Results indicate that data articles already have an established definition, even though they are unsuitable for all data types, and are essential to reuse research data. Likewise, data reuse can somehow change research activities, requiring its dissemination so more researchers can adopt it.La evolución tecnológica ha impactado las actividades científicas, especialmente la comunicación científica, con el surgimiento de nuevas prácticas y tipos de publicación, como los artículos de datos. Sin embargo, aunque no sea nuevo, muchos editores todavía no están familiarizados con este tipo de artículos, ya que la mayoría de las políticas editoriales brasileñas no lo contemplan. Así, el presente trabajo pretende ser una revisión de artículos de datos, con el fin de recopilar información sobre el tema. Para ello, utiliza la investigación bibliográfica y documental, a través de Google Scholar. Los resultados muestran que el artículo de datos ya tiene una definición establecida, aunque no es adecuado para todo tipo de datos, pero es esencial para la reutilización de datos de investigación. De la misma manera, puede cambiar de alguna manera las actividades de investigación, requiriendo su divulgación para que pueda ser adoptada por más investigadores

    A systematic mapping study of crunch time in video game development

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    Abstract. Crunch time means heavy overtime work, which usually happens before deadlines when development is behind schedule. It is common in game development and causes stress and social harm to developers. The purpose of this thesis was to study how crunch time is discussed in scientific literature by finding the trends and gaps using a systematic mapping study research method. The main research question was: How is crunch time in video game development discussed in scientific literature? Three assisting research questions were used to help with answering the main research question: How are the causes for crunch time in video game development discussed in the literature? How are the effects for crunch time in video game development discussed in the literature? How are the solutions for crunch time in video game development discussed in the literature? A search string was defined along with inclusion and exclusion criteria in a way that the resulting papers could best be used to answer the research questions. A total of 36 relevant, primary studies were included for this study after conducting the search on Google Scholar and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The papers were categorised based on their contributions to the causes, effects and solutions related to crunch time. These papers were used as the source material for this research. It was found that the number of studies is increasing and the most common contribution of these studies is presenting the causes of crunch time. The most common causes presented were cultural, planning and process, and structural causes. Health and social effects were the most common effects. Process changes and no-crunch policies were the most common types of solutions to crunch time. The main contribution of this study was presenting an overview of how crunch time is discussed in scientific literature. It can be used by researchers to determine what kind of research might be necessary. The study could also be useful for game developers and managers in deciding what actions to take to avoid crunch time. This study found that there are gaps in the literature regarding solutions to crunch time, but often the causes seem to imply solutions. This study suggested that more research into feature creep and structural changes to the game development companies could be useful for learning how to reduce crunch time

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and User Experience (UX) design: A systematic literature review and future research agenda

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    PurposeThe aim of this article is to map the use of AI in the user experience (UX) design process. Disrupting the UX process by introducing novel digital tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve efficiency and accuracy, while creating more innovative and creative solutions. Thus, understanding how AI can be leveraged for UX has important research and practical implications.Design/Methodology/ApproachThis article builds on a systematic literature review approach and aims to understand how AI is used in UX design today, as well as uncover some prominent themes for future research. Through a process of selection and filtering, 46 research articles are analysed, with findings synthesized based on a user-centred design and development process.FindingsOur analysis shows how AI is leveraged in the UX design process at different key areas. Namely, these include understanding the context of use, uncovering user requirements, aiding solution design, and evaluating design, and for assisting development of solutions. We also highlight the ways in which AI is changing the UX design process through illustrative examples.Originality/valueWhile there is increased interest in the use of AI in organizations, there is still limited work on how AI can be introduced into processes that depend heavily on human creativity and input. Thus, we show the ways in which AI can enhance such activities and assume tasks that have been typically performed by humans


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    Smart City is the basic concept of urban development; it is based on technological solutions and intellectual capital. The universities are the principal structures developing the intellectual capital in the modern society. They often have the necessary technologies, but there is a significant gap between the existing solutions at the universities and their implementation in smart city. The origin of this problem is in the improper procedure of transferring these solutions from university to the city, business, state. The goal of this research is to present the existing possibilities of the universities in creating, developing, transferring and implementing the intellectual capital for the development of smart city. There presented the models of intellectual capital, intellectual capital is considered as an intellectual asset and its management is considered in accordance with the different types of the university. This procedure becomes possible due to the proper narrative literature review. Therefore, the described methodology of the literature review, integrating the various options of writing the systematic and the narrative reviews, is of special value

    Evaluation of image receptor angulation during mediolateral oblique positioning for optimised pressure and area distribution in mammography

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    BackgroundMammography is the gold standard diagnostic tool for the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer; however, it is associated with pain and discomfort. The pain and discomfort are mostly due to positioning and the compression applied during the procedure. Currently there are variations in the way clients are positioned for mammography and the amount of compression applied during the procedure. In addition, there are sparse guidelines and published literature on mammographic positioning and the application of compression. It is suggested that for the medio lateral oblique (MLO) position, for an effective compression force balance and increased breast footprint, the sternal angle and the image receptor (IR) be parallel to each other. This aim of this research is to evaluate the angle of IR during MLO positioning for optimised pressure and area distribution; this in turn may help reduce pain and discomfort associated with the procedure.MethodThe experimental work described in this report is in two phases. Phase one was an anthropomorphic phantom study to establish a structured and reproducible method of using the angle of the sternum to measure the correct angle of the IR for MLO projection. An inclinometer was used to measure the sternal angle of phantom model used. Six sets of compressions were made on the breast phantom with the IR at different angles ranging from 400 to 700 at 50 angle increments. Contact pressure and contact area footprint readings between breast phantom/paddle interface and breast phantom/IR interface were recorded using Xsensor pressure mapping system. Pressure uniformity (PU) and area uniformity (AU) between phantom breast/paddle interface and phantom breast phantom/IR interface were then calculated.Phase two was a human study with participants to investigate contact pressure and area balance on MLO compressions using two angles. A digital inclinometer was used to measure the angle at which the sternum for each participant. This angle was referred to as the ‘experimental angle’. The other angle was a ‘reference angle’ of 450. Compression at the ‘experimental angle’ may result into a better distribution of pressure through the breast and juxtathoracic structures, this may reduce the pain associated with the procedure. In addition to this, compression at this angle may increase breast surface area. The hypotheses set out to ascertain if there is no significant difference between contact pressure distribution when the IR is positioned parallel to the sternal angle (experimental angle) and it is positioned at a reference angle.An Xsensor pressure mapping system was used to record and analyse pressure distribution and surface area for compressions at the ‘experimental angle’ and the ‘reference angle’ (450). Pressure and area balance between the IR and compression paddle on both of these angles were compared and T-test conducted to accept or reject the hypotheses set out. In addition, participants were asked to score their pain experience after each compression, that is, compression at the ‘reference angle’ and the ‘experimental angle’. ResultsThe results from phase one indicated there was greater balance of pressure between breast/IR interface and breast/paddle interface at IR angle 600 compared the rest of IR angles investigated. PU of zero indicated equal distribution of pressure from the IR and the paddle. IR angled at 600 recorded a PU value of 0.21 which was the closest to zero from the PU recorded for the various angles. AU of zero indicates equal distribution of area footprint from the IR and the paddle. IR at 600 (Sternal angle for phantom model) produced the greatest area footprint balance compared to the other angles with AU of 0.05. An IR angled at 600, being parallel to the sternal angle of the phantom model which was recorded at 600 on the inclinometer, was the angle which produced the greatest balance of pressure and area footprint.The results from human study indicated there was no significant difference between contact pressure and area distribution when the IR is positioned parallel to the experimental angle or positioned at a reference angle.ConclusionFor the phantom study it has been shown that positioning the IR parallel to the angle of the sternum produces a more balanced contact pressure distribution and improved breast surface area footprint. The human study demonstrated no statistically significant difference between pressure and area balance on the reference angle and the experimental angle.For pain experienced score, although there was a 95% chance that the actual pain score for the compression on the reference angle fell within 3.81 and 5.76. and that of the experimental angle fell within 3.02 and 4.79, there was no statistically significant difference between pain experienced from compression on both angles