142 research outputs found

    A Systematic Approach to Constructing Families of Incremental Topology Control Algorithms Using Graph Transformation

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    In the communication systems domain, constructing and maintaining network topologies via topology control (TC) algorithms is an important cross-cutting research area. Network topologies are usually modeled using attributed graphs whose nodes and edges represent the network nodes and their interconnecting links. A key requirement of TC algorithms is to fulfill certain consistency and optimization properties to ensure a high quality of service. Still, few attempts have been made to constructively integrate these properties into the development process of TC algorithms. Furthermore, even though many TC algorithms share substantial parts (such as structural patterns or tie-breaking strategies), few works constructively leverage these commonalities and differences of TC algorithms systematically. In previous work, we addressed the constructive integration of consistency properties into the development process. We outlined a constructive, model-driven methodology for designing individual TC algorithms. Valid and high-quality topologies are characterized using declarative graph constraints; TC algorithms are specified using programmed graph transformation. We applied a well-known static analysis technique to refine a given TC algorithm in a way that the resulting algorithm preserves the specified graph constraints. In this paper, we extend our constructive methodology by generalizing it to support the specification of families of TC algorithms. To show the feasibility of our approach, we reneging six existing TC algorithms and develop e-kTC, a novel energy-efficient variant of the TC algorithm kTC. Finally, we evaluate a subset of the specified TC algorithms using a new tool integration of the graph transformation tool eMoflon and the Simonstrator network simulation framework.Comment: Corresponds to the accepted manuscrip

    Analyzing and Enhancing Routing Protocols for Friend-to-Friend Overlays

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    The threat of surveillance by governmental and industrial parties is more eminent than ever. As communication moves into the digital domain, the advances in automatic assessment and interpretation of enormous amounts of data enable tracking of millions of people, recording and monitoring their private life with an unprecedented accurateness. The knowledge of such an all-encompassing loss of privacy affects the behavior of individuals, inducing various degrees of (self-)censorship and anxiety. Furthermore, the monopoly of a few large-scale organizations on digital communication enables global censorship and manipulation of public opinion. Thus, the current situation undermines the freedom of speech to a detrimental degree and threatens the foundations of modern society. Anonymous and censorship-resistant communication systems are hence of utmost importance to circumvent constant surveillance. However, existing systems are highly vulnerable to infiltration and sabotage. In particular, Sybil attacks, i.e., powerful parties inserting a large number of fake identities into the system, enable malicious parties to observe and possibly manipulate a large fraction of the communication within the system. Friend-to-friend (F2F) overlays, which restrict direct communication to parties sharing a real-world trust relationship, are a promising countermeasure to Sybil attacks, since the requirement of establishing real-world trust increases the cost of infiltration drastically. Yet, existing F2F overlays suffer from a low performance, are vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks, or fail to provide anonymity. Our first contribution in this thesis is concerned with an in-depth analysis of the concepts underlying the design of state-of-the-art F2F overlays. In the course of this analysis, we first extend the existing evaluation methods considerably, hence providing tools for both our and future research in the area of F2F overlays and distributed systems in general. Based on the novel methodology, we prove that existing approaches are inherently unable to offer acceptable delays without either requiring exhaustive maintenance costs or enabling denial-of-service attacks and de-anonymization. Consequentially, our second contribution lies in the design and evaluation of a novel concept for F2F overlays based on insights of the prior in-depth analysis. Our previous analysis has revealed that greedy embeddings allow highly efficient communication in arbitrary connectivity-restricted overlays by addressing participants through coordinates and adapting these coordinates to the overlay structure. However, greedy embeddings in their original form reveal the identity of the communicating parties and fail to provide the necessary resilience in the presence of dynamic and possibly malicious users. Therefore, we present a privacy-preserving communication protocol for greedy embeddings based on anonymous return addresses rather than identifying node coordinates. Furthermore, we enhance the communication’s robustness and attack-resistance by using multiple parallel embeddings and alternative algorithms for message delivery. We show that our approach achieves a low communication complexity. By replacing the coordinates with anonymous addresses, we furthermore provably achieve anonymity in the form of plausible deniability against an internal local adversary. Complementary, our simulation study on real-world data indicates that our approach is highly efficient and effectively mitigates the impact of failures as well as powerful denial-of-service attacks. Our fundamental results open new possibilities for anonymous and censorship-resistant applications.Die Bedrohung der Überwachung durch staatliche oder kommerzielle Stellen ist ein drängendes Problem der modernen Gesellschaft. Heutzutage findet Kommunikation vermehrt über digitale Kanäle statt. Die so verfügbaren Daten über das Kommunikationsverhalten eines Großteils der Bevölkerung in Kombination mit den Möglichkeiten im Bereich der automatisierten Verarbeitung solcher Daten erlauben das großflächige Tracking von Millionen an Personen, deren Privatleben mit noch nie da gewesener Genauigkeit aufgezeichnet und beobachtet werden kann. Das Wissen über diese allumfassende Überwachung verändert das individuelle Verhalten und führt so zu (Selbst-)zensur sowie Ängsten. Des weiteren ermöglicht die Monopolstellung einiger weniger Internetkonzernen globale Zensur und Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung. Deshalb stellt die momentane Situation eine drastische Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit dar und bedroht die Grundfesten der modernen Gesellschaft. Systeme zur anonymen und zensurresistenten Kommunikation sind daher von ungemeiner Wichtigkeit. Jedoch sind die momentanen System anfällig gegen Sabotage. Insbesondere ermöglichen es Sybil-Angriffe, bei denen ein Angreifer eine große Anzahl an gefälschten Teilnehmern in ein System einschleust und so einen großen Teil der Kommunikation kontrolliert, Kommunikation innerhalb eines solchen Systems zu beobachten und zu manipulieren. F2F Overlays dagegen erlauben nur direkte Kommunikation zwischen Teilnehmern, die eine Vertrauensbeziehung in der realen Welt teilen. Dadurch erschweren F2F Overlays das Eindringen von Angreifern in das System entscheidend und verringern so den Einfluss von Sybil-Angriffen. Allerdings leiden die existierenden F2F Overlays an geringer Leistungsfähigkeit, Anfälligkeit gegen Denial-of-Service Angriffe oder fehlender Anonymität. Der erste Beitrag dieser Arbeit liegt daher in der fokussierten Analyse der Konzepte, die in den momentanen F2F Overlays zum Einsatz kommen. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit erweitern wir zunächst die existierenden Evaluationsmethoden entscheidend und erarbeiten so Methoden, die Grundlagen für unsere sowie zukünftige Forschung in diesem Bereich bilden. Basierend auf diesen neuen Evaluationsmethoden zeigen wir, dass die existierenden Ansätze grundlegend nicht fähig sind, akzeptable Antwortzeiten bereitzustellen ohne im Zuge dessen enorme Instandhaltungskosten oder Anfälligkeiten gegen Angriffe in Kauf zu nehmen. Folglich besteht unser zweiter Beitrag in der Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines neuen Konzeptes für F2F Overlays, basierenden auf den Erkenntnissen der vorangehenden Analyse. Insbesondere ergab sich in der vorangehenden Evaluation, dass Greedy Embeddings hoch-effiziente Kommunikation erlauben indem sie Teilnehmer durch Koordinaten adressieren und diese an die Struktur des Overlays anpassen. Jedoch sind Greedy Embeddings in ihrer ursprünglichen Form nicht auf anonyme Kommunikation mit einer dynamischen Teilnehmermengen und potentiellen Angreifern ausgelegt. Daher präsentieren wir ein Privätssphäre-schützenden Kommunikationsprotokoll für F2F Overlays, in dem die identifizierenden Koordinaten durch anonyme Adressen ersetzt werden. Des weiteren erhöhen wir die Resistenz der Kommunikation durch den Einsatz mehrerer Embeddings und alternativer Algorithmen zum Finden von Routen. Wir beweisen, dass unser Ansatz eine geringe Kommunikationskomplexität im Bezug auf die eigentliche Kommunikation sowie die Instandhaltung des Embeddings aufweist. Ferner zeigt unsere Simulationstudie, dass der Ansatz effiziente Kommunikation mit kurzen Antwortszeiten und geringer Instandhaltungskosten erreicht sowie den Einfluss von Ausfälle und Angriffe erfolgreich abschwächt. Unsere grundlegenden Ergebnisse eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten in der Entwicklung anonymer und zensurresistenter Anwendungen

    Service-Driven Networking

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    This thesis presents our research on service-driven networking, which is a general design framework for service quality assurance and integrated network and service management in large scale multi-domain networks. The philosophy is to facilitate bi-party open participation among the users and the providers of network services in order to bring about better service customization and quality assurance, without sacrificing the autonomy and objectives of the individual entities. Three primary research topics are documented: service composition and adaptation, self-stabilization in uncoordinated environment, and service quality modeling. The work involves theoretical analysis, algorithm design, and simulations as evaluation methodology


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    This dissertation deals with various newly emerging topics in the context of cooperative networking. The first part is about the cognitive radio. To guarantee the performance of high priority users, it is important to know the activity of the high priority communication system but the knowledge is usually imperfect due to randomness in the observed signal. In such a context, the stability property of cognitive radio systems in the presence of sensing errors is studied. General guidelines on controlling the operating point of the sensing device over its receiver operating characteristics are also given. We then consider the hybrid of different modes of operation for cognitive radio systems with time-varying connectivity. The random connectivity gives additional chances that can be utilized by the low priority communication system. The second part of this dissertation is about the random access. We are specifically interested in the scenario when the nodes are harvesting energy from the environment. For such a system, we accurately assess the effect of limited, but renewable, energy availability on the stability region. The effect of finite capacity batteries is also studied. We next consider the exploitation of diversity amongst users under random access framework. That is, each user adapts its transmission probability based on the local channel state information in a decentralized manner. The impact of imperfect channel state information on the stability region is investigated. Furthermore, it is compared to the class of stationary scheduling policies that make centralized decisions based on the channel state feedback. The backpressure policy for cross-layer control of wireless multi-hop networks is known to be throughput-optimal for i.i.d. arrivals. The third part of this dissertation is about the backpressure-based control for networks with time-correlated arrivals that may exhibit long-range dependency. It is shown that the original backpressure policy is still throughput-optimal but with increased average network delay. The case when the arrival rate vector is possibly outside the stability region is also studied by augmenting the backpressure policy with the flow control mechanism. Lastly, the problem of neighbor discovery in a wireless sensor network is dealt. We first introduce the realistic effect of physical layer considerations in the evaluation of the performance of logical discovery algorithms by incorporating physical layer parameters. Secondly, given the lack of knowledge of the number of neighbors along with the lack of knowledge of the individual signal parameters, we adopt the viewpoint of random set theory to the problem of detecting the transmitting neighbors. Random set theory is a generalization of standard probability theory by assigning sets, rather than values, to random outcomes and it has been applied to multi-user detection problem when the set of transmitters are unknown and dynamically changing

    Distributed k-ary System: Algorithms for Distributed Hash Tables

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    This dissertation presents algorithms for data structures called distributed hash tables (DHT) or structured overlay networks, which are used to build scalable self-managing distributed systems. The provided algorithms guarantee lookup consistency in the presence of dynamism: they guarantee consistent lookup results in the presence of nodes joining and leaving. Similarly, the algorithms guarantee that routing never fails while nodes join and leave. Previous algorithms for lookup consistency either suffer from starvation, do not work in the presence of failures, or lack proof of correctness. Several group communication algorithms for structured overlay networks are presented. We provide an overlay broadcast algorithm, which unlike previous algorithms avoids redundant messages, reaching all nodes in O(log n) time, while using O(n) messages, where n is the number of nodes in the system. The broadcast algorithm is used to build overlay multicast. We introduce bulk operation, which enables a node to efficiently make multiple lookups or send a message to all nodes in a specified set of identifiers. The algorithm ensures that all specified nodes are reached in O(log n) time, sending maximum O(log n) messages per node, regardless of the input size of the bulk operation. Moreover, the algorithm avoids sending redundant messages. Previous approaches required multiple lookups, which consume more messages and can render the initiator a bottleneck. Our algorithms are used in DHT-based storage systems, where nodes can do thousands of lookups to fetch large files. We use the bulk operation algorithm to construct a pseudo-reliable broadcast algorithm. Bulk operations can also be used to implement efficient range queries. Finally, we describe a novel way to place replicas in a DHT, called symmetric replication, that enables parallel recursive lookups. Parallel lookups are known to reduce latencies. However, costly iterative lookups have previously been used to do parallel lookups. Moreover, joins or leaves only require exchanging O(1) messages, while other schemes require at least log(f) messages for a replication degree of f. The algorithms have been implemented in a middleware called the Distributed k-ary System (DKS), which is briefly described

    A Novel Locality Algorithm and Peer-to-Peer Communication Infrastructure for Optimizing Network Performance in Smart Microgrids

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    [EN] Peer-to-Peer (P2P) overlay communications networks have emerged as a new paradigm for implementing distributed services in microgrids due to their potential benefits: they are robust, scalable, fault-tolerant, and they can route messages even with a large number of nodes which are frequently entering or leaving from the network. However, current P2P systems have been mainly developed for file sharing or cycle sharing applications where the processes of searching and managing resources are not optimized. Locality algorithms have gained a lot of attention due to their potential to provide an optimized path to groups with similar interests for routing messages in order to get better network performance. This paper develops a fully functional decentralized communication architecture with a new P2P locality algorithm and a specific protocol for monitoring and control of microgrids. Experimental results show that the proposed locality algorithm reduces the number of lookup messages and the lookup delay time. Moreover, the proposed communication architecture heavily depends of the lookup used algorithm as well as the placement of the communication layers within the architecture. Experimental results will show that the proposed techniques meet the network requirements of smart microgrids even with a large number of nodes on stream.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under Grant ENE2015-64087-C2-2R. This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under BES-2013-064539.Marzal-Romeu, S.; González-Medina, R.; Salas-Puente, RA.; Figueres Amorós, E.; Garcerá, G. (2017). A Novel Locality Algorithm and Peer-to-Peer Communication Infrastructure for Optimizing Network Performance in Smart Microgrids. Energies. 10(9):1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/en10091275S125109Khan, R. H., & Khan, J. Y. (2013). A comprehensive review of the application characteristics and traffic requirements of a smart grid communications network. Computer Networks, 57(3), 825-845. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2012.11.002Dada, J. O. (2014). Towards understanding the benefits and challenges of Smart/Micro-Grid for electricity supply system in Nigeria. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 38, 1003-1014. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2014.07.077Lidula, N. W. A., & Rajapakse, A. D. (2011). Microgrids research: A review of experimental microgrids and test systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(1), 186-202. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2010.09.041Hussain, A., Arif, S. M., Aslam, M., & Shah, S. D. A. (2017). Optimal siting and sizing of tri-generation equipment for developing an autonomous community microgrid considering uncertainties. Sustainable Cities and Society, 32, 318-330. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2017.04.004Dehghanpour, K., Colson, C., & Nehrir, H. (2017). A Survey on Smart Agent-Based Microgrids for Resilient/Self-Healing Grids. Energies, 10(5), 620. doi:10.3390/en10050620Palizban, O., Kauhaniemi, K., & Guerrero, J. M. (2014). Microgrids in active network management – part II: System operation, power quality and protection. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 36, 440-451. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2014.04.048Shi, W., Li, N., Chu, C.-C., & Gadh, R. (2017). Real-Time Energy Management in Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 8(1), 228-238. doi:10.1109/tsg.2015.2462294Deng, R., Yang, Z., Chow, M.-Y., & Chen, J. (2015). A Survey on Demand Response in Smart Grids: Mathematical Models and Approaches. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 11(3), 570-582. doi:10.1109/tii.2015.2414719Moazami Goodarzi, H., & Kazemi, M. (2017). A Novel Optimal Control Method for Islanded Microgrids Based on Droop Control Using the ICA-GA Algorithm. Energies, 10(4), 485. doi:10.3390/en10040485Erol-Kantarci, M., Kantarci, B., & Mouftah, H. (2011). Reliable overlay topology design for the smart microgrid network. IEEE Network, 25(5), 38-43. doi:10.1109/mnet.2011.6033034Hassan Youssef, K. (2016). Optimal management of unbalanced smart microgrids for scheduled and unscheduled multiple transitions between grid-connected and islanded modes. Electric Power Systems Research, 141, 104-113. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2016.07.015Giotitsas, C., Pazaitis, A., & Kostakis, V. (2015). A peer-to-peer approach to energy production. Technology in Society, 42, 28-38. doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2015.02.002Kazmi, S. A. A., Shahzad, M. K., Khan, A. Z., & Shin, D. R. (2017). Smart Distribution Networks: A Review of Modern Distribution Concepts from a Planning Perspective. Energies, 10(4), 501. doi:10.3390/en10040501Werth, A., Andre, A., Kawamoto, D., Morita, T., Tajima, S., Tokoro, M., … Tanaka, K. (2018). Peer-to-Peer Control System for DC Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(4), 3667-3675. doi:10.1109/tsg.2016.2638462Deconinck, G., Vanthournout, K., Beitollahi, H., Qui, Z., Duan, R., Nauwelaers, B., … Belmans, R. (2008). A Robust Semantic Overlay Network for Microgrid Control Applications. Architecting Dependable Systems V, 101-123. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85571-2_5Bandara, H. M. N. D., & Jayasumana, A. P. (2012). Collaborative applications over peer-to-peer systems–challenges and solutions. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 6(3), 257-276. doi:10.1007/s12083-012-0157-3Palizban, O., & Kauhaniemi, K. (2015). Hierarchical control structure in microgrids with distributed generation: Island and grid-connected mode. 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Multiagent-Based Distributed Load Shedding for Islanded Microgrids. Energies, 7(9), 6050-6062. doi:10.3390/en7096050Kantamneni, A., Brown, L. E., Parker, G., & Weaver, W. W. (2015). Survey of multi-agent systems for microgrid control. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 45, 192-203. doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2015.07.005Lopes, A. L., & Botelho, L. M. (2008). Improving Multi-Agent Based Resource Coordination in Peer-to-Peer Networks. Journal of Networks, 3(2). doi:10.4304/jnw.3.2.38-47Cameron, A., Stumptner, M., Nandagopal, N., Mayer, W., & Mansell, T. (2015). Rule-based peer-to-peer framework for decentralised real-time service oriented architectures. Science of Computer Programming, 97, 202-234. doi:10.1016/j.scico.2014.06.005Zhang, C., Wu, J., Cheng, M., Zhou, Y., & Long, C. (2016). A Bidding System for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in a Grid-connected Microgrid. Energy Procedia, 103, 147-152. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2016.11.264Malatras, A. (2015). 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