4,467 research outputs found

    Radar imaging from a spinning spacecraft

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    The feasibility of imaging the surface of Venus using a synthetic aperture radar in a spin stabilized Pioneer class spacecraft operating in an eccentric orbit is studied. Imaging radar fundamentals, constraints, power requirements and data processing considerations are reviewed. Additional effects due to operation from an elliptical orbit with a spinning spacecraft are covered. Recommended spin parameters are determined by simulations. Extensions to include noncoherent integration and stereo coverage are briefly reviewed. The results indicate that resolution on the order of 100 meters can be obtained from a 0.2 eccentricity orbit using a 2 meter antenna and reasonable transmitter power levels

    Joint space aspect reconstruction of wide-angle SAR exploiting sparsity

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    In this paper we present an algorithm for wide-angle synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation. Reconstruction of wide-angle SAR holds a promise of higher resolution and better information about a scene, but it also poses a number of challenges when compared to the traditional narrow-angle SAR. Most prominently, the isotropic point scattering model is no longer valid. We present an algorithm capable of producing high resolution reflectivity maps in both space and aspect, thus accounting for the anisotropic scattering behavior of targets. We pose the problem as a non-parametric three-dimensional inversion problem, with two constraints: magnitudes of the backscattered power are highly correlated across closely spaced look angles and the backscattered power originates from a small set of point scatterers. This approach considers jointly all scatterers in the scene across all azimuths, and exploits the sparsity of the underlying scattering field. We implement the algorithm and present reconstruction results on realistic data obtained from the XPatch Backhoe dataset

    SAR imagery of ocean-wave swell traveling in an arbitrary direction

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    The intensity wave like patterns observed in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) are known to be caused by two mechanisms: the microwave radar cross sectional amplitude modulation due to tilt and hydrodynamic interaction of the long ocean waves, and intensity modulation due to the motion of the long ocean waves. Two dimensional closed form expressions of intensity wave patterns based on ocean wave swell are developed. They illustrate the relative importance of the amplitude and motion modulations; they also show that velocity bunching and a distortion due to the phase velocity of the ocean wave field are independent of the focus adjustment, provided that the second order temporal effects are neglected. Second order effects are small only over a limited range of ocean/radar parameters

    Method for detecting surface motions and mapping small terrestrial or planetary surface deformations with synthetic aperture radar

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    A technique based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry is used to measure very small (1 cm or less) surface deformations with good resolution (10 m) over large areas (50 km). It can be used for accurate measurements of many geophysical phenomena, including swelling and buckling in fault zones, residual, vertical and lateral displacements from seismic events, and prevolcanic swelling. Two SAR images are made of a scene by two spaced antennas and a difference interferogram of the scene is made. After unwrapping phases of pixels of the difference interferogram, surface motion or deformation changes of the surface are observed. A second interferogram of the same scene is made from a different pair of images, at least one of which is made after some elapsed time. The second interferogram is then compared with the first interferogram to detect changes in line of sight position of pixels. By resolving line of sight observations into their vector components in other sets of interferograms along at least one other direction, lateral motions may be recovered in their entirety. Since in general, the SAR images are made from flight tracks that are separated, it is not possible to distinguish surface changes from the parallax caused by topography. However, a third image may be used to remove the topography and leave only the surface changes

    System Concepts for Bi- and Multi-Static SAR Missions

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    The performance and capabilities of bi- and multistatic spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are analyzed. Such systems can be optimized for a broad range of applications like frequent monitoring, wide swath imaging, single-pass cross-track interferometry, along-track interferometry, resolution enhancement or radar tomography. Further potentials arises from digital beamforming on receive, which allows to gather additional information about the direction of the scattered radar echoes. This directional information can be used to suppress interferences, to improve geometric and radiometric resolution, or to increase the unambiguous swath width. Furthermore, a coherent combination of multiple receiver signals will allow for a suppression of azimuth ambiguities. For this, a reconstruction algorithm is derived, which enables a recovery of the unambiguous Doppler spectrum also in case of non-optimum receiver aperture displacements leading to a non-uniform sampling of the SAR signal. This algorithm has also a great potential for systems relying on the displaced phase center (DPC) technique, like the high resolution wide swath (HRWS) SAR or the split antenna approach in the TerraSAR-X and Radarsat II satellites

    Pipelined digital SAR azimuth correlator using hybrid FFT-transversal filter

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    A synthetic aperture radar system (SAR) having a range correlator is provided with a hybrid azimuth correlator which utilizes a block-pipe-lined fast Fourier transform (FFT). The correlator has a predetermined FFT transform size with delay elements for delaying SAR range correlated data so as to embed in the Fourier transform operation a corner-turning function as the range correlated SAR data is converted from the time domain to a frequency domain. The azimuth correlator is comprised of a transversal filter to receive the SAR data in the frequency domain, a generator for range migration compensation and azimuth reference functions, and an azimuth reference multiplier for correlation of the SAR data. Following the transversal filter is a block-pipelined inverse FFT used to restore azimuth correlated data in the frequency domain to the time domain for imaging

    Proposed satellite position determination systems and techniques for Geostationary Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This paper proposes two different calibration techniques for Geostationary Synthetic Aperture Radar (GEOSAR) missions requiring a high precision positioning, based on Active Radar Calibrators and Ground Based Interferometry. The research is enclosed in the preparation studies of a future GEOSAR mission providing continuous monitoring at continental scale.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An Efficient Polyphase Filter Based Resampling Method for Unifying the PRFs in SAR Data

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    Variable and higher pulse repetition frequencies (PRFs) are increasingly being used to meet the stricter requirements and complexities of current airborne and spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems associated with higher resolution and wider area products. POLYPHASE, the proposed resampling scheme, downsamples and unifies variable PRFs within a single look complex (SLC) SAR acquisition and across a repeat pass sequence of acquisitions down to an effective lower PRF. A sparsity condition of the received SAR data ensures that the uniformly resampled data approximates the spectral properties of a decimated densely sampled version of the received SAR data. While experiments conducted with both synthetically generated and real airborne SAR data show that POLYPHASE retains comparable performance to the state-of-the-art BLUI scheme in image quality, a polyphase filter-based implementation of POLYPHASE offers significant computational savings for arbitrary (not necessarily periodic) input PRF variations, thus allowing fully on-board, in-place, and real-time implementation

    An introduction to the interim digital SAR processor and the characteristics of the associated Seasat SAR imagery

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    Basic engineering data regarding the Interim Digital SAR Processor (IDP) and the digitally correlated Seasat synthetic aperature radar (SAR) imagery are presented. The correlation function and IDP hardware/software configuration are described, and a preliminary performance assessment presented. The geometric and radiometric characteristics, with special emphasis on those peculiar to the IDP produced imagery, are described