240 research outputs found

    Virtual sensing directional hub MAC (VSDH-MAC) protocol with power control

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    Medium access control (MAC) protocols play a vital role in making effective use of a multiple access channel as it governs the achievable performance such as channel utilization and corresponding quality of service of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, a virtual carrier sensing directional hub (VSDH) MAC protocol incorporating realistic directional antenna patterns is proposed for directional single hub centralized WSNs. While in most instances, MAC protocols assume idealized directional antenna patterns, the proposed VSDH-MAC protocol incorporates realistic directional antenna patterns to deliver enhanced link performance. We demonstrate that the use of directional antennas with a suitable MAC protocol can provide enhanced communication range and increased throughput with reduced energy consumption at each node, compared to the case when only omnidirectional antennas are used. For the scenarios considered in this study, results show that the average transmit power of the sensor nodes can be reduced by a factor of two, and at the same time offer significantly extended lifetime

    MAC Protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks with Multi-beam Antennas: A Survey

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    Multi-beam antenna technologies have provided lots of promising solutions to many current challenges faced in wireless mesh networks. The antenna can establish several beamformings simultaneously and initiate concurrent transmissions or receptions using multiple beams, thereby increasing the overall throughput of the network transmission. Multi-beam antenna has the ability to increase the spatial reuse, extend the transmission range, improve the transmission reliability, as well as save the power consumption. Traditional Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols for wireless network largely relied on the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function(DCF) mechanism, however, IEEE 802.11 DCF cannot take the advantages of these unique capabilities provided by multi-beam antennas. This paper surveys the MAC protocols for wireless mesh networks with multi-beam antennas. The paper first discusses some basic information in designing multi-beam antenna system and MAC protocols, and then presents the main challenges for the MAC protocols in wireless mesh networks compared with the traditional MAC protocols. A qualitative comparison of the existing MAC protocols is provided to highlight their novel features, which provides a reference for designing the new MAC protocols. To provide some insights on future research, several open issues of MAC protocols are discussed for wireless mesh networks using multi-beam antennas.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12388-8_

    Medium Access Control Protocols for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    Studies of ad hoc wireless networks are a relatively new field gaining more popularity for various new applications. In these networks, the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols are responsible for coordinating the access from active nodes. These protocols are of significant importance since the wireless communication channel is inherently prone to errors and unique problems such as the hidden-terminal problem, the exposed-terminal problem, and signal fading effects. Although a lot of research has been conducted on MAC protocols, the various issues involved have mostly been presented in isolation of each other. We therefore make an attempt to present a comprehensive survey of major schemes, integrating various related issues and challenges with a view to providing a big-picture outlook to this vast area. We present a classification of MAC protocols and their brief description, based on their operating principles and underlying features. In conclusion, we present a brief summary of key ideas and a general direction for future work

    Channel Allocation in An Overlaid Mesh Network

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    In spite of recent advancement of Wireless Mesh Technology, a lot of research challenges remained to be solved to extract the full capacity of this modern technology. As 802.11a/b/g standards make available the use of multi radio multi channel in a wireless node, a lot of research activities are going on to efficiently allocate the channel of a Mesh Network to boost its overall performances. In this research, the prospect of dividing the total network area into two non-overlapping channels of a given Mesh Network is investigated and analyzed numerically. It is found that the throughput is doubled as well as the fairness improves considerably if we deploy two channels instead of single channel backbone. An extensive simulation study has been carried out to find the optimum coverage area between two channels. The study shows that at a particular point of allocation, the network gives the optimum response.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Design and Analysis of Medium Access Control Protocols for Broadband Wireless Networks

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    The next-generation wireless networks are expected to integrate diverse network architectures and various wireless access technologies to provide a robust solution for ubiquitous broadband wireless access, such as wireless local area networks (WLANs), Ultra-Wideband (UWB), and millimeter-wave (mmWave) based wireless personal area networks (WPANs), etc. To enhance the spectral efficiency and link reliability, smart antenna systems have been proposed as a promising candidate for future broadband access networks. To effectively exploit the increased capabilities of the emerging wireless networks, the different network characteristics and the underlying physical layer features need to be considered in the medium access control (MAC) design, which plays a critical role in providing efficient and fair resource sharing among multiple users. In this thesis, we comprehensively investigate the MAC design in both single- and multi-hop broadband wireless networks, with and without infrastructure support. We first develop mathematical models to identify the performance bottlenecks and constraints in the design and operation of existing MAC. We then use a cross-layer approach to mitigate the identified bottleneck problems. Finally, by evaluating the performance of the proposed protocols with analytical models and extensive simulations, we determine the optimal protocol parameters to maximize the network performance. In specific, a generic analytical framework is developed for capacity study of an IEEE 802.11 WLAN in support of non-persistent asymmetric traffic flows. The analysis can be applied for effective admission control to guarantee the quality of service (QoS) performance of multimedia applications. As the access point (AP) becomes the bottleneck in an infrastructure based WLAN, we explore the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) capability in the future IEEE 802.11n WLANs and propose a MIMO-aware multi-user (MU) MAC. By exploiting the multi-user degree of freedom in a MIMO system to allow the AP to communicate with multiple users in the downlink simultaneously, the proposed MU MAC can minimize the AP-bottleneck effect and significantly improve the network capacity. Other enhanced MAC mechanisms, e.g., frame aggregation and bidirectional transmissions, are also studied. Furthermore, different from a narrowband system where simultaneous transmissions by nearby neighbors collide with each other, wideband system can support multiple concurrent transmissions if the multi-user interference can be properly managed. Taking advantage of the salient features of UWB and mmWave communications, we propose an exclusive region (ER) based MAC protocol to exploit the spatial multiplexing gain of centralized UWB and mmWave based wireless networks. Moreover, instead of studying the asymptotic capacity bounds of arbitrary networks which may be too loose to be useful in realistic networks, we derive the expected capacity or transport capacity of UWB and mmWave based networks with random topology. The analysis reveals the main factors affecting the network (transport) capacity, and how to determine the best protocol parameters to maximize the network capacity. In addition, due to limited transmission range, multi-hop relay is necessary to extend the communication coverage of UWB networks. A simple, scalable, and distributed UWB MAC protocol is crucial for efficiently utilizing the large bandwidth of UWB channels and enabling numerous new applications cost-effectively. To address this issue, we further design a distributed asynchronous ER based MAC for multi-hop UWB networks and derive the optimal ER size towards the maximum network throughput. The proposed MAC can significantly improve both network throughput and fairness performance, while the throughput and fairness are usually treated as a tradeoff in other MAC protocols

    A survey on wireless ad hoc networks

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    A wireless ad hoc network is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically self-organize into an arbitrary and temporary topology to form a network without necessarily using any pre-existing infrastructure. These characteristics make ad hoc networks well suited for military activities, emergency operations, and disaster recoveries. Nevertheless, as electronic devices are getting smaller, cheaper, and more powerful, the mobile market is rapidly growing and, as a consequence, the need of seamlessly internetworking people and devices becomes mandatory. New wireless technologies enable easy deployment of commercial applications for ad hoc networks. The design of an ad hoc network has to take into account several interesting and difficult problems due to noisy, limited-range, and insecure wireless transmissions added to mobility and energy constraints. This paper presents an overview of issues related to medium access control (MAC), routing, and transport in wireless ad hoc networks and techniques proposed to improve the performance of protocols. Research activities and problems requiring further work are also presented. Finally, the paper presents a project concerning an ad hoc network to easily deploy Internet services on low-income habitations fostering digital inclusion8th IFIP/IEEE International conference on Mobile and Wireless CommunicationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Enhanced congestion control in TCP for solving hidden terminal problems in ad hoc wireless networks

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    This paper studies TCP performance over multihop wireless ad hoc networks that use the IEEE 802.11 protocol as the access method. The aim is to improve the TCP fairness while keeping the algorithm as simple as possible, since in previous works the algorithm designs were more complicated. We propose a simple approach to improve fairness based on scheduling (pacing) new packets according to the transmission interval formed from scaled round-trip time (RTT) and congestion window. Our simulation shows that, given specific scale parameter x, TCP achieves high fairness and throughput via improved spatial channel reuse, if it operates in a certain range of the transmission interval

    Belaidžio ryšio tinklų terpės prieigos valdymo tyrimas

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    Over the years, consumer requirements for Quality of Service (QoS) has been growing exponentially. Recently, the ratification process of newly IEEE 802.11ad amendment to IEEE 802.11 was finished. The IEEE 802.11ad is the newly con-sumer wireless communication approach, which will gain high spot on the 5G evolution. Major players in wireless market, such as Qualcomm already are inte-grating solutions from unlicensed band, like IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11ad into their architecture of LTE PRO (the next evolutionary step for 5G networking) (Qualcomm 2013; Parker et al. 2015). As the demand is growing both in enter-prise wireless networking and home consumer markets. Consumers started to no-tice the performance degradation due to overcrowded unlicensed bands. The un-licensed bands such as 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz are widely used for up-to-date IEEE 802.11n/ac technologies with upcoming IEEE 802.11ax. However, overusage of the available frequency leads to severe interference issue and consequences in to-tal system performance degradation, currently existing wireless medium access method can not sustain the increasing intereference and thus wireless needs a new methods of wireless medium access. The main focal point of this dissertation is to improve wireless performance in dense wireless networks. In dissertation both the conceptual and multi-band wireless medium access methods are considered both from theoretical point of view and experimental usage. The introduction chapter presents the investigated problem and it’s objects of research as well as importance of dissertation and it’s scientific novelty in the unlicensed wireless field. Chapter 1 revises used literature. Existing and up-to-date state-of-the-art so-lution are reviewed, evaluated and key point advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn at the end of the chapter. Chapter 2 describes theoretical analysis of wireless medium access protocols and the new wireless medium access method. During analysis theoretical simula-tions are performed. Conclusions are drawn at the end of the chapter. Chapter 3 is focused on the experimental components evaluation for multi-band system, which would be in line with theoretical concept investigations. The experimental results, showed that components of multi-band system can gain sig-nificant performance increase when compared to the existing IEEE 802.11n/ac wireless systems. General conclusions are drawn after analysis of measurement results

    Protocol design and optimization for QoS provisioning in wireless mesh networks

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    Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) has been recognized as a promising step towards the goal of ubiquitous broadband wireless Internet access. By exploiting the state-of-the-art radio and multi-hop networking technologies, mesh nodes in WMN collaboratively form a stationary wireless communication backbone. Data between clients and the Internet is routed through a series of mesh nodes via one or multiple paths. Such a mesh structure enables WMN to provide clients high-speed Internet access services with a less expensive and easier-to-deployment wireless infrastructure comparing to the wired counterparts. Due to the unique characteristics of WMN, existing protocols and schemes designed for other wellstudied wireless networks, such as Wi-Fi and Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET), are not suitable for WMN and hence cannot be applied to WMN directly. Therefore, novel protocols specifically designed and optimized forWMNare highly desired to fully exploit the mesh architecture. The goal is to provide high-level Quality-of-Service (QoS) to WMN clients to enable a rich portfolio of wireless and mobile applications and scenarios. This dissertation investigates the following important issues related to QoS provisioning in WMN: high throughput routing between WMN clients and the Internet, fairness provisioning among WMN clients and network-level capacity optimization. We propose innovative solutions to address these issues and improve the performance, scalability and reliability of WMN. In addition, we develop CyMesh, a multi-radio multi-channel (MRMC) wireless mesh network testbed, to evaluate the capacity and performance of WMN in real world environments. Extensive simulation (using the QualNet simulator) and experimental (over the CyMesh testbed) results demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed protocols. In particular, we learn that the system capacity of WMN can be improved significantly by exploiting the MRMC network architecture and the antenna directionality of radios equipped on mesh nodes, and our proposed fulfillment based fairness is a reasonable notion for fair service provisioning among WMN clients. Moreover, we report the encountered problems, key observations and learned lessons during the design and deployment of CyMesh, which may serve as a valuable resource for future MRMC WMN implementations